Commit 94f5fffebdaf8067b7fb39ae69b92608e3244f17
1 parent
--no commit message
1 changed file
43 additions
48 deletions
2 | - * | |
3 | - * This class was automatically generated by the | |
4 | - * aapt tool from the resource data it found. It | |
5 | - * should not be modified by hand. | |
6 | - */ | |
7 | - | |
8 | -package com.upc.pbe.upcnews; | |
9 | - | |
10 | -public final class R { | |
11 | - public static final class attr { | |
12 | - } | |
13 | - public static final class drawable { | |
14 | - public static final int ic_action_search=0x7f020000; | |
15 | - public static final int ic_launcher=0x7f020001; | |
16 | - } | |
17 | - public static final class id { | |
18 | - public static final int AbsoluteLayout1=0x7f080000; | |
19 | - public static final int button=0x7f080003; | |
20 | - public static final int itemprefs=0x7f080005; | |
21 | - public static final int menu_settings=0x7f080004; | |
22 | - public static final int textViewRoute=0x7f080002; | |
23 | - public static final int textViewXml=0x7f080001; | |
24 | - } | |
25 | - public static final class layout { | |
26 | - public static final int main_activity=0x7f030000; | |
27 | - } | |
28 | - public static final class menu { | |
29 | - public static final int activity_main=0x7f070000; | |
30 | - public static final int menu=0x7f070001; | |
31 | - } | |
32 | - public static final class string { | |
33 | - public static final int app_name=0x7f050000; | |
34 | - public static final int descarregar=0x7f050003; | |
35 | - public static final int hint=0x7f050004; | |
36 | - public static final int menu_settings=0x7f050001; | |
37 | - public static final int prefs=0x7f050007; | |
38 | - public static final int title_activity_main=0x7f050002; | |
39 | - public static final int url=0x7f050005; | |
40 | - public static final int urlhint=0x7f050006; | |
41 | - } | |
42 | - public static final class style { | |
43 | - public static final int AppTheme=0x7f060000; | |
44 | - } | |
45 | - public static final class xml { | |
46 | - public static final int prefs=0x7f040000; | |
47 | - } | |
48 | -} | |
2 | + * | |
3 | + * This class was automatically generated by the | |
4 | + * aapt tool from the resource data it found. It | |
5 | + * should not be modified by hand. | |
6 | + */ | |
7 | + | |
8 | +package com.upc.pbe.upcnews; | |
9 | + | |
10 | +public final class R { | |
11 | + public static final class attr { | |
12 | + } | |
13 | + public static final class drawable { | |
14 | + public static final int ic_action_search=0x7f020000; | |
15 | + public static final int ic_launcher=0x7f020001; | |
16 | + } | |
17 | + public static final class id { | |
18 | + public static final int AbsoluteLayout1=0x7f070000; | |
19 | + public static final int button=0x7f070003; | |
20 | + public static final int menu_settings=0x7f070004; | |
21 | + public static final int textViewRoute=0x7f070002; | |
22 | + public static final int textViewXml=0x7f070001; | |
23 | + } | |
24 | + public static final class layout { | |
25 | + public static final int main_activity=0x7f030000; | |
26 | + } | |
27 | + public static final class menu { | |
28 | + public static final int activity_main=0x7f060000; | |
29 | + } | |
30 | + public static final class string { | |
31 | + public static final int app_name=0x7f040000; | |
32 | + public static final int descarregar=0x7f040003; | |
33 | + public static final int hint=0x7f040004; | |
34 | + public static final int menu_settings=0x7f040001; | |
35 | + public static final int prefs=0x7f040007; | |
36 | + public static final int title_activity_main=0x7f040002; | |
37 | + public static final int url=0x7f040005; | |
38 | + public static final int urlhint=0x7f040006; | |
39 | + } | |
40 | + public static final class style { | |
41 | + public static final int AppTheme=0x7f050000; | |
42 | + } | |
43 | +} | |
... | ... |