Commit b6cf79d2fe59205f3817fcb418959779f088cde6
1 parent
--no commit message
38 changed files
27627 additions
31121 deletions
Too many changes to show.
To preserve performance only 6 of 38 files are displayed.
Project/applications/smartcities/.dep/buttonExample.o.d deleted
1 | -build/obj/buttonExample.o: buttonExample.c buttonExample.h \ | |
2 | - ../..//econais/libwismart.h ../..//os/kernel/include/ch.h \ | |
3 | - ../..//econais/inc/STM32F1/chconf.h ../..//os/ports/GCC/ARMCMx/chtypes.h \ | |
4 | - c:\yagarto\bin\../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/4.7.2/include/stddef.h \ | |
5 | - c:\yagarto\bin\../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/4.7.2/include/stdint.h \ | |
6 | - c:/yagarto/lib/gcc/../../arm-none-eabi/sys-include/stdint.h \ | |
7 | - ../..//os/kernel/include/chlists.h ../..//os/ports/GCC/ARMCMx/chcore.h \ | |
8 | - ../..//os/ports/GCC/ARMCMx/STM32F1xx/cmparams.h \ | |
9 | - ../..//os/ports/GCC/ARMCMx/chcore_v7m.h \ | |
10 | - ../..//os/ports/common/ARMCMx/nvic.h ../..//os/kernel/include/chsys.h \ | |
11 | - ../..//os/kernel/include/chvt.h ../..//os/kernel/include/chschd.h \ | |
12 | - ../..//os/kernel/include/chsem.h ../..//os/kernel/include/chbsem.h \ | |
13 | - ../..//os/kernel/include/chmtx.h ../..//os/kernel/include/chcond.h \ | |
14 | - ../..//os/kernel/include/chevents.h ../..//os/kernel/include/chmsg.h \ | |
15 | - ../..//os/kernel/include/chmboxes.h ../..//os/kernel/include/chmemcore.h \ | |
16 | - ../..//os/kernel/include/chheap.h ../..//os/kernel/include/chmempools.h \ | |
17 | - ../..//os/kernel/include/chthreads.h \ | |
18 | - ../..//os/kernel/include/chdynamic.h \ | |
19 | - ../..//os/kernel/include/chregistry.h \ | |
20 | - ../..//os/kernel/include/chinline.h ../..//os/kernel/include/chqueues.h \ | |
21 | - ../..//os/kernel/include/chstreams.h ../..//os/kernel/include/chioch.h \ | |
22 | - ../..//os/kernel/include/chfiles.h ../..//os/kernel/include/chdebug.h \ | |
23 | - c:/yagarto/lib/gcc/../../arm-none-eabi/sys-include/stdio.h \ | |
24 | - c:/yagarto/lib/gcc/../../arm-none-eabi/sys-include/_ansi.h \ | |
25 | - c:/yagarto/lib/gcc/../../arm-none-eabi/sys-include/newlib.h \ | |
26 | - c:/yagarto/lib/gcc/../../arm-none-eabi/sys-include/sys/config.h \ | |
27 | - c:/yagarto/lib/gcc/../../arm-none-eabi/sys-include/machine/ieeefp.h \ | |
28 | - c:/yagarto/lib/gcc/../../arm-none-eabi/sys-include/sys/features.h \ | |
29 | - c:\yagarto\bin\../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/4.7.2/include/stdarg.h \ | |
30 | - c:/yagarto/lib/gcc/../../arm-none-eabi/sys-include/sys/reent.h \ | |
31 | - c:/yagarto/lib/gcc/../../arm-none-eabi/sys-include/_ansi.h \ | |
32 | - c:/yagarto/lib/gcc/../../arm-none-eabi/sys-include/sys/_types.h \ | |
33 | - c:/yagarto/lib/gcc/../../arm-none-eabi/sys-include/machine/_types.h \ | |
34 | - c:/yagarto/lib/gcc/../../arm-none-eabi/sys-include/machine/_default_types.h \ | |
35 | - c:/yagarto/lib/gcc/../../arm-none-eabi/sys-include/sys/lock.h \ | |
36 | - c:/yagarto/lib/gcc/../../arm-none-eabi/sys-include/sys/types.h \ | |
37 | - c:/yagarto/lib/gcc/../../arm-none-eabi/sys-include/machine/types.h \ | |
38 | - c:/yagarto/lib/gcc/../../arm-none-eabi/sys-include/sys/stdio.h \ | |
39 | - c:/yagarto/lib/gcc/../../arm-none-eabi/sys-include/string.h \ | |
40 | - c:/yagarto/lib/gcc/../../arm-none-eabi/sys-include/sys/cdefs.h \ | |
41 | - c:/yagarto/lib/gcc/../../arm-none-eabi/sys-include/sys/string.h \ | |
42 | - c:/yagarto/lib/gcc/../../arm-none-eabi/sys-include/stdlib.h \ | |
43 | - c:/yagarto/lib/gcc/../../arm-none-eabi/sys-include/machine/stdlib.h \ | |
44 | - c:/yagarto/lib/gcc/../../arm-none-eabi/sys-include/alloca.h \ | |
45 | - ../..//econais/libwismart_mcu.h \ | |
46 | - ../..//econais/STM32_Libs/F1/inc/stm32f10x_gpio.h \ | |
47 | - ../..//econais/STM32_Libs/F1/CMSIS/CM3/DeviceSupport/ST/STM32F10x/stm32f10x.h \ | |
48 | - ../..//os/ports/common/ARMCMx/CMSIS/include/core_cm3.h \ | |
49 | - ../..//os/ports/common/ARMCMx/CMSIS/include/core_cmInstr.h \ | |
50 | - ../..//os/ports/common/ARMCMx/CMSIS/include/core_cmFunc.h \ | |
51 | - ../..//econais/STM32_Libs/F1/CMSIS/CM3/DeviceSupport/ST/STM32F10x/system_stm32f10x.h \ | |
52 | - ../..//econais/STM32_Libs/F1/CMSIS/CM3/DeviceSupport/ST/STM32F10x/stm32f10x_conf.h \ | |
53 | - ../..//econais/STM32_Libs/F1/inc/stm32f10x_cec.h \ | |
54 | - ../..//econais/STM32_Libs/F1/inc/stm32f10x_dma.h \ | |
55 | - ../..//econais/STM32_Libs/F1/inc/stm32f10x_exti.h \ | |
56 | - ../..//econais/STM32_Libs/F1/inc/stm32f10x_flash.h \ | |
57 | - ../..//econais/STM32_Libs/F1/inc/stm32f10x_fsmc.h \ | |
58 | - ../..//econais/STM32_Libs/F1/inc/stm32f10x_i2c.h \ | |
59 | - ../..//econais/STM32_Libs/F1/inc/stm32f10x_pwr.h \ | |
60 | - ../..//econais/STM32_Libs/F1/inc/stm32f10x_rcc.h \ | |
61 | - ../..//econais/STM32_Libs/F1/inc/stm32f10x_spi.h \ | |
62 | - ../..//econais/STM32_Libs/F1/inc/stm32f10x_tim.h \ | |
63 | - ../..//econais/STM32_Libs/F1/inc/stm32f10x_usart.h \ | |
64 | - ../..//econais/STM32_Libs/F1/inc/misc.h | |
65 | - | |
66 | -buttonExample.h: | |
67 | - | |
68 | -../..//econais/libwismart.h: | |
69 | - | |
70 | -../..//os/kernel/include/ch.h: | |
71 | - | |
72 | -../..//econais/inc/STM32F1/chconf.h: | |
73 | - | |
74 | -../..//os/ports/GCC/ARMCMx/chtypes.h: | |
75 | - | |
76 | -c:\yagarto\bin\../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/4.7.2/include/stddef.h: | |
77 | - | |
78 | -c:\yagarto\bin\../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/4.7.2/include/stdint.h: | |
79 | - | |
80 | -c:/yagarto/lib/gcc/../../arm-none-eabi/sys-include/stdint.h: | |
81 | - | |
82 | -../..//os/kernel/include/chlists.h: | |
83 | - | |
84 | -../..//os/ports/GCC/ARMCMx/chcore.h: | |
85 | - | |
86 | -../..//os/ports/GCC/ARMCMx/STM32F1xx/cmparams.h: | |
87 | - | |
88 | -../..//os/ports/GCC/ARMCMx/chcore_v7m.h: | |
89 | - | |
90 | -../..//os/ports/common/ARMCMx/nvic.h: | |
91 | - | |
92 | -../..//os/kernel/include/chsys.h: | |
93 | - | |
94 | -../..//os/kernel/include/chvt.h: | |
95 | - | |
96 | -../..//os/kernel/include/chschd.h: | |
97 | - | |
98 | -../..//os/kernel/include/chsem.h: | |
99 | - | |
100 | -../..//os/kernel/include/chbsem.h: | |
101 | - | |
102 | -../..//os/kernel/include/chmtx.h: | |
103 | - | |
104 | -../..//os/kernel/include/chcond.h: | |
105 | - | |
106 | -../..//os/kernel/include/chevents.h: | |
107 | - | |
108 | -../..//os/kernel/include/chmsg.h: | |
109 | - | |
110 | -../..//os/kernel/include/chmboxes.h: | |
111 | - | |
112 | -../..//os/kernel/include/chmemcore.h: | |
113 | - | |
114 | -../..//os/kernel/include/chheap.h: | |
115 | - | |
116 | -../..//os/kernel/include/chmempools.h: | |
117 | - | |
118 | -../..//os/kernel/include/chthreads.h: | |
119 | - | |
120 | -../..//os/kernel/include/chdynamic.h: | |
121 | - | |
122 | -../..//os/kernel/include/chregistry.h: | |
123 | - | |
124 | -../..//os/kernel/include/chinline.h: | |
125 | - | |
126 | -../..//os/kernel/include/chqueues.h: | |
127 | - | |
128 | -../..//os/kernel/include/chstreams.h: | |
129 | - | |
130 | -../..//os/kernel/include/chioch.h: | |
131 | - | |
132 | -../..//os/kernel/include/chfiles.h: | |
133 | - | |
134 | -../..//os/kernel/include/chdebug.h: | |
135 | - | |
136 | -c:/yagarto/lib/gcc/../../arm-none-eabi/sys-include/stdio.h: | |
137 | - | |
138 | -c:/yagarto/lib/gcc/../../arm-none-eabi/sys-include/_ansi.h: | |
139 | - | |
140 | -c:/yagarto/lib/gcc/../../arm-none-eabi/sys-include/newlib.h: | |
141 | - | |
142 | -c:/yagarto/lib/gcc/../../arm-none-eabi/sys-include/sys/config.h: | |
143 | - | |
144 | -c:/yagarto/lib/gcc/../../arm-none-eabi/sys-include/machine/ieeefp.h: | |
145 | - | |
146 | -c:/yagarto/lib/gcc/../../arm-none-eabi/sys-include/sys/features.h: | |
147 | - | |
148 | -c:\yagarto\bin\../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/4.7.2/include/stdarg.h: | |
149 | - | |
150 | -c:/yagarto/lib/gcc/../../arm-none-eabi/sys-include/sys/reent.h: | |
151 | - | |
152 | -c:/yagarto/lib/gcc/../../arm-none-eabi/sys-include/_ansi.h: | |
153 | - | |
154 | -c:/yagarto/lib/gcc/../../arm-none-eabi/sys-include/sys/_types.h: | |
155 | - | |
156 | -c:/yagarto/lib/gcc/../../arm-none-eabi/sys-include/machine/_types.h: | |
157 | - | |
158 | -c:/yagarto/lib/gcc/../../arm-none-eabi/sys-include/machine/_default_types.h: | |
159 | - | |
160 | -c:/yagarto/lib/gcc/../../arm-none-eabi/sys-include/sys/lock.h: | |
161 | - | |
162 | -c:/yagarto/lib/gcc/../../arm-none-eabi/sys-include/sys/types.h: | |
163 | - | |
164 | -c:/yagarto/lib/gcc/../../arm-none-eabi/sys-include/machine/types.h: | |
165 | - | |
166 | -c:/yagarto/lib/gcc/../../arm-none-eabi/sys-include/sys/stdio.h: | |
167 | - | |
168 | -c:/yagarto/lib/gcc/../../arm-none-eabi/sys-include/string.h: | |
169 | - | |
170 | -c:/yagarto/lib/gcc/../../arm-none-eabi/sys-include/sys/cdefs.h: | |
171 | - | |
172 | -c:/yagarto/lib/gcc/../../arm-none-eabi/sys-include/sys/string.h: | |
173 | - | |
174 | -c:/yagarto/lib/gcc/../../arm-none-eabi/sys-include/stdlib.h: | |
175 | - | |
176 | -c:/yagarto/lib/gcc/../../arm-none-eabi/sys-include/machine/stdlib.h: | |
177 | - | |
178 | -c:/yagarto/lib/gcc/../../arm-none-eabi/sys-include/alloca.h: | |
179 | - | |
180 | -../..//econais/libwismart_mcu.h: | |
181 | - | |
182 | -../..//econais/STM32_Libs/F1/inc/stm32f10x_gpio.h: | |
183 | - | |
184 | -../..//econais/STM32_Libs/F1/CMSIS/CM3/DeviceSupport/ST/STM32F10x/stm32f10x.h: | |
185 | - | |
186 | -../..//os/ports/common/ARMCMx/CMSIS/include/core_cm3.h: | |
187 | - | |
188 | -../..//os/ports/common/ARMCMx/CMSIS/include/core_cmInstr.h: | |
189 | - | |
190 | -../..//os/ports/common/ARMCMx/CMSIS/include/core_cmFunc.h: | |
191 | - | |
192 | -../..//econais/STM32_Libs/F1/CMSIS/CM3/DeviceSupport/ST/STM32F10x/system_stm32f10x.h: | |
193 | - | |
194 | -../..//econais/STM32_Libs/F1/CMSIS/CM3/DeviceSupport/ST/STM32F10x/stm32f10x_conf.h: | |
195 | - | |
196 | -../..//econais/STM32_Libs/F1/inc/stm32f10x_cec.h: | |
197 | - | |
198 | -../..//econais/STM32_Libs/F1/inc/stm32f10x_dma.h: | |
199 | - | |
200 | -../..//econais/STM32_Libs/F1/inc/stm32f10x_exti.h: | |
201 | - | |
202 | -../..//econais/STM32_Libs/F1/inc/stm32f10x_flash.h: | |
203 | - | |
204 | -../..//econais/STM32_Libs/F1/inc/stm32f10x_fsmc.h: | |
205 | - | |
206 | -../..//econais/STM32_Libs/F1/inc/stm32f10x_i2c.h: | |
207 | - | |
208 | -../..//econais/STM32_Libs/F1/inc/stm32f10x_pwr.h: | |
209 | - | |
210 | -../..//econais/STM32_Libs/F1/inc/stm32f10x_rcc.h: | |
211 | - | |
212 | -../..//econais/STM32_Libs/F1/inc/stm32f10x_spi.h: | |
213 | - | |
214 | -../..//econais/STM32_Libs/F1/inc/stm32f10x_tim.h: | |
215 | - | |
216 | -../..//econais/STM32_Libs/F1/inc/stm32f10x_usart.h: | |
217 | - | |
218 | -../..//econais/STM32_Libs/F1/inc/misc.h: |
... | ... | @@ -70,8 +70,7 @@ build/obj/main.o: main.c ../..//econais/libwismart.h \ |
70 | 70 | ../..//externalModules/lwip_v141/src/include/lwip/arch.h \ |
71 | 71 | ../..//externalModules/lwip_v141/port/arch/cc.h \ |
72 | 72 | ../..//externalModules/lwip_v141/src/include/lwip/def.h \ |
73 | - ../..//externalModules/lwip_v141/src/include/ipv4/lwip/ip_addr.h \ | |
74 | - buttonExample.h | |
73 | + ../..//externalModules/lwip_v141/src/include/ipv4/lwip/ip_addr.h | |
75 | 74 | |
76 | 75 | ../..//econais/libwismart.h: |
77 | 76 | |
... | ... | @@ -242,5 +241,3 @@ c:/yagarto/lib/gcc/../../arm-none-eabi/sys-include/alloca.h: |
242 | 241 | ../..//externalModules/lwip_v141/src/include/lwip/def.h: |
243 | 242 | |
244 | 243 | ../..//externalModules/lwip_v141/src/include/ipv4/lwip/ip_addr.h: |
245 | - | |
246 | -buttonExample.h: | |
... | ... |
No preview for this file type
... | ... | @@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ start address 0x08000130 |
7 | 7 | |
8 | 8 | Program Header: |
9 | 9 | LOAD off 0x00008000 vaddr 0x08000000 paddr 0x08000000 align 2**15 |
10 | - filesz 0x00035f88 memsz 0x00035f88 flags rwx | |
11 | - LOAD off 0x00040c00 vaddr 0x20000c00 paddr 0x08035f88 align 2**15 | |
12 | - filesz 0x0000066c memsz 0x0000c334 flags rw- | |
10 | + filesz 0x00035cf8 memsz 0x00035cf8 flags rwx | |
11 | + LOAD off 0x00040c00 vaddr 0x20000c00 paddr 0x08035cf8 align 2**15 | |
12 | + filesz 0x0000066c memsz 0x0000c32c flags rw- | |
13 | 13 | LOAD off 0x00048000 vaddr 0x20000000 paddr 0x20000000 align 2**15 |
14 | 14 | filesz 0x00000000 memsz 0x00000c00 flags rw- |
15 | 15 | private flags = 5000002: [Version5 EABI] [has entry point] |
... | ... | @@ -18,33 +18,33 @@ Sections: |
18 | 18 | Idx Name Size VMA LMA File off Algn |
19 | 19 | 0 startup 00000130 08000000 08000000 00008000 2**4 |
21 | - 1 .text 00035e58 08000130 08000130 00008130 2**4 | |
21 | + 1 .text 00035bc8 08000130 08000130 00008130 2**4 | |
23 | 23 | 2 .stacks 00000c00 20000000 20000000 00048000 2**0 |
24 | 24 | ALLOC |
25 | - 3 .data 0000066c 20000c00 08035f88 00040c00 2**3 | |
25 | + 3 .data 0000066c 20000c00 08035cf8 00040c00 2**3 | |
27 | - 4 .bss 0000bcc4 20001270 080365f8 0004126c 2**3 | |
27 | + 4 .bss 0000bcbc 20001270 08036368 0004126c 2**3 | |
28 | 28 | ALLOC |
29 | - 5 .debug_info 001316d7 00000000 00000000 0004126c 2**0 | |
29 | + 5 .debug_info 00130e72 00000000 00000000 0004126c 2**0 | |
31 | - 6 .debug_abbrev 00023da0 00000000 00000000 00172943 2**0 | |
31 | + 6 .debug_abbrev 00023bad 00000000 00000000 001720de 2**0 | |
33 | - 7 .debug_aranges 00005a40 00000000 00000000 001966e8 2**3 | |
33 | + 7 .debug_aranges 00005a10 00000000 00000000 00195c90 2**3 | |
35 | - 8 .debug_ranges 0000e7d0 00000000 00000000 0019c128 2**0 | |
35 | + 8 .debug_ranges 0000e7b0 00000000 00000000 0019b6a0 2**0 | |
37 | - 9 .debug_line 000342e8 00000000 00000000 001aa8f8 2**0 | |
37 | + 9 .debug_line 0003409b 00000000 00000000 001a9e50 2**0 | |
39 | - 10 .debug_str 00022659 00000000 00000000 001debe0 2**0 | |
39 | + 10 .debug_str 00022635 00000000 00000000 001ddeeb 2**0 | |
41 | - 11 .comment 00000011 00000000 00000000 00201239 2**0 | |
41 | + 11 .comment 00000011 00000000 00000000 00200520 2**0 | |
43 | - 12 .ARM.attributes 00000033 00000000 00000000 0020124a 2**0 | |
43 | + 12 .ARM.attributes 00000033 00000000 00000000 00200531 2**0 | |
45 | - 13 .debug_frame 00010930 00000000 00000000 00201280 2**2 | |
45 | + 13 .debug_frame 000108c0 00000000 00000000 00200564 2**2 | |
47 | - 14 .debug_loc 0006e8a3 00000000 00000000 00211bb0 2**0 | |
47 | + 14 .debug_loc 0006e857 00000000 00000000 00210e24 2**0 | |
49 | 49 | SYMBOL TABLE: |
50 | 50 | 08000000 l d startup 00000000 startup |
... | ... | @@ -90,8 +90,8 @@ SYMBOL TABLE: |
90 | 90 | 080013fc l F .text 00000222 two_way_long_needle |
91 | 91 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 strtol.c |
92 | 92 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 vfprintf.c |
93 | -0802e610 l O .text 00000010 blanks.6732 | |
94 | -0802e620 l O .text 00000010 zeroes.6733 | |
93 | +0802e410 l O .text 00000010 blanks.6732 | |
94 | +0802e420 l O .text 00000010 zeroes.6733 | |
95 | 95 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 vsnprintf.c |
96 | 96 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 wsetup.c |
97 | 97 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 dtoa.c |
... | ... | @@ -110,11 +110,11 @@ SYMBOL TABLE: |
110 | 110 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 makebuf.c |
111 | 111 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 memchr-stub.c |
112 | 112 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 mprec.c |
113 | -0802e640 l O .text 0000000c p05.5251 | |
113 | +0802e440 l O .text 0000000c p05.5251 | |
114 | 114 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 s_fpclassify.c |
115 | 115 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 vfprintf.c |
116 | -0802e770 l O .text 00000010 blanks.6676 | |
117 | -0802e780 l O .text 00000010 zeroes.6677 | |
116 | +0802e570 l O .text 00000010 blanks.6676 | |
117 | +0802e580 l O .text 00000010 zeroes.6677 | |
118 | 118 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 fclose.c |
119 | 119 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 _udivsi3.o |
120 | 120 | 08005c60 l .text 00000000 .udivsi3_skip_div0_test |
... | ... | @@ -149,363 +149,362 @@ SYMBOL TABLE: |
149 | 149 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 syscalls.c |
150 | 150 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 evtimer.c |
151 | 151 | 08007730 l F .text 00000024 tmrcb |
152 | -00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 buttonExample.c | |
153 | 152 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 libwismart.c |
154 | -20001530 l O .bss 0000000c dma2PeripheralSem | |
155 | -2000154d l O .bss 00000001 peripheralLocksInited.11910 | |
153 | +20001528 l O .bss 0000000c dma2PeripheralSem | |
154 | +20001545 l O .bss 00000001 peripheralLocksInited.11910 | |
156 | 155 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 libwismart_cm.c |
157 | -20001554 l O .bss 00000001 wps_ongoing | |
156 | +2000154c l O .bss 00000001 wps_ongoing | |
158 | 157 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 libwismart_scan.c |
159 | -08007ea0 l F .text 00000054 handle_bg_scan_timer | |
160 | -08007f00 l F .text 000000d0 handle_scan_timer | |
161 | -20001560 l O .bss 00000001 enable_bg_scan | |
158 | +08007d20 l F .text 00000054 handle_bg_scan_timer | |
159 | +08007d80 l F .text 000000d0 handle_scan_timer | |
160 | +20001558 l O .bss 00000001 enable_bg_scan | |
162 | 161 | 200010b4 l O .data 00000001 bg_scan_period |
163 | -20001561 l O .bss 00000001 max_scan_runs | |
164 | -20001584 l O .bss 00000001 num_of_scan_runs | |
165 | -2000158c l O .bss 00000001 scan_state | |
162 | +20001559 l O .bss 00000001 max_scan_runs | |
163 | +2000157c l O .bss 00000001 num_of_scan_runs | |
164 | +20001584 l O .bss 00000001 scan_state | |
166 | 165 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 libwismart_power.c |
167 | -08008090 l F .text 000001c8 _wismart_idle_thread | |
168 | -08008260 l F .text 00000056 update_allow_stop_mode | |
166 | +08007f10 l F .text 000001c8 _wismart_idle_thread | |
167 | +080080e0 l F .text 00000056 update_allow_stop_mode | |
169 | 168 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 libwismart_uart.c |
170 | -080084a0 l F .text 00000002 usart_rx_null_cb | |
171 | -200016dc l O .bss 0000000c uart_tx_sema | |
172 | -200016e8 l O .bss 0000000c tx_dma_bsema | |
173 | -200016f4 l O .bss 0000000c uart_rx_sema | |
169 | +08008320 l F .text 00000002 usart_rx_null_cb | |
170 | +200016d4 l O .bss 0000000c uart_tx_sema | |
171 | +200016e0 l O .bss 0000000c tx_dma_bsema | |
172 | +200016ec l O .bss 0000000c uart_rx_sema | |
174 | 173 | 200010b8 l O .data 00000004 usart_rx_complete_func |
175 | -20001700 l O .bss 0000000c uart_access_sema | |
176 | -2000170c l O .bss 0000000c rx_dma_bsema | |
174 | +200016f8 l O .bss 0000000c uart_access_sema | |
175 | +20001704 l O .bss 0000000c rx_dma_bsema | |
177 | 176 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 transport.c |
178 | -080086e0 l F .text 00000550 WifiRX_Thread | |
179 | -20001718 l O .bss 0000000c sdio_bus_sem | |
180 | -20001724 l O .bss 00000040 hic_recv_header | |
181 | -0802ec80 l O .text 00000029 __FUNCTION__.11607 | |
182 | -0802ee60 l O .text 0000002b __FUNCTION__.11630 | |
183 | -20001764 l O .bss 00000004 wifi_irq_event | |
184 | -0802ee90 l O .text 00000013 __FUNCTION__.11583 | |
185 | -20001768 l O .bss 00000002 sdio_irq_count | |
186 | -20001770 l O .bss 000004b0 waWifiRX | |
177 | +08008550 l F .text 00000550 WifiRX_Thread | |
178 | +20001710 l O .bss 0000000c sdio_bus_sem | |
179 | +2000171c l O .bss 00000040 hic_recv_header | |
180 | +0802e9f0 l O .text 00000029 __FUNCTION__.11607 | |
181 | +0802ebd0 l O .text 0000002b __FUNCTION__.11630 | |
182 | +2000175c l O .bss 00000004 wifi_irq_event | |
183 | +0802ec00 l O .text 00000013 __FUNCTION__.11583 | |
184 | +20001760 l O .bss 00000002 sdio_irq_count | |
185 | +20001768 l O .bss 000004b0 waWifiRX | |
187 | 186 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 libwismart_lwip.c |
188 | -08008c70 l F .text 00000058 _handle_packet | |
189 | -08008d70 l F .text 00000150 lwip_thread | |
190 | -20001c20 l O .bss 00000004 lwip_frame_received_event | |
191 | -200022d8 l O .bss 00000028 timer_event_mb | |
192 | -20002300 l O .bss 00000004 lwip_tp | |
193 | -20002304 l O .bss 00000002 timer_event_count | |
194 | -20002308 l O .bss 00000028 timer_event_mb_msgs | |
195 | -20002334 l O .bss 0000001c periodic_evt | |
196 | -20002350 l O .bss 00000004 timer_event_received_event | |
197 | -20002354 l O .bss 0000000c lwip_lock | |
187 | +08008ae0 l F .text 00000058 _handle_packet | |
188 | +08008be0 l F .text 00000150 lwip_thread | |
189 | +20001c18 l O .bss 00000004 lwip_frame_received_event | |
190 | +200022d0 l O .bss 00000028 timer_event_mb | |
191 | +200022f8 l O .bss 00000004 lwip_tp | |
192 | +200022fc l O .bss 00000002 timer_event_count | |
193 | +20002300 l O .bss 00000028 timer_event_mb_msgs | |
194 | +2000232c l O .bss 0000001c periodic_evt | |
195 | +20002348 l O .bss 00000004 timer_event_received_event | |
196 | +2000234c l O .bss 0000000c lwip_lock | |
198 | 197 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 netconf.c |
199 | 198 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 dhcpserver.c |
200 | -08009190 l F .text 00000134 DHCPOptionsReply | |
201 | -080092d0 l F .text 00000040 haddrtoa | |
202 | -08009310 l F .text 00000090 DHCPScan | |
203 | -080093a0 l F .text 0000002c hex2num | |
204 | -080093d0 l F .text 00000050 DHCPSearchOptionsField.constprop.2 | |
205 | -08009470 l F .text 00000918 dhcp_recv | |
206 | -200023c4 l O .bss 00000118 theAllocatedIP | |
207 | -0802eee0 l O .text 00000046 sDhcpOpt.10790 | |
208 | -200024f4 l O .bss 00000004 stNearest.10816 | |
209 | -0802ef30 l O .text 00000050 tDHCPType | |
210 | -200024f8 l O .bss 00000004 nAllocatedIP | |
211 | -200024fc l O .bss 00000004 stNearest.10785 | |
212 | -20002500 l O .bss 00000031 haddrbuf.10754 | |
213 | -20002534 l O .bss 00000120 sParamDHCP | |
214 | -0802f420 l O .text 00000046 sDhcpOpt.10821 | |
199 | +08009000 l F .text 00000134 DHCPOptionsReply | |
200 | +08009140 l F .text 00000040 haddrtoa | |
201 | +08009180 l F .text 00000090 DHCPScan | |
202 | +08009210 l F .text 0000002c hex2num | |
203 | +08009240 l F .text 00000050 DHCPSearchOptionsField.constprop.2 | |
204 | +080092e0 l F .text 00000918 dhcp_recv | |
205 | +200023bc l O .bss 00000118 theAllocatedIP | |
206 | +0802ec50 l O .text 00000046 sDhcpOpt.10790 | |
207 | +200024ec l O .bss 00000004 stNearest.10816 | |
208 | +0802eca0 l O .text 00000050 tDHCPType | |
209 | +200024f0 l O .bss 00000004 nAllocatedIP | |
210 | +200024f4 l O .bss 00000004 stNearest.10785 | |
211 | +200024f8 l O .bss 00000031 haddrbuf.10754 | |
212 | +2000252c l O .bss 00000120 sParamDHCP | |
213 | +0802f190 l O .text 00000046 sDhcpOpt.10821 | |
215 | 214 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 wifi_softap.c |
216 | -20002658 l O .bss 00000120 clients | |
217 | -0802f470 l O .text 00000038 CSWTCH.59 | |
215 | +20002650 l O .bss 00000120 clients | |
216 | +0802f1e0 l O .text 00000038 CSWTCH.59 | |
218 | 217 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 wifi_engine.c |
219 | -0800a4e0 l F .text 00000090 wei_ratelist2mask | |
220 | -0800a570 l F .text 00000068 wei_prune_nonbasic_ratelist | |
221 | -0800a5e0 l F .text 00000160 fix_assoc_ie.constprop.0 | |
218 | +0800a350 l F .text 00000090 wei_ratelist2mask | |
219 | +0800a3e0 l F .text 00000068 wei_prune_nonbasic_ratelist | |
220 | +0800a450 l F .text 00000160 fix_assoc_ie.constprop.0 | |
222 | 221 | 200010bc l O .data 00000001 internal_mode |
223 | -200027c8 l O .bss 00000004 wpa_ie_len | |
224 | -2000284c l O .bss 00000100 wpa_ie | |
225 | -2000294c l O .bss 0000000c cmdcnt_lock | |
222 | +200027c0 l O .bss 00000004 wpa_ie_len | |
223 | +20002844 l O .bss 00000100 wpa_ie | |
224 | +20002944 l O .bss 0000000c cmdcnt_lock | |
226 | 225 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 wifi_mlme_handler.c |
227 | -0800b380 l F .text 00001188 RxCmdQueue_Thread | |
228 | -2000297c l O .bss 0000000c rxcmd_count_sem | |
229 | -20002994 l O .bss 00000001 sub_states_counter | |
230 | -0802fd10 l O .text 00000013 __FUNCTION__.11741 | |
231 | -0802fd30 l O .text 0000001c StatusDebugMsg | |
232 | -20002998 l O .bss 00000004 rxcmd_queue_event | |
233 | -0802fd50 l O .text 00000002 CSWTCH.67 | |
234 | -08030650 l O .text 00000014 __FUNCTION__.11733 | |
235 | -200029a0 l O .bss 00000002 rxcmd_count | |
236 | -200029a8 l O .bss 000018b0 waRxCmdQueue | |
226 | +0800b1f0 l F .text 00001188 RxCmdQueue_Thread | |
227 | +20002974 l O .bss 0000000c rxcmd_count_sem | |
228 | +2000298c l O .bss 00000001 sub_states_counter | |
229 | +0802fa80 l O .text 00000013 __FUNCTION__.11741 | |
230 | +0802faa0 l O .text 0000001c StatusDebugMsg | |
231 | +20002990 l O .bss 00000004 rxcmd_queue_event | |
232 | +0802fac0 l O .text 00000002 CSWTCH.67 | |
233 | +080303c0 l O .text 00000014 __FUNCTION__.11733 | |
234 | +20002998 l O .bss 00000002 rxcmd_count | |
235 | +200029a0 l O .bss 000018b0 waRxCmdQueue | |
237 | 236 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 wifi_ps.c |
238 | -0800c6c0 l F .text 0000001e wifi_PsSendInterface_Down | |
239 | -0800c6e0 l F .text 0000000c wifi_ps_lock | |
240 | -0800cb80 l F .text 0000008c ps_traffic_timeout_cb | |
241 | -08030670 l O .text 0000000e __FUNCTION__.11475 | |
242 | -20004259 l O .bss 00000001 state | |
243 | -2000425c l O .bss 00000004 ok_to_send | |
244 | -08030680 l O .text 00000011 __FUNCTION__.11522 | |
245 | -08030a10 l O .text 0000000f __FUNCTION__.11478 | |
237 | +0800c530 l F .text 0000001e wifi_PsSendInterface_Down | |
238 | +0800c550 l F .text 0000000c wifi_ps_lock | |
239 | +0800c9f0 l F .text 0000008c ps_traffic_timeout_cb | |
240 | +080303e0 l O .text 0000000e __FUNCTION__.11475 | |
241 | +20004251 l O .bss 00000001 state | |
242 | +20004254 l O .bss 00000004 ok_to_send | |
243 | +080303f0 l O .text 00000011 __FUNCTION__.11522 | |
244 | +08030780 l O .text 0000000f __FUNCTION__.11478 | |
246 | 245 | 200010e4 l O .data 00000001 ps_main_state |
247 | -08030a20 l O .text 00000010 __FUNCTION__.11514 | |
248 | -20004260 l O .bss 00000001 ps_traffic_timeout_running | |
246 | +08030790 l O .text 00000010 __FUNCTION__.11514 | |
247 | +20004258 l O .bss 00000001 ps_traffic_timeout_running | |
249 | 248 | 200010e8 l O .data 00000004 hic_if_users |
250 | -20004264 l O .bss 00000020 ps_traffic_te | |
251 | -20004284 l O .bss 0000000c ps_lock | |
249 | +2000425c l O .bss 00000020 ps_traffic_te | |
250 | +2000427c l O .bss 0000000c ps_lock | |
252 | 251 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 wifi_cmds_flow.c |
253 | -0800cd90 l F .text 0000000c cmd_list_find_based_on_trans_id | |
254 | -20004290 l O .bss 00000004 wifi_sem_data_path_limit | |
255 | -20004294 l O .bss 00000004 fw_reset_event | |
256 | -20004298 l O .bss 00000004 list_sended_data_packets | |
257 | -08030a30 l O .text 0000001c __FUNCTION__.11394 | |
258 | -2000429c l O .bss 00000004 wifi_sem_cmd_path_limit | |
259 | -200042a0 l O .bss 0000001c periodic_evt | |
260 | -200042bc l O .bss 0000000e sended_cmd_packet | |
252 | +0800cc00 l F .text 0000000c cmd_list_find_based_on_trans_id | |
253 | +20004288 l O .bss 00000004 wifi_sem_data_path_limit | |
254 | +2000428c l O .bss 00000004 fw_reset_event | |
255 | +20004290 l O .bss 00000004 list_sended_data_packets | |
256 | +080307a0 l O .text 0000001c __FUNCTION__.11394 | |
257 | +20004294 l O .bss 00000004 wifi_sem_cmd_path_limit | |
258 | +20004298 l O .bss 0000001c periodic_evt | |
259 | +200042b4 l O .bss 0000000e sended_cmd_packet | |
261 | 260 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 wifi_filter.c |
262 | 261 | 20001100 l O .data 00000002 filter_exclude |
263 | 262 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 wifi_scan.c |
264 | -0800cfc0 l F .text 0000000e scan_list_find_based_on_counter | |
265 | -0800cfd0 l F .text 00000008 scan_list_exec_dec_count | |
266 | -0800cfe0 l F .text 00000004 scan_list_find_based_on_desire | |
267 | -0800cff0 l F .text 00000010 scan_list_exec_best_rssi | |
268 | -0800d000 l F .text 00000014 scan_list_find_based_on_bssId | |
269 | -0800d020 l F .text 0000007c scan_list_find_based_on_rssi | |
270 | -200042cc l O .bss 00000026 scan_params | |
271 | -200042f4 l O .bss 00000004 scan_list | |
272 | -200042f8 l O .bss 00000001 running_scan | |
263 | +0800ce30 l F .text 0000000e scan_list_find_based_on_counter | |
264 | +0800ce40 l F .text 00000008 scan_list_exec_dec_count | |
265 | +0800ce50 l F .text 00000004 scan_list_find_based_on_desire | |
266 | +0800ce60 l F .text 00000010 scan_list_exec_best_rssi | |
267 | +0800ce70 l F .text 00000014 scan_list_find_based_on_bssId | |
268 | +0800ce90 l F .text 0000007c scan_list_find_based_on_rssi | |
269 | +200042c4 l O .bss 00000026 scan_params | |
270 | +200042ec l O .bss 00000004 scan_list | |
271 | +200042f0 l O .bss 00000001 running_scan | |
273 | 272 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 mibs.c |
274 | -08030c20 l O .text 000009dc dlm_mib_table_client | |
275 | -08031600 l O .text 000009dc dlm_mib_table_softap | |
276 | -08032330 l O .text 000003e0 g_mib_table | |
273 | +08030990 l O .text 000009dc dlm_mib_table_client | |
274 | +08031370 l O .text 000009dc dlm_mib_table_softap | |
275 | +080320a0 l O .text 000003e0 g_mib_table | |
277 | 276 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 roam.c |
278 | -0800dc00 l F .text 00000008 event_list_exec_roam | |
279 | -0800dc10 l F .text 00000004 event_list_find_notvalid | |
280 | -20004304 l O .bss 00000003 bg_scan_times | |
281 | -20004308 l O .bss 00000001 roam_state | |
282 | -2000430c l O .bss 00000004 roam_events_list | |
277 | +0800da70 l F .text 00000008 event_list_exec_roam | |
278 | +0800da80 l F .text 00000004 event_list_find_notvalid | |
279 | +200042fc l O .bss 00000003 bg_scan_times | |
280 | +20004300 l O .bss 00000001 roam_state | |
281 | +20004304 l O .bss 00000004 roam_events_list | |
283 | 282 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 debug.c |
284 | 283 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 print.c |
285 | -0800dcf0 l F .text 000000b0 long_itoa | |
286 | -0800dda0 l F .text 00000128 vfprintf_ | |
287 | -0800ded0 l F .text 0000002c putc_strg | |
288 | -20004310 l O .bss 00000002 string_index | |
289 | -20004314 l O .bss 00000100 string_buffer | |
290 | -20004414 l O .bss 0000000c print_lock | |
284 | +0800db60 l F .text 000000b0 long_itoa | |
285 | +0800dc10 l F .text 00000128 vfprintf_ | |
286 | +0800dd40 l F .text 0000002c putc_strg | |
287 | +20004308 l O .bss 00000002 string_index | |
288 | +2000430c l O .bss 00000100 string_buffer | |
289 | +2000440c l O .bss 0000000c print_lock | |
291 | 290 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 link_list.c |
292 | 291 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 timer_events.c |
293 | -0800e0e0 l F .text 00000004 timer_event_forward | |
292 | +0800df20 l F .text 00000004 timer_event_forward | |
294 | 293 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 rtc.c |
295 | -20004420 l O .bss 00000004 PeriodValue | |
296 | -20004428 l O .bss 00000004 OperationComplete | |
297 | -2000442c l O .bss 00000004 LsiFreq | |
294 | +20004418 l O .bss 00000004 PeriodValue | |
295 | +20004420 l O .bss 00000004 OperationComplete | |
296 | +20004424 l O .bss 00000004 LsiFreq | |
298 | 297 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 gpio.c |
299 | 298 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 wifi_transport.c |
300 | -0800e620 l F .text 00000150 CmdResp5Error | |
301 | -08032730 l O .text 0000000e __FUNCTION__.11615 | |
302 | -20004438 l O .bss 00000014 SDIO_CmdInitStructure | |
303 | -08032740 l O .text 00000015 __FUNCTION__.11621 | |
304 | -2000444c l O .bss 00000004 GPIO_InitStructure | |
305 | -20004434 l O .bss 00000001 TransferError | |
306 | -20004430 l O .bss 00000004 TransferEnd | |
307 | -0800ec80 l F .text 0000011a HW_WiFiTransport_WaitWriteOperation | |
308 | -08032760 l O .text 00000024 __FUNCTION__.11673 | |
309 | -0800eda0 l F .text 000001fc _HW_WiFiTransport_SendCMD53 | |
310 | -20004450 l O .bss 00000018 SDIO_DataInitStructure | |
299 | +0800e460 l F .text 00000150 CmdResp5Error | |
300 | +080324a0 l O .text 0000000e __FUNCTION__.11615 | |
301 | +20004430 l O .bss 00000014 SDIO_CmdInitStructure | |
302 | +080324b0 l O .text 00000015 __FUNCTION__.11621 | |
303 | +20004444 l O .bss 00000004 GPIO_InitStructure | |
304 | +2000442c l O .bss 00000001 TransferError | |
305 | +20004428 l O .bss 00000004 TransferEnd | |
306 | +0800eac0 l F .text 0000011a HW_WiFiTransport_WaitWriteOperation | |
307 | +080324d0 l O .text 00000024 __FUNCTION__.11673 | |
308 | +0800ebe0 l F .text 000001fc _HW_WiFiTransport_SendCMD53 | |
309 | +20004448 l O .bss 00000018 SDIO_DataInitStructure | |
311 | 310 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 rcc.c |
312 | 311 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 registry_driver.c |
313 | 312 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 stm32_eeprom.c |
314 | 313 | 2000110c l O .data 00000114 profile |
315 | 314 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 uart.c |
316 | -20004504 l O .bss 00000004 usart_ptr | |
317 | -2000450c l O .bss 0000002c TX_DMA_InitStructure | |
318 | -20004538 l O .bss 0000002c RX_DMA_InitStructure | |
315 | +200044fc l O .bss 00000004 usart_ptr | |
316 | +20004504 l O .bss 0000002c TX_DMA_InitStructure | |
317 | +20004530 l O .bss 0000002c RX_DMA_InitStructure | |
319 | 318 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 power.c |
320 | 319 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 common.c |
321 | -0800fba0 l F .text 0000002c hex2num | |
320 | +0800f9e0 l F .text 0000002c hex2num | |
322 | 321 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 main_wifiengine.c |
323 | -0800fd60 l F .text 0000000c ec_wpa_supplicant_event_thread | |
324 | -20004564 l O .bss 00000004 global | |
322 | +0800fba0 l F .text 0000000c ec_wpa_supplicant_event_thread | |
323 | +2000455c l O .bss 00000004 global | |
325 | 324 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 os_wifiengine.c |
326 | 325 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 wpa_supplicant.c |
327 | -0800ffc0 l F .text 0000009a wpa_supplicant_set_wpa_none_key | |
328 | -080109a0 l F .text 000000a4 wpa_supplicant_timeout | |
329 | -08010520 l F .text 0000004c wpa_supplicant_clear_connection | |
330 | -08032bf0 l O .text 00000022 __FUNCTION__.15210 | |
331 | -08032ec0 l O .text 0000000c CSWTCH.135 | |
332 | -08032ed0 l O .text 00000010 CSWTCH.105 | |
333 | -20004568 l O .bss 00000004 interface_count.15458 | |
326 | +0800fe00 l F .text 0000009a wpa_supplicant_set_wpa_none_key | |
327 | +080107e0 l F .text 000000a4 wpa_supplicant_timeout | |
328 | +08010360 l F .text 0000004c wpa_supplicant_clear_connection | |
329 | +08032960 l O .text 00000022 __FUNCTION__.15210 | |
330 | +08032c30 l O .text 0000000c CSWTCH.135 | |
331 | +08032c40 l O .text 00000010 CSWTCH.105 | |
332 | +20004560 l O .bss 00000004 interface_count.15458 | |
334 | 333 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 wps.c |
335 | 334 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 wps_registrar.c |
336 | -08011650 l F .text 0000002c wps_set_pushbutton | |
337 | -08011680 l F .text 000000d8 wps_registrar_add_pbc_session | |
338 | -08011760 l F .text 00000086 wps_registrar_remove_pbc_session | |
339 | -080117f0 l F .text 00000056 wps_registrar_remove_authorized_mac | |
340 | -08011850 l F .text 00000034 wps_build_wps_state.isra.17 | |
341 | -08011890 l F .text 00000030 wps_build_ap_setup_locked.part.18 | |
342 | -080118c0 l F .text 00000030 wps_build_selected_registrar.part.19 | |
343 | -080118f0 l F .text 00000066 wps_build_sel_reg_config_methods.part.16 | |
344 | -08011960 l F .text 0000004a wps_build_sel_reg_dev_password_id | |
345 | -080119b0 l F .text 0000013c wps_build_credential | |
346 | -08011be0 l F .text 000002b0 wps_set_ie | |
347 | -08012290 l F .text 00000014 wps_registrar_pbc_timeout | |
348 | -08012240 l F .text 0000000a wps_registrar_set_selected_timeout | |
349 | -08012210 l F .text 00000022 wps_registrar_pin_completed | |
350 | -08012250 l F .text 00000038 wps_registrar_stop_pbc | |
351 | -080122e0 l F .text 00000070 wps_registrar_remove_pin | |
335 | +08011490 l F .text 0000002c wps_set_pushbutton | |
336 | +080114c0 l F .text 000000d8 wps_registrar_add_pbc_session | |
337 | +080115a0 l F .text 00000086 wps_registrar_remove_pbc_session | |
338 | +08011630 l F .text 00000056 wps_registrar_remove_authorized_mac | |
339 | +08011690 l F .text 00000034 wps_build_wps_state.isra.17 | |
340 | +080116d0 l F .text 00000030 wps_build_ap_setup_locked.part.18 | |
341 | +08011700 l F .text 00000030 wps_build_selected_registrar.part.19 | |
342 | +08011730 l F .text 00000066 wps_build_sel_reg_config_methods.part.16 | |
343 | +080117a0 l F .text 0000004a wps_build_sel_reg_dev_password_id | |
344 | +080117f0 l F .text 0000013c wps_build_credential | |
345 | +08011a20 l F .text 000002b0 wps_set_ie | |
346 | +080120d0 l F .text 00000014 wps_registrar_pbc_timeout | |
347 | +08012080 l F .text 0000000a wps_registrar_set_selected_timeout | |
348 | +08012050 l F .text 00000022 wps_registrar_pin_completed | |
349 | +08012090 l F .text 00000038 wps_registrar_stop_pbc | |
350 | +08012120 l F .text 00000070 wps_registrar_remove_pin | |
352 | 351 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 wps_supplicant.c |
353 | -080123a0 l F .text 00000088 wpas_clear_wps | |
354 | -08012430 l F .text 00000004 wpas_wps_timeout | |
355 | -08012440 l F .text 00000128 wpas_wps_add_network | |
356 | -08012570 l F .text 0000005c wpas_wps_reassoc | |
352 | +080121e0 l F .text 00000088 wpas_clear_wps | |
353 | +08012270 l F .text 00000004 wpas_wps_timeout | |
354 | +08012280 l F .text 00000128 wpas_wps_add_network | |
355 | +080123b0 l F .text 0000005c wpas_wps_reassoc | |
357 | 356 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 ap.c |
358 | -08012900 l F .text 00000002 ap_public_action_rx | |
359 | -08012910 l F .text 00000002 ap_wps_event_cb | |
360 | -08012920 l F .text 00000004 ap_vendor_action_rx | |
361 | -08012930 l F .text 00000004 ap_probe_req_rx | |
362 | -08012940 l F .text 00000002 ap_wps_reg_success_cb | |
363 | -08012950 l F .text 0000001c wpa_supplicant_ap_wps_sta_cancel | |
364 | -08012970 l F .text 00000004 ap_sta_authorized_cb | |
365 | -080130d0 l F .text 00000004 wpas_wps_ap_pin_timeout | |
357 | +08012740 l F .text 00000002 ap_public_action_rx | |
358 | +08012750 l F .text 00000002 ap_wps_event_cb | |
359 | +08012760 l F .text 00000004 ap_vendor_action_rx | |
360 | +08012770 l F .text 00000004 ap_probe_req_rx | |
361 | +08012780 l F .text 00000002 ap_wps_reg_success_cb | |
362 | +08012790 l F .text 0000001c wpa_supplicant_ap_wps_sta_cancel | |
363 | +080127b0 l F .text 00000004 ap_sta_authorized_cb | |
364 | +08012f10 l F .text 00000004 wpas_wps_ap_pin_timeout | |
366 | 365 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 hostapd.c |
367 | -080130e0 l F .text 0000002e hostapd_broadcast_key_clear_iface | |
368 | -08013110 l F .text 00000158 hostapd_setup_encryption | |
369 | -080132d0 l F .text 00000044 hostapd_flush_old_stations | |
366 | +08012f20 l F .text 0000002e hostapd_broadcast_key_clear_iface | |
367 | +08012f50 l F .text 00000158 hostapd_setup_encryption | |
368 | +08013110 l F .text 00000044 hostapd_flush_old_stations | |
370 | 369 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 wpa_auth_glue.c |
371 | -08013930 l F .text 00000002 hostapd_wpa_auth_logger | |
372 | -08013940 l F .text 00000026 hostapd_wpa_auth_for_each_sta | |
373 | -08013970 l F .text 00000032 wpa_auth_iface_iter | |
374 | -080139b0 l F .text 00000028 hostapd_wpa_auth_for_each_auth | |
375 | -080139e0 l F .text 0000002a hostapd_wpa_auth_get_eapol | |
376 | -08013a10 l F .text 00000048 hostapd_wpa_auth_send_eapol | |
377 | -08013a60 l F .text 0000001c hostapd_wpa_auth_get_seqnum | |
378 | -08013a80 l F .text 00000044 hostapd_wpa_auth_set_key | |
379 | -08013ad0 l F .text 0000003e hostapd_wpa_auth_get_msk | |
380 | -08013b10 l F .text 00000006 hostapd_wpa_auth_get_psk | |
381 | -08013b20 l F .text 00000096 hostapd_wpa_auth_set_eapol | |
382 | -08013bc0 l F .text 00000006 hostapd_wpa_auth_mic_failure_report | |
383 | -08013bd0 l F .text 00000010 hostapd_wpa_auth_disconnect | |
384 | -08013be0 l F .text 0000009a hostapd_wpa_auth_send_ether | |
370 | +08013770 l F .text 00000002 hostapd_wpa_auth_logger | |
371 | +08013780 l F .text 00000026 hostapd_wpa_auth_for_each_sta | |
372 | +080137b0 l F .text 00000032 wpa_auth_iface_iter | |
373 | +080137f0 l F .text 00000028 hostapd_wpa_auth_for_each_auth | |
374 | +08013820 l F .text 0000002a hostapd_wpa_auth_get_eapol | |
375 | +08013850 l F .text 00000048 hostapd_wpa_auth_send_eapol | |
376 | +080138a0 l F .text 0000001c hostapd_wpa_auth_get_seqnum | |
377 | +080138c0 l F .text 00000044 hostapd_wpa_auth_set_key | |
378 | +08013910 l F .text 0000003e hostapd_wpa_auth_get_msk | |
379 | +08013950 l F .text 00000006 hostapd_wpa_auth_get_psk | |
380 | +08013960 l F .text 00000096 hostapd_wpa_auth_set_eapol | |
381 | +08013a00 l F .text 00000006 hostapd_wpa_auth_mic_failure_report | |
382 | +08013a10 l F .text 00000010 hostapd_wpa_auth_disconnect | |
383 | +08013a20 l F .text 0000009a hostapd_wpa_auth_send_ether | |
385 | 384 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 utils.c |
386 | -08013de0 l F .text 0000003a prune_associations | |
385 | +08013c20 l F .text 0000003a prune_associations | |
387 | 386 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 authsrv.c |
388 | 387 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 ap_config.c |
389 | -08013ea0 l F .text 00000024 hostapd_config_free_radius | |
390 | -2000456c l O .bss 00000064 wsc_enrollee.12020 | |
391 | -08033350 l O .text 00000010 txq_be.11900 | |
392 | -08033360 l O .text 00000014 ac_vo.11898 | |
393 | -08033380 l O .text 00000014 ac_vi.11897 | |
394 | -080333a0 l O .text 00000014 ac_bk.11895 | |
395 | -080333c0 l O .text 00000014 ac_be.11896 | |
396 | -080333e0 l O .text 00000010 txq_vo.11902 | |
397 | -080333f0 l O .text 00000010 txq_bk.11899 | |
398 | -08033400 l O .text 00000010 txq_vi.11901 | |
399 | -200045d0 l O .bss 00000064 wsc_registrar.12021 | |
388 | +08013ce0 l F .text 00000024 hostapd_config_free_radius | |
389 | +20004564 l O .bss 00000064 wsc_enrollee.12020 | |
390 | +080330c0 l O .text 00000010 txq_be.11900 | |
391 | +080330d0 l O .text 00000014 ac_vo.11898 | |
392 | +080330f0 l O .text 00000014 ac_vi.11897 | |
393 | +08033110 l O .text 00000014 ac_bk.11895 | |
394 | +08033130 l O .text 00000014 ac_be.11896 | |
395 | +08033150 l O .text 00000010 txq_vo.11902 | |
396 | +08033160 l O .text 00000010 txq_bk.11899 | |
397 | +08033170 l O .text 00000010 txq_vi.11901 | |
398 | +200045c8 l O .bss 00000064 wsc_registrar.12021 | |
400 | 399 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 sta_info.c |
401 | -080144c0 l F .text 00000036 ap_sta_remove | |
402 | -08014500 l F .text 0000001a ap_sta_disassoc_cb_timeout | |
403 | -08014520 l F .text 0000001a ap_sta_deauth_cb_timeout | |
404 | -08014950 l F .text 0000003e ap_handle_session_timer | |
400 | +08014300 l F .text 00000036 ap_sta_remove | |
401 | +08014340 l F .text 0000001a ap_sta_disassoc_cb_timeout | |
402 | +08014360 l F .text 0000001a ap_sta_deauth_cb_timeout | |
403 | +08014790 l F .text 0000003e ap_handle_session_timer | |
405 | 404 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 tkip_countermeasures.c |
406 | -08014ce0 l F .text 0000001c ieee80211_tkip_countermeasures_stop | |
405 | +08014b20 l F .text 0000001c ieee80211_tkip_countermeasures_stop | |
407 | 406 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 ap_mlme.c |
408 | 407 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 ieee802_1x.c |
409 | -08014e30 l F .text 00000002 ieee802_1x_aaa_send | |
410 | -08014e40 l F .text 00000002 ieee802_1x_logger | |
411 | -08014e50 l F .text 00000018 ieee802_1x_sta_key_available | |
412 | -08014e70 l F .text 000000fc ieee802_1x_rekey | |
413 | -08014f70 l F .text 00000012 ieee802_1x_sta_entry_alive | |
414 | -08014f90 l F .text 0000006a ieee802_1x_get_eap_user | |
415 | -08015000 l F .text 00000052 _ieee802_1x_finished | |
416 | -08015060 l F .text 00000096 ieee802_1x_send | |
417 | -08015100 l F .text 00000074 ieee802_1x_eapol_send | |
418 | -08015180 l F .text 00000044 ieee802_1x_alloc_eapol_sm | |
419 | -080151d0 l F .text 0000019a ieee802_1x_tx_key_one | |
420 | -08015370 l F .text 0000001a ieee802_1x_eapol_event | |
421 | -080153d0 l F .text 00000004 ieee802_1x_set_port_authorized | |
422 | -08015490 l F .text 00000004 _ieee802_1x_tx_key | |
423 | -08015810 l F .text 00000004 _ieee802_1x_abort_auth | |
408 | +08014c70 l F .text 00000002 ieee802_1x_aaa_send | |
409 | +08014c80 l F .text 00000002 ieee802_1x_logger | |
410 | +08014c90 l F .text 00000018 ieee802_1x_sta_key_available | |
411 | +08014cb0 l F .text 000000fc ieee802_1x_rekey | |
412 | +08014db0 l F .text 00000012 ieee802_1x_sta_entry_alive | |
413 | +08014dd0 l F .text 0000006a ieee802_1x_get_eap_user | |
414 | +08014e40 l F .text 00000052 _ieee802_1x_finished | |
415 | +08014ea0 l F .text 00000096 ieee802_1x_send | |
416 | +08014f40 l F .text 00000074 ieee802_1x_eapol_send | |
417 | +08014fc0 l F .text 00000044 ieee802_1x_alloc_eapol_sm | |
418 | +08015010 l F .text 0000019a ieee802_1x_tx_key_one | |
419 | +080151b0 l F .text 0000001a ieee802_1x_eapol_event | |
420 | +08015210 l F .text 00000004 ieee802_1x_set_port_authorized | |
421 | +080152d0 l F .text 00000004 _ieee802_1x_tx_key | |
422 | +08015650 l F .text 00000004 _ieee802_1x_abort_auth | |
424 | 423 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 eapol_auth_sm.c |
425 | -08015a20 l F .text 00000016 eapol_sm_get_eap_user | |
426 | -08015a40 l F .text 0000000c eapol_sm_get_eap_req_id_text | |
427 | -08015a50 l F .text 00000058 eapol_auth_vlogger | |
428 | -08015ab0 l F .text 00000098 eapol_auth_tx_canned_eap | |
429 | -08015b50 l F .text 000000b0 eapol_auth_tx_req | |
430 | -08015c00 l F .text 00000090 sm_AUTH_PAE_DISCONNECTED_Enter.constprop.6 | |
431 | -08015c90 l F .text 0000003a sm_AUTH_PAE_RESTART_Enter.constprop.7 | |
432 | -08015cd0 l F .text 00000024 sm_BE_AUTH_REQUEST_Enter.constprop.11 | |
433 | -08016660 l F .text 00000050 eapol_port_timers_tick | |
434 | -08016650 l F .text 00000004 eapol_sm_step_cb | |
435 | -08015d60 l F .text 000008f0 eapol_sm_step_run | |
424 | +08015860 l F .text 00000016 eapol_sm_get_eap_user | |
425 | +08015880 l F .text 0000000c eapol_sm_get_eap_req_id_text | |
426 | +08015890 l F .text 00000058 eapol_auth_vlogger | |
427 | +080158f0 l F .text 00000098 eapol_auth_tx_canned_eap | |
428 | +08015990 l F .text 000000b0 eapol_auth_tx_req | |
429 | +08015a40 l F .text 00000090 sm_AUTH_PAE_DISCONNECTED_Enter.constprop.6 | |
430 | +08015ad0 l F .text 0000003a sm_AUTH_PAE_RESTART_Enter.constprop.7 | |
431 | +08015b10 l F .text 00000024 sm_BE_AUTH_REQUEST_Enter.constprop.11 | |
432 | +080164a0 l F .text 00000050 eapol_port_timers_tick | |
433 | +08016490 l F .text 00000004 eapol_sm_step_cb | |
434 | +08015ba0 l F .text 000008f0 eapol_sm_step_run | |
436 | 435 | 20001220 l O .data 00000008 eapol_cb |
437 | 436 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 ieee802_11_auth.c |
438 | 437 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 ap_drv_ops.c |
439 | 438 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 beacon.c |
440 | 439 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 eap_server.c |
441 | -080171d0 l F .text 0000008e eap_sm_parseEapResp | |
442 | -08017260 l F .text 0000001c eap_user_free | |
443 | -08017280 l F .text 00000028 eap_copy_buf | |
444 | -080172b0 l F .text 00000050 sm_EAP_FAILURE_Enter | |
445 | -08017300 l F .text 000000b8 sm_EAP_PROPOSE_METHOD_Enter.constprop.19 | |
446 | -080173c0 l F .text 00000066 sm_EAP_METHOD_REQUEST_Enter.constprop.21 | |
447 | -08017430 l F .text 0000002c sm_EAP_IDLE_Enter.constprop.26 | |
448 | -08017460 l F .text 0000002c sm_EAP_IDLE2_Enter.constprop.14 | |
449 | -08017500 l F .text 00000134 sm_EAP_SELECT_ACTION_Enter.constprop.17 | |
450 | -080176d0 l F .text 0000005c sm_EAP_METHOD_RESPONSE_Enter.constprop.20 | |
451 | -08017730 l F .text 00000072 sm_EAP_NAK_Enter.constprop.18 | |
452 | -08017980 l F .text 000000a0 sm_EAP_INITIALIZE_Enter | |
440 | +08017010 l F .text 0000008e eap_sm_parseEapResp | |
441 | +080170a0 l F .text 0000001c eap_user_free | |
442 | +080170c0 l F .text 00000028 eap_copy_buf | |
443 | +080170f0 l F .text 00000050 sm_EAP_FAILURE_Enter | |
444 | +08017140 l F .text 000000b8 sm_EAP_PROPOSE_METHOD_Enter.constprop.19 | |
445 | +08017200 l F .text 00000066 sm_EAP_METHOD_REQUEST_Enter.constprop.21 | |
446 | +08017270 l F .text 0000002c sm_EAP_IDLE_Enter.constprop.26 | |
447 | +080172a0 l F .text 0000002c sm_EAP_IDLE2_Enter.constprop.14 | |
448 | +08017340 l F .text 00000134 sm_EAP_SELECT_ACTION_Enter.constprop.17 | |
449 | +08017510 l F .text 0000005c sm_EAP_METHOD_RESPONSE_Enter.constprop.20 | |
450 | +08017570 l F .text 00000072 sm_EAP_NAK_Enter.constprop.18 | |
451 | +080177c0 l F .text 000000a0 sm_EAP_INITIALIZE_Enter | |
453 | 452 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 eap_server_methods.c |
454 | -20004634 l O .bss 00000004 eap_methods | |
453 | +2000462c l O .bss 00000004 eap_methods | |
455 | 454 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 wps_hostapd.c |
456 | -080180e0 l F .text 0000002e wps_for_each | |
457 | -08018110 l F .text 00000028 hostapd_wps_for_each | |
458 | -08018140 l F .text 00000002 hostapd_wps_pin_needed_cb | |
459 | -08018150 l F .text 0000000e hostapd_wps_cred_cb | |
460 | -08018440 l F .text 000000ec hapd_wps_cred_cb | |
461 | -08018160 l F .text 0000002c hostapd_wps_event_cb | |
462 | -08018370 l F .text 0000009c wps_pwd_auth_fail | |
463 | -08018190 l F .text 0000000a count_interface_cb | |
464 | -080181a0 l F .text 0000002a wps_ap_pin_disable | |
465 | -08018bb0 l F .text 00000004 hostapd_wps_ap_pin_timeout | |
466 | -080181d0 l F .text 00000060 hostapd_wps_set_vendor_ext | |
467 | -08018230 l F .text 0000003c get_uuid_cb | |
468 | -08018270 l F .text 0000005a hostapd_wps_new_psk_cb | |
469 | -080182d0 l F .text 00000012 hostapd_wps_enrollee_seen_cb | |
470 | -080182f0 l F .text 0000001a wps_stop_registrar | |
471 | -08018310 l F .text 00000036 hostapd_wps_set_ie_cb | |
472 | -08018350 l F .text 00000016 hostapd_wps_reenable_ap_pin | |
473 | -08018410 l F .text 0000002a hapd_new_ap_event.isra.4 | |
474 | -08018530 l F .text 00000078 hostapd_wps_probe_req_rx | |
475 | -080185b0 l F .text 0000003c hostapd_wps_reg_success_cb | |
455 | +08017f20 l F .text 0000002e wps_for_each | |
456 | +08017f50 l F .text 00000028 hostapd_wps_for_each | |
457 | +08017f80 l F .text 00000002 hostapd_wps_pin_needed_cb | |
458 | +08017f90 l F .text 0000000e hostapd_wps_cred_cb | |
459 | +08018280 l F .text 000000ec hapd_wps_cred_cb | |
460 | +08017fa0 l F .text 0000002c hostapd_wps_event_cb | |
461 | +080181b0 l F .text 0000009c wps_pwd_auth_fail | |
462 | +08017fd0 l F .text 0000000a count_interface_cb | |
463 | +08017fe0 l F .text 0000002a wps_ap_pin_disable | |
464 | +080189f0 l F .text 00000004 hostapd_wps_ap_pin_timeout | |
465 | +08018010 l F .text 00000060 hostapd_wps_set_vendor_ext | |
466 | +08018070 l F .text 0000003c get_uuid_cb | |
467 | +080180b0 l F .text 0000005a hostapd_wps_new_psk_cb | |
468 | +08018110 l F .text 00000012 hostapd_wps_enrollee_seen_cb | |
469 | +08018130 l F .text 0000001a wps_stop_registrar | |
470 | +08018150 l F .text 00000036 hostapd_wps_set_ie_cb | |
471 | +08018190 l F .text 00000016 hostapd_wps_reenable_ap_pin | |
472 | +08018250 l F .text 0000002a hapd_new_ap_event.isra.4 | |
473 | +08018370 l F .text 00000078 hostapd_wps_probe_req_rx | |
474 | +080183f0 l F .text 0000003c hostapd_wps_reg_success_cb | |
476 | 475 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 wpa_auth.c |
477 | -08018bc0 l F .text 00000016 wpa_auth_pmksa_clear_cb | |
478 | -08018be0 l F .text 00000018 wpa_auth_pmksa_free_cb | |
479 | -08018c00 l F .text 00000050 wpa_group_config_group_keys | |
480 | -08018c50 l F .text 00000040 wpa_rekey_gmk | |
481 | -08018c90 l F .text 0000006c wpa_group_init_gmk_and_counter | |
482 | -08018d00 l F .text 00000088 wpa_verify_key_mic | |
483 | -08018d90 l F .text 00000032 wpa_free_sta_sm | |
484 | -08018dd0 l F .text 00000150 sm_WPA_PTK_PTKCALCNEGOTIATING_Enter.constprop.14 | |
485 | -0801a4c0 l F .text 00000030 wpa_send_eapol_timeout | |
486 | -08018f20 l F .text 0000002c sm_WPA_PTK_DISCONNECT_Enter.constprop.17 | |
487 | -08018f50 l F .text 000000ec wpa_gtk_update | |
488 | -08019040 l F .text 00000080 sm_WPA_PTK_AUTHENTICATION2_Enter.constprop.11 | |
489 | -080190c0 l F .text 0000003c wpa_group_setkeys | |
490 | -0801a530 l F .text 00000068 wpa_group_update_sta | |
491 | -08019100 l F .text 0000007a wpa_group_sm_step | |
492 | -08019180 l F .text 00000082 wpa_group_init | |
493 | -08019210 l F .text 00000058 wpa_rekey_gtk | |
494 | -0801a5a0 l F .text 00000004 wpa_sm_call_step | |
495 | -0801a4f0 l F .text 00000034 wpa_rekey_ptk | |
496 | -080198d0 l F .text 000000a8 wpa_send_eapol | |
497 | -08019980 l F .text 000000f0 sm_WPA_PTK_PTKSTART_Enter.constprop.15 | |
498 | -08019a70 l F .text 00000108 sm_WPA_PTK_GROUP_REKEYNEGOTIATING_Enter.constprop.8 | |
499 | -08019b80 l F .text 00000174 sm_WPA_PTK_PTKINITNEGOTIATING_Enter.constprop.18 | |
500 | -08019d50 l F .text 000000a2 sm_WPA_PTK_INITIALIZE_Enter.constprop.10 | |
501 | -08019e00 l F .text 000006bc wpa_sm_step | |
502 | -080336a0 l O .text 0000000f CSWTCH.44 | |
476 | +08018a00 l F .text 00000016 wpa_auth_pmksa_clear_cb | |
477 | +08018a20 l F .text 00000018 wpa_auth_pmksa_free_cb | |
478 | +08018a40 l F .text 00000050 wpa_group_config_group_keys | |
479 | +08018a90 l F .text 00000040 wpa_rekey_gmk | |
480 | +08018ad0 l F .text 0000006c wpa_group_init_gmk_and_counter | |
481 | +08018b40 l F .text 00000088 wpa_verify_key_mic | |
482 | +08018bd0 l F .text 00000032 wpa_free_sta_sm | |
483 | +08018c10 l F .text 00000150 sm_WPA_PTK_PTKCALCNEGOTIATING_Enter.constprop.14 | |
484 | +0801a300 l F .text 00000030 wpa_send_eapol_timeout | |
485 | +08018d60 l F .text 0000002c sm_WPA_PTK_DISCONNECT_Enter.constprop.17 | |
486 | +08018d90 l F .text 000000ec wpa_gtk_update | |
487 | +08018e80 l F .text 00000080 sm_WPA_PTK_AUTHENTICATION2_Enter.constprop.11 | |
488 | +08018f00 l F .text 0000003c wpa_group_setkeys | |
489 | +0801a370 l F .text 00000068 wpa_group_update_sta | |
490 | +08018f40 l F .text 0000007a wpa_group_sm_step | |
491 | +08018fc0 l F .text 00000082 wpa_group_init | |
492 | +08019050 l F .text 00000058 wpa_rekey_gtk | |
493 | +0801a3e0 l F .text 00000004 wpa_sm_call_step | |
494 | +0801a330 l F .text 00000034 wpa_rekey_ptk | |
495 | +08019710 l F .text 000000a8 wpa_send_eapol | |
496 | +080197c0 l F .text 000000f0 sm_WPA_PTK_PTKSTART_Enter.constprop.15 | |
497 | +080198b0 l F .text 00000108 sm_WPA_PTK_GROUP_REKEYNEGOTIATING_Enter.constprop.8 | |
498 | +080199c0 l F .text 00000174 sm_WPA_PTK_PTKINITNEGOTIATING_Enter.constprop.18 | |
499 | +08019b90 l F .text 000000a2 sm_WPA_PTK_INITIALIZE_Enter.constprop.10 | |
500 | +08019c40 l F .text 000006bc wpa_sm_step | |
501 | +08033410 l O .text 0000000f CSWTCH.44 | |
503 | 502 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 wpa_auth_ie.c |
504 | -0801ade0 l F .text 0000001a wpa_auth_okc_iter | |
503 | +0801ac20 l F .text 0000001a wpa_auth_okc_iter | |
505 | 504 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 pmksa_cache_auth.c |
506 | -0801b650 l F .text 0000004a pmksa_cache_link_entry | |
507 | -0801b6a0 l F .text 0000007e pmksa_cache_free_entry | |
508 | -0801b720 l F .text 00000068 pmksa_cache_expire | |
505 | +0801b490 l F .text 0000004a pmksa_cache_link_entry | |
506 | +0801b4e0 l F .text 0000007e pmksa_cache_free_entry | |
507 | +0801b560 l F .text 00000068 pmksa_cache_expire | |
509 | 508 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 system_stm32f10x.c |
510 | 509 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 misc.c |
511 | 510 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 stm32f10x_bkp.c |
... | ... | @@ -520,207 +519,207 @@ SYMBOL TABLE: |
520 | 519 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 stm32f10x_rtc.c |
521 | 520 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 stm32f10x_sdio.c |
522 | 521 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 stm32f10x_tim.c |
523 | -0801c9d0 l F .text 00000084 TI1_Config | |
524 | -0801ca60 l F .text 00000090 TI2_Config | |
522 | +0801c7d0 l F .text 00000084 TI1_Config | |
523 | +0801c860 l F .text 00000090 TI2_Config | |
525 | 524 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 stm32f10x_dbgmcu.c |
526 | 525 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 stm32f10x_usart.c |
527 | 526 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 tcpip.c |
528 | -20004638 l O .bss 00000004 mbox | |
527 | +20004630 l O .bss 00000004 mbox | |
529 | 528 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 def.c |
530 | 529 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 dhcp.c |
531 | -0801d020 l F .text 00000042 dhcp_option_long | |
532 | -0801d070 l F .text 000001a8 dhcp_create_msg | |
533 | -0801d220 l F .text 0000005c dhcp_option_hostname | |
534 | -0801d280 l F .text 0000002a dhcp_check | |
535 | -0801d2b0 l F .text 00000118 dhcp_bind | |
536 | -0801d3d0 l F .text 00000048 dhcp_option_trailer | |
537 | -0801d420 l F .text 00000030 dhcp_delete_msg | |
538 | -0801d450 l F .text 000000cc dhcp_rebind | |
539 | -0801d520 l F .text 000000ec dhcp_reboot | |
540 | -0801d610 l F .text 00000178 dhcp_select | |
541 | -2000463c l O .bss 00000004 xid.7854 | |
530 | +0801ce20 l F .text 00000042 dhcp_option_long | |
531 | +0801ce70 l F .text 000001a8 dhcp_create_msg | |
532 | +0801d020 l F .text 0000005c dhcp_option_hostname | |
533 | +0801d080 l F .text 0000002a dhcp_check | |
534 | +0801d0b0 l F .text 00000118 dhcp_bind | |
535 | +0801d1d0 l F .text 00000048 dhcp_option_trailer | |
536 | +0801d220 l F .text 00000030 dhcp_delete_msg | |
537 | +0801d250 l F .text 000000cc dhcp_rebind | |
538 | +0801d320 l F .text 000000ec dhcp_reboot | |
539 | +0801d410 l F .text 00000178 dhcp_select | |
540 | +20004634 l O .bss 00000004 xid.7854 | |
542 | 541 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 dns.c |
543 | -0801dcb0 l F .text 00000108 dns_send | |
544 | -0801ddc0 l F .text 000000b0 dns_check_entry | |
545 | -0801de70 l F .text 000001b0 dns_recv | |
546 | -20004640 l O .bss 00000460 dns_table | |
547 | -20004aa0 l O .bss 00000008 dns_servers | |
548 | -20004aa8 l O .bss 00000203 dns_payload_buffer | |
549 | -20004cac l O .bss 00000004 dns_pcb | |
550 | -20004cb0 l O .bss 00000004 dns_payload | |
542 | +0801dab0 l F .text 00000108 dns_send | |
543 | +0801dbc0 l F .text 000000b0 dns_check_entry | |
544 | +0801dc70 l F .text 000001b0 dns_recv | |
545 | +20004638 l O .bss 00000460 dns_table | |
546 | +20004a98 l O .bss 00000008 dns_servers | |
547 | +20004aa0 l O .bss 00000203 dns_payload_buffer | |
548 | +20004ca4 l O .bss 00000004 dns_pcb | |
549 | +20004ca8 l O .bss 00000004 dns_payload | |
551 | 550 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 init.c |
552 | 551 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 memp.c |
553 | -08033fe0 l O .text 00000020 memp_num | |
554 | -20004cb4 l O .bss 00007f27 memp_memory | |
555 | -2000cbdc l O .bss 00000040 memp_tab | |
556 | -08034020 l O .text 00000020 memp_sizes | |
552 | +08033d50 l O .text 00000020 memp_num | |
553 | +20004cac l O .bss 00007f27 memp_memory | |
554 | +2000cbd4 l O .bss 00000040 memp_tab | |
555 | +08033d90 l O .text 00000020 memp_sizes | |
557 | 556 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 netif.c |
558 | 557 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 pbuf.c |
559 | -0801e400 l F .text 00000038 pbuf_free_ooseq_callback | |
560 | -0801e440 l F .text 0000003c pbuf_pool_is_empty | |
558 | +0801e200 l F .text 00000038 pbuf_free_ooseq_callback | |
559 | +0801e240 l F .text 0000003c pbuf_pool_is_empty | |
561 | 560 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 stats.c |
562 | 561 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 tcp.c |
563 | -0801ef00 l F .text 0000016c tcp_close_shutdown | |
564 | -2000cdb0 l O .bss 00000001 tcp_timer | |
565 | -2000cdbc l O .bss 00000001 tcp_timer_ctr | |
562 | +0801ed00 l F .text 0000016c tcp_close_shutdown | |
563 | +2000cda8 l O .bss 00000001 tcp_timer | |
564 | +2000cdb4 l O .bss 00000001 tcp_timer_ctr | |
566 | 565 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 tcp_out.c |
567 | -0801f1f0 l F .text 000000bc tcp_create_segment | |
568 | -0801f2b0 l F .text 0000005a tcp_output_alloc_header.constprop.1 | |
566 | +0801eff0 l F .text 000000bc tcp_create_segment | |
567 | +0801f0b0 l F .text 0000005a tcp_output_alloc_header.constprop.1 | |
569 | 568 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 udp.c |
570 | 569 | 2000123c l O .data 00000002 udp_port |
571 | 570 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 timers.c |
572 | -0801fd70 l F .text 00000030 tcpip_tcp_timer | |
573 | -2000cdcc l O .bss 00000004 tcpip_tcp_timer_active | |
574 | -2000cdd0 l O .bss 00000004 next_timeout | |
571 | +0801fb70 l F .text 00000030 tcpip_tcp_timer | |
572 | +2000cdc4 l O .bss 00000004 tcpip_tcp_timer_active | |
573 | +2000cdc8 l O .bss 00000004 next_timeout | |
575 | 574 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 icmp.c |
576 | -0801fda0 l F .text 0000009a icmp_send_response | |
575 | +0801fba0 l F .text 0000009a icmp_send_response | |
577 | 576 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 igmp.c |
578 | -0801fe50 l F .text 000000c8 igmp_send | |
579 | -0801ff20 l F .text 00000034 igmp_delaying_member | |
580 | -2000cdd4 l O .bss 00000004 allsystems | |
581 | -2000cdd8 l O .bss 00000004 allrouters | |
582 | -2000cddc l O .bss 00000004 igmp_group_list | |
577 | +0801fc50 l F .text 000000c8 igmp_send | |
578 | +0801fd20 l F .text 00000034 igmp_delaying_member | |
579 | +2000cdcc l O .bss 00000004 allsystems | |
580 | +2000cdd0 l O .bss 00000004 allrouters | |
581 | +2000cdd4 l O .bss 00000004 igmp_group_list | |
583 | 582 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 inet_chksum.c |
584 | -08020010 l F .text 0000007c lwip_standard_chksum | |
583 | +0801fe10 l F .text 0000007c lwip_standard_chksum | |
585 | 584 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 ip.c |
586 | -2000cde0 l O .bss 00000002 ip_id | |
585 | +2000cdd8 l O .bss 00000002 ip_id | |
587 | 586 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 ip_addr.c |
588 | -2000cde4 l O .bss 00000010 str.7295 | |
587 | +2000cddc l O .bss 00000010 str.7295 | |
589 | 588 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 ip_frag.c |
590 | -08020600 l F .text 0000009c ip_reass_free_complete_datagram | |
591 | -2000cdf4 l O .bss 00000004 reassdatagrams | |
592 | -2000cdf8 l O .bss 00000002 ip_reass_pbufcount | |
589 | +08020400 l F .text 0000009c ip_reass_free_complete_datagram | |
590 | +2000cdec l O .bss 00000004 reassdatagrams | |
591 | +2000cdf0 l O .bss 00000002 ip_reass_pbufcount | |
593 | 592 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 etharp.c |
594 | -08020810 l F .text 00000024 etharp_send_ip | |
595 | -08020840 l F .text 00000048 etharp_free_entry | |
596 | -08020890 l F .text 00000100 etharp_find_entry | |
597 | -2000cdfa l O .bss 00000001 etharp_cached_entry | |
598 | -2000cdfc l O .bss 000000c8 arp_table | |
593 | +08020610 l F .text 00000024 etharp_send_ip | |
594 | +08020640 l F .text 00000048 etharp_free_entry | |
595 | +08020690 l F .text 00000100 etharp_find_entry | |
596 | +2000cdf2 l O .bss 00000001 etharp_cached_entry | |
597 | +2000cdf4 l O .bss 000000c8 arp_table | |
599 | 598 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 sys_arch.c |
600 | 599 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 libwismart_softap.c |
601 | -2000cec4 l O .bss 00000004 client_change_cb | |
602 | -2000cec8 l O .bss 00000004 started_cb | |
600 | +2000cebc l O .bss 00000004 client_change_cb | |
601 | +2000cec0 l O .bss 00000004 started_cb | |
603 | 602 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 libwismart_pbuf_queues.c |
604 | -08020e00 l F .text 0000005c _PBufQueue_RemoveLast | |
603 | +08020c00 l F .text 0000005c _PBufQueue_RemoveLast | |
605 | 604 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 ec_tools.c |
606 | -08020fa0 l F .text 0000000e FunctionExecutioner | |
605 | +08020da0 l F .text 0000000e FunctionExecutioner | |
607 | 606 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 eeprom.c |
608 | -08020ff0 l F .text 0000005a EE_FindValidPage_ | |
607 | +08020df0 l F .text 0000005a EE_FindValidPage_ | |
609 | 608 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 blacklist.c |
610 | 609 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 bss.c |
611 | -08021280 l F .text 00000036 wpa_bss_in_use | |
612 | -080212c0 l F .text 00000042 wpa_bss_remove | |
613 | -08021310 l F .text 0000008c wpa_bss_copy_res | |
614 | -08021670 l F .text 0000012c are_ies_equal | |
610 | +08021080 l F .text 00000036 wpa_bss_in_use | |
611 | +080210c0 l F .text 00000042 wpa_bss_remove | |
612 | +08021110 l F .text 0000008c wpa_bss_copy_res | |
613 | +08021470 l F .text 0000012c are_ies_equal | |
615 | 614 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 config.c |
616 | -08021b20 l F .text 0000002c wpa_config_parse_int | |
617 | -08021b50 l F .text 000000dc wpa_config_parse_auth_alg | |
618 | -08021c30 l F .text 00000118 wpa_config_parse_key_mgmt | |
619 | -08021d50 l F .text 000000d8 wpa_config_parse_proto | |
620 | -08021e30 l F .text 00000136 wpa_config_parse_eap | |
621 | -08021f70 l F .text 000000f4 wpa_config_parse_cipher.isra.1 | |
622 | -08022070 l F .text 00000020 wpa_config_parse_group | |
623 | -08022090 l F .text 00000020 wpa_config_parse_pairwise | |
624 | -080220b0 l F .text 0000007c wpa_config_parse_string | |
625 | -08022130 l F .text 00000074 wpa_config_parse_str | |
626 | -080221b0 l F .text 00000050 wpa_config_parse_wep_key.isra.3 | |
627 | -08022200 l F .text 00000010 wpa_config_parse_wep_key3 | |
628 | -08022210 l F .text 00000010 wpa_config_parse_wep_key2 | |
629 | -08022220 l F .text 00000010 wpa_config_parse_wep_key1 | |
630 | -08022230 l F .text 00000010 wpa_config_parse_wep_key0 | |
631 | -08022240 l F .text 000000b4 wpa_config_parse_password | |
632 | -08022300 l F .text 0000009a wpa_config_parse_freqs.isra.5 | |
633 | -080223a0 l F .text 00000024 wpa_config_parse_freq_list | |
634 | -080223d0 l F .text 00000024 wpa_config_parse_scan_freq | |
635 | -08022400 l F .text 000000ac wpa_config_parse_psk | |
636 | -080224b0 l F .text 00000044 wpa_config_parse_bssid | |
637 | -080342a0 l O .text 0000071c ssid_fields | |
615 | +08021920 l F .text 0000002c wpa_config_parse_int | |
616 | +08021950 l F .text 000000dc wpa_config_parse_auth_alg | |
617 | +08021a30 l F .text 00000118 wpa_config_parse_key_mgmt | |
618 | +08021b50 l F .text 000000d8 wpa_config_parse_proto | |
619 | +08021c30 l F .text 00000136 wpa_config_parse_eap | |
620 | +08021d70 l F .text 000000f4 wpa_config_parse_cipher.isra.1 | |
621 | +08021e70 l F .text 00000020 wpa_config_parse_group | |
622 | +08021e90 l F .text 00000020 wpa_config_parse_pairwise | |
623 | +08021eb0 l F .text 0000007c wpa_config_parse_string | |
624 | +08021f30 l F .text 00000074 wpa_config_parse_str | |
625 | +08021fb0 l F .text 00000050 wpa_config_parse_wep_key.isra.3 | |
626 | +08022000 l F .text 00000010 wpa_config_parse_wep_key3 | |
627 | +08022010 l F .text 00000010 wpa_config_parse_wep_key2 | |
628 | +08022020 l F .text 00000010 wpa_config_parse_wep_key1 | |
629 | +08022030 l F .text 00000010 wpa_config_parse_wep_key0 | |
630 | +08022040 l F .text 000000b4 wpa_config_parse_password | |
631 | +08022100 l F .text 0000009a wpa_config_parse_freqs.isra.5 | |
632 | +080221a0 l F .text 00000024 wpa_config_parse_freq_list | |
633 | +080221d0 l F .text 00000024 wpa_config_parse_scan_freq | |
634 | +08022200 l F .text 000000ac wpa_config_parse_psk | |
635 | +080222b0 l F .text 00000044 wpa_config_parse_bssid | |
636 | +08034010 l O .text 0000071c ssid_fields | |
638 | 637 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 eap_common.c |
639 | 638 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 eap_methods.c |
640 | -2000cecc l O .bss 00000004 eap_methods | |
639 | +2000cec4 l O .bss 00000004 eap_methods | |
641 | 640 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 eap.c |
642 | -08022a90 l F .text 00000042 sm_EAP_FAILURE_Enter | |
643 | -08022ae0 l F .text 000000ce sm_EAP_INITIALIZE_Enter | |
644 | -08022bb0 l F .text 00000054 eap_peer_sm_tls_event | |
645 | -08022c10 l F .text 0000003c sm_EAP_SUCCESS_Enter.constprop.7 | |
646 | -08022c50 l F .text 00000028 sm_EAP_DISCARD_Enter.constprop.11 | |
647 | -08022c80 l F .text 000000b4 sm_EAP_SEND_RESPONSE_Enter.constprop.12 | |
648 | -08022d40 l F .text 0000011c sm_EAP_METHOD_Enter.constprop.13 | |
641 | +08022890 l F .text 00000042 sm_EAP_FAILURE_Enter | |
642 | +080228e0 l F .text 000000ce sm_EAP_INITIALIZE_Enter | |
643 | +080229b0 l F .text 00000054 eap_peer_sm_tls_event | |
644 | +08022a10 l F .text 0000003c sm_EAP_SUCCESS_Enter.constprop.7 | |
645 | +08022a50 l F .text 00000028 sm_EAP_DISCARD_Enter.constprop.11 | |
646 | +08022a80 l F .text 000000b4 sm_EAP_SEND_RESPONSE_Enter.constprop.12 | |
647 | +08022b40 l F .text 0000011c sm_EAP_METHOD_Enter.constprop.13 | |
649 | 648 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 eapol_supp_sm.c |
650 | -08023a90 l F .text 00000044 sm_SUPP_PAE_DISCONNECTED_Enter | |
651 | -08023ae0 l F .text 00000028 eapol_sm_txLogoff | |
652 | -08023b10 l F .text 00000006 eapol_sm_get_config | |
653 | -08023b20 l F .text 00000008 eapol_sm_get_eapReqData | |
654 | -08023b30 l F .text 00000048 eapol_sm_get_bool | |
655 | -08023b80 l F .text 00000044 eapol_sm_set_bool | |
656 | -08023bd0 l F .text 0000000c eapol_sm_get_int | |
657 | -08023be0 l F .text 00000014 eapol_sm_set_config_blob | |
658 | -08023c00 l F .text 0000001c eapol_sm_get_config_blob | |
659 | -08023c20 l F .text 00000018 eapol_sm_notify_cert | |
660 | -08023c40 l F .text 00000040 eapol_sm_txStart | |
661 | -08023c80 l F .text 00000048 eapol_enable_timer_tick | |
662 | -08024620 l F .text 000000d4 eapol_port_timers_tick | |
663 | -08023cd0 l F .text 0000000c eapol_sm_set_int | |
664 | -08023ce0 l F .text 00000026 sm_SUPP_PAE_AUTHENTICATED_Enter.constprop.9 | |
665 | -08023d10 l F .text 00000030 sm_SUPP_PAE_HELD_Enter.constprop.10 | |
666 | -08023d40 l F .text 0000005c sm_SUPP_PAE_CONNECTING_Enter.constprop.11 | |
667 | -08023da0 l F .text 00000026 sm_SUPP_BE_SUCCESS_Enter.constprop.15 | |
668 | -08023ef0 l F .text 000001e2 eapol_sm_processKey | |
669 | -08024700 l F .text 00000006 eapol_sm_step_timeout | |
670 | -08024710 l F .text 0000001c eapol_sm_notify_pending | |
649 | +08023890 l F .text 00000044 sm_SUPP_PAE_DISCONNECTED_Enter | |
650 | +080238e0 l F .text 00000028 eapol_sm_txLogoff | |
651 | +08023910 l F .text 00000006 eapol_sm_get_config | |
652 | +08023920 l F .text 00000008 eapol_sm_get_eapReqData | |
653 | +08023930 l F .text 00000048 eapol_sm_get_bool | |
654 | +08023980 l F .text 00000044 eapol_sm_set_bool | |
655 | +080239d0 l F .text 0000000c eapol_sm_get_int | |
656 | +080239e0 l F .text 00000014 eapol_sm_set_config_blob | |
657 | +08023a00 l F .text 0000001c eapol_sm_get_config_blob | |
658 | +08023a20 l F .text 00000018 eapol_sm_notify_cert | |
659 | +08023a40 l F .text 00000040 eapol_sm_txStart | |
660 | +08023a80 l F .text 00000048 eapol_enable_timer_tick | |
661 | +08024420 l F .text 000000d4 eapol_port_timers_tick | |
662 | +08023ad0 l F .text 0000000c eapol_sm_set_int | |
663 | +08023ae0 l F .text 00000026 sm_SUPP_PAE_AUTHENTICATED_Enter.constprop.9 | |
664 | +08023b10 l F .text 00000030 sm_SUPP_PAE_HELD_Enter.constprop.10 | |
665 | +08023b40 l F .text 0000005c sm_SUPP_PAE_CONNECTING_Enter.constprop.11 | |
666 | +08023ba0 l F .text 00000026 sm_SUPP_BE_SUCCESS_Enter.constprop.15 | |
667 | +08023cf0 l F .text 000001e2 eapol_sm_processKey | |
668 | +08024500 l F .text 00000006 eapol_sm_step_timeout | |
669 | +08024510 l F .text 0000001c eapol_sm_notify_pending | |
671 | 670 | 20001240 l O .data 0000002c eapol_cb |
672 | 671 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 eloop_wifiengine.c |
673 | 672 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 events.c |
674 | -08024db0 l F .text 00000048 wpa_supplicant_rsn_preauth_scan_results | |
675 | -08024e00 l F .text 000001f4 wpa_supplicant_event_associnfo | |
676 | -08025030 l F .text 00000028 wpa_supplicant_req_new_scan.constprop.16 | |
677 | -08025170 l F .text 00000724 _wpa_supplicant_event_scan_results | |
673 | +08024bb0 l F .text 00000048 wpa_supplicant_rsn_preauth_scan_results | |
674 | +08024c00 l F .text 000001f4 wpa_supplicant_event_associnfo | |
675 | +08024e30 l F .text 00000028 wpa_supplicant_req_new_scan.constprop.16 | |
676 | +08024f70 l F .text 00000724 _wpa_supplicant_event_scan_results | |
678 | 677 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 ieee802_11_common.c |
679 | 678 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 l2_packet_none.c |
680 | -08026380 l F .text 00000020 l2_packet_receive | |
679 | +08026180 l F .text 00000020 l2_packet_receive | |
681 | 680 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 md5-internal.c |
682 | -08026430 l F .text 0000078e MD5Transform | |
681 | +08026230 l F .text 0000078e MD5Transform | |
683 | 682 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 md5.c |
684 | 683 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 notify.c |
685 | 684 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 pmksa_cache.c |
686 | -08027000 l F .text 00000034 pmksa_cache_free_entry | |
687 | -08027040 l F .text 00000034 pmksa_cache_reauth | |
688 | -080270c0 l F .text 00000070 pmksa_cache_set_expiration | |
689 | -08027130 l F .text 00000034 pmksa_cache_expire | |
685 | +08026e00 l F .text 00000034 pmksa_cache_free_entry | |
686 | +08026e40 l F .text 00000034 pmksa_cache_reauth | |
687 | +08026ec0 l F .text 00000070 pmksa_cache_set_expiration | |
688 | +08026f30 l F .text 00000034 pmksa_cache_expire | |
690 | 689 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 preauth.c |
691 | -08027450 l F .text 00000052 rsn_preauth_eapol_send | |
692 | -080274b0 l F .text 00000054 rsn_preauth_receive | |
693 | -080277f0 l F .text 0000005a rsn_preauth_eapol_cb | |
694 | -080277d0 l F .text 00000012 rsn_preauth_timeout | |
690 | +08027250 l F .text 00000052 rsn_preauth_eapol_send | |
691 | +080272b0 l F .text 00000054 rsn_preauth_receive | |
692 | +080275f0 l F .text 0000005a rsn_preauth_eapol_cb | |
693 | +080275d0 l F .text 00000012 rsn_preauth_timeout | |
695 | 694 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 rc4.c |
696 | 695 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 scan.c |
697 | -08027a80 l F .text 00000016 freq_cmp | |
698 | -08027aa0 l F .text 000000a8 wpa_supplicant_extra_ies.isra.1 | |
699 | -08027ee0 l F .text 00000478 wpa_supplicant_scan | |
700 | -08027e70 l F .text 0000001a wpa_supplicant_delayed_sched_scan_timeout | |
701 | -08027c40 l F .text 0000000a wpa_supplicant_sched_scan_timeout | |
702 | -080283b0 l F .text 00000070 wpa_scan_get_max_rate | |
703 | -08028480 l F .text 00000120 wpa_scan_result_compar | |
704 | -08028650 l F .text 000000ae wpa_scan_result_wps_compar | |
696 | +08027880 l F .text 00000016 freq_cmp | |
697 | +080278a0 l F .text 000000a8 wpa_supplicant_extra_ies.isra.1 | |
698 | +08027ce0 l F .text 00000478 wpa_supplicant_scan | |
699 | +08027c70 l F .text 0000001a wpa_supplicant_delayed_sched_scan_timeout | |
700 | +08027a40 l F .text 0000000a wpa_supplicant_sched_scan_timeout | |
701 | +080281b0 l F .text 00000070 wpa_scan_get_max_rate | |
702 | +08028280 l F .text 00000120 wpa_scan_result_compar | |
703 | +08028450 l F .text 000000ae wpa_scan_result_wps_compar | |
705 | 704 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 sha1-internal.c |
706 | 705 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 sha1.c |
707 | 706 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 sha1-pbkdf2.c |
708 | 707 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 tls_internal.c |
709 | -2000cf20 l O .bss 00000004 tls_ref_count | |
708 | +2000cf18 l O .bss 00000004 tls_ref_count | |
710 | 709 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 tlsv1_client.c |
711 | 710 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 uuid.c |
712 | 711 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 wpabuf.c |
713 | 712 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 wpa_common.c |
714 | -0802a200 l F .text 00000066 rsn_selector_to_bitfield | |
715 | -0802a270 l F .text 00000066 wpa_selector_to_bitfield | |
713 | +0802a000 l F .text 00000066 rsn_selector_to_bitfield | |
714 | +0802a070 l F .text 00000066 wpa_selector_to_bitfield | |
716 | 715 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 wpa_ie.c |
717 | 716 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 wpa.c |
718 | -0802ac30 l F .text 0000001c wpa_sm_set_rekey_offload | |
719 | -0802ac50 l F .text 00000098 wpa_supplicant_install_gtk | |
720 | -0802acf0 l F .text 00000004 wpa_sm_start_preauth | |
721 | -0802ad00 l F .text 00000074 wpa_supplicant_key_neg_complete | |
722 | -0802ad80 l F .text 00000080 wpa_supplicant_check_group_cipher.isra.3 | |
723 | -0802afa0 l F .text 00000008 wpa_sm_rekey_ptk | |
717 | +0802aa30 l F .text 0000001c wpa_sm_set_rekey_offload | |
718 | +0802aa50 l F .text 00000098 wpa_supplicant_install_gtk | |
719 | +0802aaf0 l F .text 00000004 wpa_sm_start_preauth | |
720 | +0802ab00 l F .text 00000074 wpa_supplicant_key_neg_complete | |
721 | +0802ab80 l F .text 00000080 wpa_supplicant_check_group_cipher.isra.3 | |
722 | +0802ada0 l F .text 00000008 wpa_sm_rekey_ptk | |
724 | 723 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 wpas_glue.c |
725 | 724 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 wps_attr_build.c |
726 | 725 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 wps_attr_parse.c |
... | ... | @@ -745,1281 +744,1274 @@ SYMBOL TABLE: |
745 | 744 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 tcp_in.c |
746 | 745 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 reent.c |
747 | 746 | 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 |
748 | -08035f88 l .text 00000000 _etext | |
747 | +08035cf8 l .text 00000000 _etext | |
749 | 748 | 00018000 l *ABS* 00000000 __ram_size__ |
750 | 749 | 00000000 l startup 00000000 _text |
751 | 750 | 20000000 l startup 00000000 __ram_start__ |
752 | 751 | 20018000 l *ABS* 00000000 __ram_end__ |
753 | -2000cf34 l .bss 00000000 _end | |
752 | +2000cf2c l .bss 00000000 _end | |
754 | 753 | 00000200 l *ABS* 00000000 __main_stack_size__ |
755 | 754 | 00000a00 l *ABS* 00000000 __process_stack_size__ |
756 | -0801c370 g F .text 0000002c PWR_EnterSTANDBYMode | |
757 | -0802d5d0 g F .text 00000002 lwip_socket_init | |
758 | -0802df80 g F .text 00000016 aes_encrypt_deinit | |
759 | -08026ef0 g F .text 00000002 wpas_notify_scanning | |
760 | -08020120 g F .text 0000000c inet_chksum | |
761 | -08007e30 g F .text 0000000c libwismart_NetDown | |
755 | +0801c170 g F .text 0000002c PWR_EnterSTANDBYMode | |
756 | +0802d3d0 g F .text 00000002 lwip_socket_init | |
757 | +0802dd80 g F .text 00000016 aes_encrypt_deinit | |
758 | +08026cf0 g F .text 00000002 wpas_notify_scanning | |
759 | +0801ff20 g F .text 0000000c inet_chksum | |
760 | +08007cb0 g F .text 0000000c libwismart_NetDown | |
762 | 761 | 08004f6c g F .text 00000034 _mprec_log10 |
763 | -08020f90 g F .text 00000006 libwismart_PBufQueue_RemoveLast | |
764 | -0801d010 g F .text 00000004 lwip_ntohl | |
765 | -080263c0 g F .text 0000003c l2_packet_init | |
766 | -08013e80 g F .text 00000004 authsrv_init | |
762 | +08020d90 g F .text 00000006 libwismart_PBufQueue_RemoveLast | |
763 | +0801ce10 g F .text 00000004 lwip_ntohl | |
764 | +080261c0 g F .text 0000003c l2_packet_init | |
765 | +08013cc0 g F .text 00000004 authsrv_init | |
767 | 766 | 080077f0 g F .text 0000000e Vector58 |
768 | -0800fcb0 g F .text 00000042 wpa_get_ntp_timestamp | |
769 | -0801c460 g F .text 0000000a RCC_HSICmd | |
767 | +0800faf0 g F .text 00000042 wpa_get_ntp_timestamp | |
768 | +0801c260 g F .text 0000000a RCC_HSICmd | |
770 | 769 | 08006940 w F .text 00000010 VectorE8 |
771 | 770 | 08006940 w F .text 00000010 Vector9C |
772 | -0801e560 g F .text 0000003e pbuf_realloc | |
773 | -08008fc0 g F .text 000000fc LwIP_Periodic_Handle | |
774 | -20001324 g O .bss 00000004 dhcp_result_cb | |
771 | +0801e360 g F .text 0000003e pbuf_realloc | |
772 | +08008e30 g F .text 000000fc LwIP_Periodic_Handle | |
773 | +2000131c g O .bss 00000004 dhcp_result_cb | |
775 | 774 | 08004fe8 g F .text 00000056 __any_on |
776 | 775 | 080076c0 g F .text 00000004 _isatty_r |
777 | -0802e718 g O .text 00000028 __mprec_tinytens | |
778 | -20001590 g O .bss 00000130 _wismart_idle_thread_wa | |
776 | +0802e518 g O .text 00000028 __mprec_tinytens | |
777 | +20001588 g O .bss 00000130 _wismart_idle_thread_wa | |
779 | 778 | 08006764 g F .text 00000012 __aeabi_dcmple |
780 | -08027bd0 g F .text 0000002c wpa_supplicant_delayed_sched_scan | |
781 | -08014d10 g F .text 000000e0 michael_mic_failure | |
779 | +080279d0 g F .text 0000002c wpa_supplicant_delayed_sched_scan | |
780 | +08014b50 g F .text 000000e0 michael_mic_failure | |
782 | 781 | 08001140 g F .text 000000ba strcpy |
783 | -0801bee0 g F .text 00000022 FLASH_Unlock | |
784 | -08011400 g F .text 00000016 wps_get_uuid_e | |
785 | -080085e0 g F .text 00000020 libwismart_UART_RXDMA_IRQHandler | |
782 | +0801bd20 g F .text 00000022 FLASH_Unlock | |
783 | +08011240 g F .text 00000016 wps_get_uuid_e | |
784 | +08008450 g F .text 00000020 libwismart_UART_RXDMA_IRQHandler | |
786 | 785 | 08007270 g F .text 0000002e chEvtSignalFlagsI |
787 | -2000296c g O .bss 00000001 Adapter_Status | |
788 | -0801c490 g F .text 0000000a RCC_PLLCmd | |
786 | +20002964 g O .bss 00000001 Adapter_Status | |
787 | +0801c290 g F .text 0000000a RCC_PLLCmd | |
789 | 788 | 08006940 w F .text 00000010 VectorAC |
790 | -08007d70 g F .text 00000004 _getpid | |
789 | +08007bf0 g F .text 00000004 _getpid | |
791 | 790 | 08006f00 g F .text 00000006 chThdExit |
792 | 791 | 08006b00 g F .text 0000004c chSysTimerHandlerI |
793 | -0800cfa0 g F .text 0000001e wifi_arp_filter_forward_all | |
792 | +0800ce10 g F .text 0000001e wifi_arp_filter_forward_all | |
794 | 793 | 080003f0 g F .text 00000064 _puts_r |
795 | 794 | 080072a0 g F .text 0000001e chEvtBroadcastFlagsI |
796 | -0801ff90 g F .text 00000028 igmp_report_groups | |
795 | +0801fd90 g F .text 00000028 igmp_report_groups | |
797 | 796 | 08006ca0 g F .text 00000040 chSchGoSleepTimeoutS |
798 | -08022810 g F .text 00000022 wpa_config_set_network_defaults | |
799 | -0801e980 g F .text 0000003c tcp_update_rcv_ann_wnd | |
800 | -08025060 g F .text 000000a8 wpa_supplicant_mark_disassoc | |
801 | -200016cc g O .bss 00000001 enable_higher_profiler | |
797 | +08022610 g F .text 00000022 wpa_config_set_network_defaults | |
798 | +0801e780 g F .text 0000003c tcp_update_rcv_ann_wnd | |
799 | +08024e60 g F .text 000000a8 wpa_supplicant_mark_disassoc | |
800 | +200016c4 g O .bss 00000001 enable_higher_profiler | |
802 | 801 | 080066a0 g F .text 0000007a __cmpdf2 |
803 | -20002374 g O .bss 00000004 IGMPTimer | |
802 | +2000236c g O .bss 00000004 IGMPTimer | |
804 | 803 | 08007670 g F .text 00000004 _lseek_r |
805 | -08029da0 g F .text 000000c8 sha1_prf | |
806 | -0800dff0 g F .text 00000034 libwismart_LinkList_Find | |
807 | -0801bd30 g F .text 00000018 DMA_Cmd | |
804 | +08029ba0 g F .text 000000c8 sha1_prf | |
805 | +0800de30 g F .text 00000034 libwismart_LinkList_Find | |
806 | +0801bb70 g F .text 00000018 DMA_Cmd | |
808 | 807 | 200010e0 g O .data 00000004 rate_htmask |
809 | -2000cc1c g O .bss 00000004 netif_list | |
810 | -20004300 g O .bss 00000004 dlm_mib_table_rootentries | |
811 | -080193d0 g F .text 0000001c wpa_init_keys | |
812 | -0802a730 g F .text 00000052 rsn_pmkid | |
813 | -08027680 g F .text 0000005c rsn_preauth_deinit | |
814 | -08019440 g F .text 00000020 wpa_auth_sta_init | |
815 | -08029fd0 g F .text 00000004 tlsv1_client_global_deinit | |
808 | +2000cc14 g O .bss 00000004 netif_list | |
809 | +200042f8 g O .bss 00000004 dlm_mib_table_rootentries | |
810 | +08019210 g F .text 0000001c wpa_init_keys | |
811 | +0802a530 g F .text 00000052 rsn_pmkid | |
812 | +08027480 g F .text 0000005c rsn_preauth_deinit | |
813 | +08019280 g F .text 00000020 wpa_auth_sta_init | |
814 | +08029dd0 g F .text 00000004 tlsv1_client_global_deinit | |
816 | 815 | 080066a0 g F .text 0000007a __eqdf2 |
817 | -080159f0 g F .text 00000014 ieee802_1x_notify_port_enabled | |
818 | -0801f790 g F .text 000000b0 tcp_rst | |
819 | -0800ff60 g F .text 0000001c _nrx_os_strdup | |
820 | -0801ad80 g F .text 0000000e wpa_auth_get_wpa_ie | |
816 | +08015830 g F .text 00000014 ieee802_1x_notify_port_enabled | |
817 | +0801f590 g F .text 000000b0 tcp_rst | |
818 | +0800fda0 g F .text 0000001c _nrx_os_strdup | |
819 | +0801abc0 g F .text 0000000e wpa_auth_get_wpa_ie | |
821 | 820 | 080070d0 g F .text 000000c4 chMtxLockS |
822 | -080209e0 g F .text 00000098 etharp_update_arp_entry | |
823 | -08015390 g F .text 00000038 ieee802_1x_set_sta_authorized | |
824 | -08026e70 g F .text 0000001c hmac_md5 | |
825 | -08024b30 g F .text 00000098 eloop_reschedule | |
821 | +080207e0 g F .text 00000098 etharp_update_arp_entry | |
822 | +080151d0 g F .text 00000038 ieee802_1x_set_sta_authorized | |
823 | +08026c70 g F .text 0000001c hmac_md5 | |
824 | +08024930 g F .text 00000098 eloop_reschedule | |
826 | 825 | 08006940 w F .text 00000010 Vector5C |
827 | -0800df10 g F .text 00000050 print | |
828 | -080215c0 g F .text 000000ac wpa_bss_get_vendor_ie_multi | |
829 | -0800daa0 g F .text 00000130 _wifi_send_mlme | |
826 | +0800dd80 g F .text 00000050 print | |
827 | +080213c0 g F .text 000000ac wpa_bss_get_vendor_ie_multi | |
828 | +0800d910 g F .text 00000130 _wifi_send_mlme | |
830 | 829 | 08006204 g F .text 0000005a __floatdidf |
831 | -080146f0 g F .text 00000260 ap_free_sta | |
832 | -20002370 g O .bss 00000004 TCPTimer | |
833 | -08020a80 g F .text 000000b4 etharp_request | |
834 | -08020e60 g F .text 0000004e libwismart_PBufQueue_Deinit | |
830 | +08014530 g F .text 00000260 ap_free_sta | |
831 | +20002368 g O .bss 00000004 TCPTimer | |
832 | +08020880 g F .text 000000b4 etharp_request | |
833 | +08020c60 g F .text 0000004e libwismart_PBufQueue_Deinit | |
835 | 834 | 08000c30 g F .text 00000028 _kill_r |
836 | 835 | 08007790 g F .text 00000010 NMIVector |
837 | -080126b0 g F .text 0000007c wpas_wps_ssid_bss_match | |
838 | -0800d730 g F .text 000001e8 wei_get_mib_object | |
839 | -0801bdb0 g F .text 0000001a DMA_GetITStatus | |
840 | -080341e0 g O .text 00000004 ip_addr_any | |
836 | +080124f0 g F .text 0000007c wpas_wps_ssid_bss_match | |
837 | +0800d5a0 g F .text 000001e8 wei_get_mib_object | |
838 | +0801bbf0 g F .text 0000001a DMA_GetITStatus | |
839 | +08033f50 g O .text 00000004 ip_addr_any | |
841 | 840 | 08000af8 g F .text 00000040 _signal_r |
842 | 841 | 08007530 g F .text 00000086 chHeapFree |
843 | -08020090 g F .text 0000008e inet_chksum_pseudo | |
844 | -0801d990 g F .text 0000003e dhcp_network_changed | |
842 | +0801fe90 g F .text 0000008e inet_chksum_pseudo | |
843 | +0801d790 g F .text 0000003e dhcp_network_changed | |
845 | 844 | 08006940 w F .text 00000010 Vector11C |
846 | -0800f1e0 g F .text 00000074 HW_WiFiTransport_ReadCMD53 | |
847 | -0800d5a0 g F .text 000000b0 wifi_scan_handle_ind | |
845 | +0800f020 g F .text 00000074 HW_WiFiTransport_ReadCMD53 | |
846 | +0800d410 g F .text 000000b0 wifi_scan_handle_ind | |
848 | 847 | 08000e34 g F .text 00000020 __sseek |
849 | 848 | 08004064 g F .text 0000004c __sinit |
850 | -0801fc70 g F .text 00000034 udp_remove | |
851 | -200042fc g O .bss 00000004 dlm_mib_table_rootindex | |
852 | -0801c990 g F .text 0000000c SDIO_ClearFlag | |
853 | -080273d0 g F .text 0000000a pmksa_cache_clear_current | |
854 | -08020310 g F .text 00000022 ip_output_if | |
849 | +0801fa70 g F .text 00000034 udp_remove | |
850 | +200042f4 g O .bss 00000004 dlm_mib_table_rootindex | |
851 | +0801c790 g F .text 0000000c SDIO_ClearFlag | |
852 | +080271d0 g F .text 0000000a pmksa_cache_clear_current | |
853 | +08020110 g F .text 00000022 ip_output_if | |
855 | 854 | 08004540 g F .text 00000040 _setlocale_r |
856 | -08014990 g F .text 0000017c ap_handle_timer | |
855 | +080147d0 g F .text 0000017c ap_handle_timer | |
857 | 856 | 08004024 g F .text 0000002e __sfmoreglue |
858 | 857 | 08007760 g F .text 00000020 evtStart |
859 | -0801e210 g F .text 0000003c memp_free | |
860 | -0802d1a0 g F .text 00000004 hostapd_eid_roaming_consortium | |
861 | -08027c10 g F .text 0000002c wpa_supplicant_cancel_sched_scan | |
862 | -08007b90 g F .text 00000054 SendRssiValueBack | |
863 | -08026d00 g F .text 0000006a md5_vector | |
864 | -0801c800 g F .text 00000014 RTC_ClearFlag | |
865 | -0802d1b0 g F .text 0000003e hostapd_eid_time_zone | |
866 | -0801c8b0 g F .text 00000018 SDIO_SetPowerState | |
867 | -08008d20 g F .text 0000000c libwismart_LwIP_lock | |
868 | -0800fb00 g F .text 00000048 HW_DebugTrace_RXDMA_IRQHandler | |
869 | -0801e500 g F .text 0000005a pbuf_free | |
870 | -080185f0 g F .text 000004e0 hostapd_init_wps | |
871 | -08007d90 g F .text 000000a0 libwismart_WiFiConnectedInd | |
858 | +0801e010 g F .text 0000003c memp_free | |
859 | +0802cfa0 g F .text 00000004 hostapd_eid_roaming_consortium | |
860 | +08027a10 g F .text 0000002c wpa_supplicant_cancel_sched_scan | |
861 | +08007a10 g F .text 00000054 SendRssiValueBack | |
862 | +08026b00 g F .text 0000006a md5_vector | |
863 | +0801c600 g F .text 00000014 RTC_ClearFlag | |
864 | +0802cfb0 g F .text 0000003e hostapd_eid_time_zone | |
865 | +0801c6b0 g F .text 00000018 SDIO_SetPowerState | |
866 | +08008b90 g F .text 0000000c libwismart_LwIP_lock | |
867 | +0800f940 g F .text 00000048 HW_DebugTrace_RXDMA_IRQHandler | |
868 | +0801e300 g F .text 0000005a pbuf_free | |
869 | +08018430 g F .text 000004e0 hostapd_init_wps | |
870 | +08007c10 g F .text 000000a0 libwismart_WiFiConnectedInd | |
872 | 871 | 08006940 w F .text 00000010 Vector8C |
873 | -08017930 g F .text 00000008 eap_sm_notify_cached | |
874 | -08027b70 g F .text 00000060 wpa_supplicant_req_scan | |
875 | -08008510 g F .text 00000004 vfprintf_UART_SendCharIrq | |
876 | -08007bf0 g F .text 0000001c SendSnrValueBack | |
877 | -0801e730 g F .text 0000004c pbuf_cat | |
878 | -0801baf0 g F .text 0000007c NVIC_Init | |
872 | +08017770 g F .text 00000008 eap_sm_notify_cached | |
873 | +08027970 g F .text 00000060 wpa_supplicant_req_scan | |
874 | +08007a70 g F .text 0000001c SendSnrValueBack | |
875 | +0801e530 g F .text 0000004c pbuf_cat | |
876 | +0801b930 g F .text 0000007c NVIC_Init | |
879 | 877 | 08007230 g F .text 0000001a chEvtUnregister |
880 | -0802a160 g F .text 00000022 wpabuf_put | |
881 | -0800a130 g F .text 00000060 WiFi_Client_Update_TIM | |
882 | -20002965 g O .bss 00000001 DHCP_not_update | |
883 | -08020da0 g F .text 00000060 libwismart_SoftAP_Client_Change_Ind | |
884 | -08011520 g F .text 00000106 wps_build_probe_req_ie | |
885 | -080227d0 g F .text 0000003c wpa_config_remove_network | |
878 | +08029f60 g F .text 00000022 wpabuf_put | |
879 | +08009fa0 g F .text 00000060 WiFi_Client_Update_TIM | |
880 | +2000295d g O .bss 00000001 DHCP_not_update | |
881 | +08020ba0 g F .text 00000060 libwismart_SoftAP_Client_Change_Ind | |
882 | +08011360 g F .text 00000106 wps_build_probe_req_ie | |
883 | +080225d0 g F .text 0000003c wpa_config_remove_network | |
886 | 884 | 08000290 g F .text 000000bc memmove |
887 | -080210c0 g F .text 0000003c EE_Format_ | |
885 | +08020ec0 g F .text 0000003c EE_Format_ | |
888 | 886 | 08006940 w F .text 00000010 VectorDC |
889 | -08020340 g F .text 0000004c ip_output | |
890 | -080240e0 g F .text 0000053c eapol_sm_step | |
891 | -0801fbb0 g F .text 00000048 udp_sendto | |
892 | -0802a7c0 g F .text 00000022 wpa_parse_wpa_ie | |
887 | +08020140 g F .text 0000004c ip_output | |
888 | +08023ee0 g F .text 0000053c eapol_sm_step | |
889 | +0801f9b0 g F .text 00000048 udp_sendto | |
890 | +0802a5c0 g F .text 00000022 wpa_parse_wpa_ie | |
893 | 891 | 08004054 g F .text 0000000e _cleanup |
894 | 892 | 08000cc4 g F .text 0000006c snprintf |
895 | -08022f30 g F .text 00000068 eap_peer_sm_init | |
893 | +08022d30 g F .text 00000068 eap_peer_sm_init | |
896 | 894 | 08004760 g F .text 0000004e _Balloc |
897 | 895 | 08000000 g O startup 00000130 _vectors |
898 | -08020510 g F .text 00000018 ipaddr_addr | |
899 | -08008590 g F .text 00000024 libwismart_UART_IRQHandler | |
900 | -0801f880 g F .text 00000068 tcp_keepalive | |
901 | -08013050 g F .text 00000040 wpa_supplicant_ap_wps_cancel | |
902 | -20001540 g O .bss 00000004 roam_currrssi | |
903 | -20002654 g O .bss 00000004 softap_queue_event | |
904 | -080154a0 g F .text 00000228 ieee802_1x_receive | |
905 | -08024af0 g F .text 00000036 os_get_time_mono | |
906 | -08018070 g F .text 00000030 eap_server_get_type | |
907 | -08020990 g F .text 0000004c etharp_tmr | |
908 | -0800afb0 g F .text 00000030 SendAuthRequest | |
896 | +08020310 g F .text 00000018 ipaddr_addr | |
897 | +08008400 g F .text 00000024 libwismart_UART_IRQHandler | |
898 | +0801f680 g F .text 00000068 tcp_keepalive | |
899 | +08012e90 g F .text 00000040 wpa_supplicant_ap_wps_cancel | |
900 | +20001538 g O .bss 00000004 roam_currrssi | |
901 | +2000264c g O .bss 00000004 softap_queue_event | |
902 | +080152e0 g F .text 00000228 ieee802_1x_receive | |
903 | +080248f0 g F .text 00000036 os_get_time_mono | |
904 | +08017eb0 g F .text 00000030 eap_server_get_type | |
905 | +08020790 g F .text 0000004c etharp_tmr | |
906 | +0800ae20 g F .text 00000030 SendAuthRequest | |
909 | 907 | 08006c70 g F .text 00000028 chSchGoSleepS |
910 | -0802b280 g F .text 00000022 wpa_sm_notify_disassoc | |
908 | +0802b080 g F .text 00000022 wpa_sm_notify_disassoc | |
911 | 909 | 08006940 w F .text 00000010 Vector110 |
912 | -0800d6f0 g F .text 00000040 ReadMibTableObject | |
910 | +0800d560 g F .text 00000040 ReadMibTableObject | |
913 | 911 | 08006690 g F .text 0000008a __gtdf2 |
914 | -080214d0 g F .text 00000032 wpa_bss_get_bssid | |
915 | -0800b210 g F .text 00000022 CreateBssLeaveRequest | |
916 | -080084b0 g F .text 0000005c libwismart_UART_Init | |
917 | -20002794 g O .bss 00000004 softap_mbox | |
918 | -080122b0 g F .text 00000030 wps_registrar_complete | |
919 | -20001358 g O .bss 000001cc _wismart_hw | |
920 | -0801fa90 g F .text 0000011c udp_sendto_if | |
921 | -0801c030 g F .text 00000070 FLASH_ProgramHalfWord | |
922 | -0802a7f0 g F .text 00000212 wpa_gen_wpa_ie | |
923 | -0802bff0 g F .text 00000042 wpa_sm_set_assoc_wpa_ie_default | |
924 | -08023930 g F .text 00000004 eap_set_fast_reauth | |
925 | -0802ca90 g F .text 0000005e uuid_gen_mac_addr | |
926 | -08007ce0 g F .text 0000003e libwismart_GetMemFree_Ram | |
927 | -0800d9c0 g F .text 000000e0 _wifi_set_mib_raw | |
928 | -0801fcd0 g F .text 00000002 sys_timeouts_init | |
929 | -08016ee0 g F .text 0000001a hostapd_flush | |
930 | -08010cf0 g F .text 00000562 wpa_supplicant_associate | |
931 | -0802e080 g F .text 000000de aes_unwrap | |
932 | -2000cda4 g O .bss 00000001 tcp_active_pcbs_changed | |
933 | -08010610 g F .text 00000014 cipher_suite2driver | |
934 | -20002778 g O .bss 00000002 softap_TIM_updated | |
935 | -08025110 g F .text 0000005a wpa_supplicant_connect | |
936 | -0802cc70 g F .text 00000068 wps_build_model_name | |
937 | -0800cda0 g F .text 00000040 wifi_cmds_flow_mgmt_request | |
938 | -2000cdb8 g O .bss 00000004 tcp_active_pcbs | |
939 | -08029ac0 g F .text 00000082 SHA1Update | |
940 | -2000cf34 g .bss 00000000 __heap_base__ | |
941 | -0801b0e0 g F .text 00000058 wpa_add_kde | |
942 | -0801c710 g F .text 00000014 RTC_GetCounter | |
943 | -2000277c g O .bss 00000004 tim_timestamp | |
944 | -0800fe10 g F .text 00000032 wpa_ap_assoc_event | |
945 | -0800a030 g F .text 0000006c softAP_Force_TIM_Field | |
946 | -08007870 g F .text 000000f4 buttons_init | |
947 | -0802a080 g F .text 00000014 is_nil_uuid | |
948 | -0801cf70 g F .text 0000000c USART_GetFlagStatus | |
949 | -2000cdc8 g O .bss 00000004 udp_pcbs | |
912 | +080212d0 g F .text 00000032 wpa_bss_get_bssid | |
913 | +0800b080 g F .text 00000022 CreateBssLeaveRequest | |
914 | +08008330 g F .text 0000005c libwismart_UART_Init | |
915 | +2000278c g O .bss 00000004 softap_mbox | |
916 | +080120f0 g F .text 00000030 wps_registrar_complete | |
917 | +20001350 g O .bss 000001cc _wismart_hw | |
918 | +0801f890 g F .text 0000011c udp_sendto_if | |
919 | +0801be70 g F .text 00000070 FLASH_ProgramHalfWord | |
920 | +0802a5f0 g F .text 00000212 wpa_gen_wpa_ie | |
921 | +0802bdf0 g F .text 00000042 wpa_sm_set_assoc_wpa_ie_default | |
922 | +08023730 g F .text 00000004 eap_set_fast_reauth | |
923 | +0802c890 g F .text 0000005e uuid_gen_mac_addr | |
924 | +08007b60 g F .text 0000003e libwismart_GetMemFree_Ram | |
925 | +0800d830 g F .text 000000e0 _wifi_set_mib_raw | |
926 | +0801fad0 g F .text 00000002 sys_timeouts_init | |
927 | +08016d20 g F .text 0000001a hostapd_flush | |
928 | +08010b30 g F .text 00000562 wpa_supplicant_associate | |
929 | +0802de80 g F .text 000000de aes_unwrap | |
930 | +2000cd9c g O .bss 00000001 tcp_active_pcbs_changed | |
931 | +08010450 g F .text 00000014 cipher_suite2driver | |
932 | +20002770 g O .bss 00000002 softap_TIM_updated | |
933 | +08024f10 g F .text 0000005a wpa_supplicant_connect | |
934 | +0802ca70 g F .text 00000068 wps_build_model_name | |
935 | +0800cc10 g F .text 00000040 wifi_cmds_flow_mgmt_request | |
936 | +2000cdb0 g O .bss 00000004 tcp_active_pcbs | |
937 | +080298c0 g F .text 00000082 SHA1Update | |
938 | +2000cf2c g .bss 00000000 __heap_base__ | |
939 | +0801af20 g F .text 00000058 wpa_add_kde | |
940 | +0801c510 g F .text 00000014 RTC_GetCounter | |
941 | +20002774 g O .bss 00000004 tim_timestamp | |
942 | +0800fc50 g F .text 00000032 wpa_ap_assoc_event | |
943 | +08009ea0 g F .text 0000006c softAP_Force_TIM_Field | |
944 | +08029e80 g F .text 00000014 is_nil_uuid | |
945 | +0801cd70 g F .text 0000000c USART_GetFlagStatus | |
946 | +2000cdc0 g O .bss 00000004 udp_pcbs | |
950 | 947 | 080076a0 g F .text 00000018 _fstat_r |
951 | -0802aa10 g F .text 00000220 wpa_supplicant_parse_ies | |
952 | -080285a0 g F .text 000000ac wpa_scan_get_vendor_ie_multi | |
953 | -0800d0f0 g F .text 00000138 wifi_scan_request | |
954 | -0802b2b0 g F .text 00000014 wpa_sm_set_pmk | |
955 | -08016f30 g F .text 0000001a hostapd_set_rts | |
956 | -2000cf30 g O .bss 00000004 errno | |
948 | +0802a810 g F .text 00000220 wpa_supplicant_parse_ies | |
949 | +080283a0 g F .text 000000ac wpa_scan_get_vendor_ie_multi | |
950 | +0800cf60 g F .text 00000138 wifi_scan_request | |
951 | +0802b0b0 g F .text 00000014 wpa_sm_set_pmk | |
952 | +08016d70 g F .text 0000001a hostapd_set_rts | |
953 | +2000cf28 g O .bss 00000004 errno | |
957 | 954 | 08000df4 g F .text 00000004 __seofread |
958 | 955 | 08006940 w F .text 00000010 Vector120 |
959 | 956 | 08006df0 g F .text 00000068 chThdCreateI |
960 | -0800dfb0 g F .text 00000034 libwismart_LinkList_AddFirst | |
961 | -080153e0 g F .text 000000a2 ieee802_1x_tx_key | |
962 | -0801acd0 g F .text 0000003c wpa_gtk_rekey | |
963 | -0801c8d0 g F .text 0000001a SDIO_ITConfig | |
964 | -08016e50 g F .text 00000034 hostapd_if_add | |
965 | -20001310 g O .bss 00000004 sw1_irqs | |
966 | -08017950 g F .text 00000004 eap_get_interface | |
967 | -0800efa0 g F .text 0000007c HW_WiFiTransport_SendCMD53 | |
968 | -0800fdf0 g F .text 00000020 wpa_eapol_handler | |
969 | -0801e710 g F .text 0000001a pbuf_ref | |
970 | -0801c4a0 g F .text 00000014 RCC_SYSCLKConfig | |
957 | +0800ddf0 g F .text 00000034 libwismart_LinkList_AddFirst | |
958 | +08015220 g F .text 000000a2 ieee802_1x_tx_key | |
959 | +0801ab10 g F .text 0000003c wpa_gtk_rekey | |
960 | +0801c6d0 g F .text 0000001a SDIO_ITConfig | |
961 | +08016c90 g F .text 00000034 hostapd_if_add | |
962 | +08017790 g F .text 00000004 eap_get_interface | |
963 | +0800ede0 g F .text 0000007c HW_WiFiTransport_SendCMD53 | |
964 | +0800fc30 g F .text 00000020 wpa_eapol_handler | |
965 | +0801e510 g F .text 0000001a pbuf_ref | |
966 | +0801c2a0 g F .text 00000014 RCC_SYSCLKConfig | |
971 | 967 | 0800672c g F .text 00000010 __aeabi_cdcmple |
972 | -0801e310 g F .text 00000008 netif_set_netmask | |
973 | -08020cb0 g F .text 00000018 sys_mbox_trypost | |
974 | -080238c0 g F .text 0000002c eap_sm_abort | |
968 | +0801e110 g F .text 00000008 netif_set_netmask | |
969 | +08020ab0 g F .text 00000018 sys_mbox_trypost | |
970 | +080236c0 g F .text 0000002c eap_sm_abort | |
975 | 971 | 08006940 w F .text 00000010 VectorC8 |
976 | -0801f090 g F .text 00000026 tcp_recv_null | |
977 | -20001550 g O .bss 00000004 roam_currds | |
978 | -0801bcf0 g F .text 00000040 DMA_Init | |
979 | -0801c0a0 g F .text 00000082 FLASH_ErasePage | |
980 | -0801f310 g F .text 000000e4 tcp_enqueue_flags | |
981 | -08010120 g F .text 0000012c wpa_supplicant_rx_eapol | |
982 | -0802caf0 g F .text 00000104 wps_config_methods_str2bin | |
983 | -0800e0f0 g F .text 00000028 libwismart_GetTime | |
984 | -0800f520 g F .text 00000020 registryOpenFile | |
972 | +0801ee90 g F .text 00000026 tcp_recv_null | |
973 | +20001548 g O .bss 00000004 roam_currds | |
974 | +0801bb30 g F .text 00000040 DMA_Init | |
975 | +0801bee0 g F .text 00000082 FLASH_ErasePage | |
976 | +0801f110 g F .text 000000e4 tcp_enqueue_flags | |
977 | +0800ff60 g F .text 0000012c wpa_supplicant_rx_eapol | |
978 | +0802c8f0 g F .text 00000104 wps_config_methods_str2bin | |
979 | +0800df30 g F .text 00000028 libwismart_GetTime | |
980 | +0800f360 g F .text 00000020 registryOpenFile | |
985 | 981 | 08006ce0 g F .text 0000005c chSchWakeupS |
986 | -2000155c g O .bss 00000004 wifi_adhoc_cb | |
982 | +20001554 g O .bss 00000004 wifi_adhoc_cb | |
987 | 983 | 08000470 g F .text 000005ec qsort |
988 | -0801c980 g F .text 0000000c SDIO_SetSDIOOperation | |
989 | -0801f070 g F .text 00000014 tcp_close | |
990 | -08014380 g F .text 00000042 hostapd_get_psk | |
991 | -0801e9c0 g F .text 00000036 tcp_recved | |
992 | -08022930 g F .text 00000082 eap_msg_alloc | |
993 | -0800e770 g F .text 000000c0 HW_SDIO_Write_Direct | |
984 | +0801c780 g F .text 0000000c SDIO_SetSDIOOperation | |
985 | +0801ee70 g F .text 00000014 tcp_close | |
986 | +080141c0 g F .text 00000042 hostapd_get_psk | |
987 | +0801e7c0 g F .text 00000036 tcp_recved | |
988 | +08022730 g F .text 00000082 eap_msg_alloc | |
989 | +0800e5b0 g F .text 000000c0 HW_SDIO_Write_Direct | |
994 | 990 | 08006c30 g F .text 0000001a _scheduler_init |
995 | -0801ea40 g F .text 00000044 tcp_pcb_purge | |
996 | -0801b870 g F .text 00000048 pmksa_cache_auth_deinit | |
997 | -0800d0c0 g F .text 00000026 wifi_scan_remove | |
991 | +0801e840 g F .text 00000044 tcp_pcb_purge | |
992 | +0801b6b0 g F .text 00000048 pmksa_cache_auth_deinit | |
993 | +0800cf30 g F .text 00000026 wifi_scan_remove | |
998 | 994 | 08006e60 g F .text 0000001e chThdCreateStatic |
999 | 995 | 08006d80 g F .text 00000018 chSchRescheduleS |
1000 | -08012860 g F .text 0000005e wpas_wps_notify_scan_results | |
1001 | -08029fe0 g F .text 000000a0 uuid_bin2str | |
1002 | -0800c600 g F .text 000000bc WiFi_RxQueues_Init | |
1003 | -0801a5b0 g F .text 000005c4 wpa_receive | |
996 | +080126a0 g F .text 0000005e wpas_wps_notify_scan_results | |
997 | +08029de0 g F .text 000000a0 uuid_bin2str | |
998 | +0800c470 g F .text 000000bc WiFi_RxQueues_Init | |
999 | +0801a3f0 g F .text 000005c4 wpa_receive | |
1004 | 1000 | 08006940 w F .text 00000010 Vector94 |
1005 | -08026f70 g F .text 00000002 wpas_notify_bss_signal_changed | |
1006 | -0801c6b0 g F .text 0000000c RCC_BackupResetCmd | |
1007 | -080205f0 g F .text 0000000e ipaddr_ntoa | |
1008 | -08016cc0 g F .text 00000068 hostapd_set_authorized | |
1009 | -080211e0 g F .text 00000040 wpa_blacklist_add | |
1010 | -200016d0 g O .bss 00000006 res_counters | |
1011 | -0801ad20 g F .text 0000000e wpa_auth_pairwise_set | |
1012 | -0802c230 g F .text 00000034 wps_build_config_methods | |
1013 | -08034190 g O .text 00000007 tcp_persist_backoff | |
1014 | -08013030 g F .text 00000002 ap_mgmt_tx_cb | |
1015 | -0800dca0 g F .text 00000012 libwismart_ClearTraceMask | |
1016 | -08012ff0 g F .text 00000002 ap_tx_status | |
1017 | -080239d0 g F .text 00000010 eap_get_eapRespData | |
1001 | +08026d70 g F .text 00000002 wpas_notify_bss_signal_changed | |
1002 | +0801c4b0 g F .text 0000000c RCC_BackupResetCmd | |
1003 | +080203f0 g F .text 0000000e ipaddr_ntoa | |
1004 | +08016b00 g F .text 00000068 hostapd_set_authorized | |
1005 | +08020fe0 g F .text 00000040 wpa_blacklist_add | |
1006 | +200016c8 g O .bss 00000006 res_counters | |
1007 | +0801ab60 g F .text 0000000e wpa_auth_pairwise_set | |
1008 | +0802c030 g F .text 00000034 wps_build_config_methods | |
1009 | +08033f00 g O .text 00000007 tcp_persist_backoff | |
1010 | +08012e70 g F .text 00000002 ap_mgmt_tx_cb | |
1011 | +0800db10 g F .text 00000012 libwismart_ClearTraceMask | |
1012 | +08012e30 g F .text 00000002 ap_tx_status | |
1013 | +080237d0 g F .text 00000010 eap_get_eapRespData | |
1018 | 1014 | 08006940 w F .text 00000010 VectorA8 |
1019 | -080271d0 g F .text 000001a6 pmksa_cache_add | |
1020 | -200016d8 g O .bss 00000001 enable_power_save | |
1021 | -080247d0 g F .text 0000000a eapol_sm_notify_portEnabled | |
1022 | -0802a190 g F .text 00000024 wpabuf_alloc_copy | |
1015 | +08026fd0 g F .text 000001a6 pmksa_cache_add | |
1016 | +200016d0 g O .bss 00000001 enable_power_save | |
1017 | +080245d0 g F .text 0000000a eapol_sm_notify_portEnabled | |
1018 | +08029f90 g F .text 00000024 wpabuf_alloc_copy | |
1023 | 1019 | 080001f0 g F .text 00000094 memcpy |
1024 | -080145b0 g F .text 00000032 ap_sta_set_authorized | |
1025 | -0802a330 g F .text 000000dc wpa_pmk_to_ptk | |
1020 | +080143f0 g F .text 00000032 ap_sta_set_authorized | |
1021 | +0802a130 g F .text 000000dc wpa_pmk_to_ptk | |
1026 | 1022 | 20001108 g O .data 00000002 dlm_mib_table_size_client |
1027 | -08024bd0 g F .text 00000074 eloop_timer | |
1023 | +080249d0 g F .text 00000074 eloop_timer | |
1028 | 1024 | 0800671c g F .text 00000020 __aeabi_cdrcmple |
1029 | -2000cdac g O .bss 00000004 tcp_ticks | |
1030 | -2000cdb4 g O .bss 00000004 tcp_listen_pcbs | |
1031 | -0800c550 g F .text 00000010 wifi_DisableConnectedBss | |
1032 | -200023c0 g O .bss 00000004 DHCP_Server_Connection | |
1033 | -08008670 g F .text 0000001e Transport_TargetWakeup | |
1034 | -200027cc g O .bss 00000080 rate_table | |
1025 | +2000cda4 g O .bss 00000004 tcp_ticks | |
1026 | +2000cdac g O .bss 00000004 tcp_listen_pcbs | |
1027 | +0800c3c0 g F .text 00000010 wifi_DisableConnectedBss | |
1028 | +200023b8 g O .bss 00000004 DHCP_Server_Connection | |
1029 | +080084e0 g F .text 0000001e Transport_TargetWakeup | |
1030 | +200027c4 g O .bss 00000080 rate_table | |
1035 | 1031 | 08006940 w F .text 00000010 VectorB4 |
1036 | -0801f840 g F .text 00000034 tcp_rexmit_rto | |
1037 | -08019460 g F .text 000000a8 wpa_auth_sta_deinit | |
1038 | -0800ca10 g F .text 00000170 wifi_release_resource_hic | |
1039 | -08027c70 g F .text 000001fc wpa_supplicant_req_sched_scan | |
1040 | -08023e00 g F .text 0000000a eapol_sm_notify_tx_eapol_key | |
1041 | -08026400 g F .text 0000001c l2_packet_deinit | |
1032 | +0801f640 g F .text 00000034 tcp_rexmit_rto | |
1033 | +080192a0 g F .text 000000a8 wpa_auth_sta_deinit | |
1034 | +0800c880 g F .text 00000170 wifi_release_resource_hic | |
1035 | +08027a70 g F .text 000001fc wpa_supplicant_req_sched_scan | |
1036 | +08023c00 g F .text 0000000a eapol_sm_notify_tx_eapol_key | |
1037 | +08026200 g F .text 0000001c l2_packet_deinit | |
1042 | 1038 | 08003fc8 g F .text 0000000c _cleanup_r |
1043 | -0801c210 g F .text 00000076 GPIO_PinRemapConfig | |
1039 | +0801c050 g F .text 00000076 GPIO_PinRemapConfig | |
1044 | 1040 | 08001990 g F .text 000012f4 _svfprintf_r |
1045 | -08015d00 g F .text 00000038 eapol_auth_free | |
1041 | +08015b40 g F .text 00000038 eapol_auth_free | |
1046 | 1042 | 08006194 g F .text 00000022 __floatsidf |
1047 | -08012600 g F .text 0000006c wpas_wps_start_pbc | |
1048 | -080128e0 g F .text 00000020 wpas_wps_in_progress | |
1043 | +08012440 g F .text 0000006c wpas_wps_start_pbc | |
1044 | +08012720 g F .text 00000020 wpas_wps_in_progress | |
1049 | 1045 | 08006698 g F .text 00000082 __ltdf2 |
1050 | -0801e890 g F .text 0000009c pbuf_copy_partial | |
1051 | -0800b330 g F .text 00000036 SendMgmtPkt | |
1052 | -08020c90 g F .text 00000002 sys_init | |
1053 | -08013860 g F .text 00000078 hostapd_interface_deinit | |
1054 | -20004424 g O .bss 00000004 tmpCC4 | |
1046 | +0801e690 g F .text 0000009c pbuf_copy_partial | |
1047 | +0800b1a0 g F .text 00000036 SendMgmtPkt | |
1048 | +08020a90 g F .text 00000002 sys_init | |
1049 | +080136a0 g F .text 00000078 hostapd_interface_deinit | |
1050 | +2000441c g O .bss 00000004 tmpCC4 | |
1055 | 1051 | 200010c0 g O .data 0000001e supportedRateSet |
1056 | -08023970 g F .text 00000038 eap_notify_lower_layer_success | |
1057 | -0800fc50 g F .text 0000002c hexstr2bin | |
1058 | -200016cd g O .bss 00000001 allow_stop_mode | |
1059 | -0801cd60 g F .text 0000001a TIM_Cmd | |
1060 | -0801fce0 g F .text 00000050 sys_timeout | |
1052 | +08023770 g F .text 00000038 eap_notify_lower_layer_success | |
1053 | +0800fa90 g F .text 0000002c hexstr2bin | |
1054 | +200016c5 g O .bss 00000001 allow_stop_mode | |
1055 | +0801cb60 g F .text 0000001a TIM_Cmd | |
1056 | +0801fae0 g F .text 00000050 sys_timeout | |
1061 | 1057 | 08000454 g F .text 00000010 puts |
1062 | 1058 | 08006c50 g F .text 00000020 chSchReadyI |
1063 | -08015820 g F .text 00000164 ieee802_1x_init | |
1064 | -0800dcc0 g F .text 00000002 libwismart_DebugPin_Set | |
1059 | +08015660 g F .text 00000164 ieee802_1x_init | |
1060 | +0800db30 g F .text 00000002 libwismart_DebugPin_Set | |
1065 | 1061 | 08000130 g startup 00000000 __fini_array_end |
1066 | -0800ccc0 g F .text 0000007c wifi_PsDisableRF | |
1062 | +0800cb30 g F .text 0000007c wifi_PsDisableRF | |
1067 | 1063 | 08006950 w F .text 00000004 port_halt |
1068 | -080180a0 g F .text 00000034 eap_server_get_name | |
1064 | +08017ee0 g F .text 00000034 eap_server_get_name | |
1069 | 1065 | 20000c00 g .stacks 00000000 __main_thread_stack_end__ |
1070 | -08008520 g F .text 0000006c libwismart_UART_SendBuff | |
1071 | -0802b2d0 g F .text 0000001c wpa_sm_set_pmk_from_pmksa | |
1072 | -0801db00 g F .text 000000b8 dhcp_release | |
1073 | -08011440 g F .text 00000070 wps_build_assoc_req_ie | |
1066 | +08008390 g F .text 0000006c libwismart_UART_SendBuff | |
1067 | +0802b0d0 g F .text 0000001c wpa_sm_set_pmk_from_pmksa | |
1068 | +0801d900 g F .text 000000b8 dhcp_release | |
1069 | +08011280 g F .text 00000070 wps_build_assoc_req_ie | |
1074 | 1070 | 08005040 g F .text 00000050 __fpclassifyd |
1075 | -08024a90 g F .text 00000058 eloop_unregister_read_sock | |
1071 | +08024890 g F .text 00000058 eloop_unregister_read_sock | |
1076 | 1072 | 08006b50 g F .text 00000018 _vt_init |
1077 | 1073 | 08004f0c g F .text 00000060 __ratio |
1078 | -08014100 g F .text 00000260 hostapd_config_free | |
1079 | -0801c420 g F .text 00000038 RCC_HSEConfig | |
1074 | +08013f40 g F .text 00000260 hostapd_config_free | |
1075 | +0801c220 g F .text 00000038 RCC_HSEConfig | |
1080 | 1076 | 08005c60 g F .text 0000025c __udivsi3 |
1081 | 1077 | 08000b38 g F .text 00000056 _raise_r |
1082 | 1078 | 08007480 g F .text 00000020 _heap_init |
1083 | -0801acb0 g F .text 00000020 wpa_auth_sm_notify | |
1079 | +0801aaf0 g F .text 00000020 wpa_auth_sm_notify | |
1084 | 1080 | 08006940 w F .text 00000010 Vector74 |
1085 | -0802e650 g O .text 000000c8 __mprec_tens | |
1086 | -08010ab0 g F .text 00000090 wpa_supplicant_update_mac_addr | |
1087 | -08007cc0 g F .text 00000016 libwismart_GetMemFree_PBufPool | |
1088 | -08024730 g F .text 0000000a eapol_sm_notify_portControl | |
1089 | -0801cdc0 g F .text 00000008 TIM_ClearITPendingBit | |
1090 | -20002960 g O .bss 00000004 alignment_req_bsema | |
1091 | -0800a840 g F .text 00000764 Join | |
1081 | +0802e450 g O .text 000000c8 __mprec_tens | |
1082 | +080108f0 g F .text 00000090 wpa_supplicant_update_mac_addr | |
1083 | +08007b40 g F .text 00000016 libwismart_GetMemFree_PBufPool | |
1084 | +08024530 g F .text 0000000a eapol_sm_notify_portControl | |
1085 | +0801cbc0 g F .text 00000008 TIM_ClearITPendingBit | |
1086 | +20002958 g O .bss 00000004 alignment_req_bsema | |
1087 | +0800a6b0 g F .text 00000764 Join | |
1092 | 1088 | 08004580 g F .text 0000000a __locale_charset |
1093 | 1089 | 08002ce8 g F .text 00000024 vsnprintf |
1094 | 1090 | 08006940 w F .text 00000010 VectorEC |
1095 | -0801c650 g F .text 0000001a RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd | |
1091 | +0801c450 g F .text 0000001a RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd | |
1096 | 1092 | 20001270 g .bss 00000000 _bss_start |
1097 | -2000153c g O .bss 00000004 roaming_enabled | |
1098 | -08010340 g F .text 000000d4 wpa_supplicant_set_non_wpa_policy | |
1099 | -0801ea20 g F .text 00000012 tcp_segs_free | |
1100 | -08014c00 g F .text 000000d4 ap_sta_add | |
1101 | -2000cf24 g O .bss 00000004 wpa_debug_level | |
1102 | -0800f2d0 g F .text 0000003e HW_RCC_InitStop | |
1103 | -20001c28 g O .bss 000006b0 wa_lwip_thread | |
1093 | +20001534 g O .bss 00000004 roaming_enabled | |
1094 | +08010180 g F .text 000000d4 wpa_supplicant_set_non_wpa_policy | |
1095 | +0801e820 g F .text 00000012 tcp_segs_free | |
1096 | +08014a40 g F .text 000000d4 ap_sta_add | |
1097 | +2000cf1c g O .bss 00000004 wpa_debug_level | |
1098 | +0800f110 g F .text 0000003e HW_RCC_InitStop | |
1099 | +20001c20 g O .bss 000006b0 wa_lwip_thread | |
1104 | 1100 | 080077c0 g F .text 00000010 UsageFaultVector |
1105 | -08027e90 g F .text 00000046 wpa_supplicant_trigger_scan | |
1101 | +08027c90 g F .text 00000046 wpa_supplicant_trigger_scan | |
1106 | 1102 | 08000c58 g F .text 00000004 _getpid_r |
1107 | -08013c80 g F .text 00000120 hostapd_setup_wpa | |
1108 | -0801e250 g F .text 00000002 memp_status | |
1109 | -0800c700 g F .text 00000080 wifi_wakeup_cb | |
1110 | -0801c130 g F .text 000000be GPIO_Init | |
1111 | -0801b920 g F .text 000000f6 pmksa_cache_auth_add | |
1112 | -0801c470 g F .text 00000016 RCC_PLLConfig | |
1103 | +08013ac0 g F .text 00000120 hostapd_setup_wpa | |
1104 | +0801e050 g F .text 00000002 memp_status | |
1105 | +0800c570 g F .text 00000080 wifi_wakeup_cb | |
1106 | +0801bf70 g F .text 000000be GPIO_Init | |
1107 | +0801b760 g F .text 000000f6 pmksa_cache_auth_add | |
1108 | +0801c270 g F .text 00000016 RCC_PLLConfig | |
1113 | 1109 | 20018000 g *ABS* 00000000 __heap_end__ |
1114 | 1110 | 08006940 w F .text 00000010 DebugMonitorVector |
1115 | -0802d2f0 g F .text 000001c8 hostapd_notif_assoc | |
1116 | -0801ad10 g F .text 0000000a wpa_auth_countermeasures_start | |
1111 | +0802d0f0 g F .text 000001c8 hostapd_notif_assoc | |
1112 | +0801ab50 g F .text 0000000a wpa_auth_countermeasures_start | |
1117 | 1113 | 08006f90 g F .text 00000036 chThdCreateFromHeap |
1118 | 1114 | 20001058 g O .data 00000004 __mb_cur_max |
1119 | 1115 | 08006174 g F .text 0000001e __aeabi_ui2d |
1120 | 1116 | 080045a4 g F .text 00000008 _localeconv_r |
1121 | -08012130 g F .text 00000004 wps_registrar_update_ie | |
1122 | -0801e270 g F .text 00000064 netif_set_ipaddr | |
1117 | +08011f70 g F .text 00000004 wps_registrar_update_ie | |
1118 | +0801e070 g F .text 00000064 netif_set_ipaddr | |
1123 | 1119 | 08004990 g F .text 00000012 __i2b |
1124 | 1120 | 08004180 g F .text 0000031c __sfvwrite_r |
1125 | 1121 | 08000b90 g F .text 00000050 __sigtramp_r |
1126 | -0802d6e0 g F .text 00000400 aes_decrypt | |
1127 | -08015d40 g F .text 0000001e eapol_auth_step | |
1128 | -0801cec0 g F .text 0000001a USART_Cmd | |
1122 | +0802d4e0 g F .text 00000400 aes_decrypt | |
1123 | +08015b80 g F .text 0000001e eapol_auth_step | |
1124 | +0801ccc0 g F .text 0000001a USART_Cmd | |
1129 | 1125 | 08005ef0 g F .text 00000000 __aeabi_drsub |
1130 | 1126 | 08006940 w F .text 00000010 Vector40 |
1131 | -0800dce0 g F .text 00000002 libwismart_DebugPin_Init | |
1127 | +0800db50 g F .text 00000002 libwismart_DebugPin_Init | |
1132 | 1128 | 08006940 w F .text 00000010 VectorF8 |
1133 | -0800e420 g F .text 00000070 Vector108 | |
1134 | -080170a0 g F .text 0000010c ieee802_11_set_beacon | |
1135 | -080239f0 g F .text 0000001a eap_invalidate_cached_session | |
1136 | -08024940 g F .text 0000000a eapol_sm_invalidate_cached_session | |
1137 | -0800e210 g F .text 000001b8 HW_RTC_Init | |
1138 | -08016e10 g F .text 0000001a hostapd_get_ssid | |
1129 | +0800e260 g F .text 00000070 Vector108 | |
1130 | +08016ee0 g F .text 0000010c ieee802_11_set_beacon | |
1131 | +080237f0 g F .text 0000001a eap_invalidate_cached_session | |
1132 | +08024740 g F .text 0000000a eapol_sm_invalidate_cached_session | |
1133 | +0800e050 g F .text 000001b8 HW_RTC_Init | |
1134 | +08016c50 g F .text 0000001a hostapd_get_ssid | |
1139 | 1135 | 08006820 g F .text 00000118 ResetHandler |
1140 | 1136 | 08006940 w F .text 00000010 VectorBC |
1141 | -0802d5a0 g F .text 00000030 wpa_scan_results_free | |
1142 | -0802c2b0 g F .text 00000034 wps_build_dev_password_id | |
1143 | -0802bf70 g F .text 00000074 wpa_sm_set_param | |
1144 | -0800b010 g F .text 00000160 SendAssocRequest | |
1145 | -08024780 g F .text 0000000e eapol_sm_notify_eap_fail | |
1137 | +0802d3a0 g F .text 00000030 wpa_scan_results_free | |
1138 | +0802c0b0 g F .text 00000034 wps_build_dev_password_id | |
1139 | +0802bd70 g F .text 00000074 wpa_sm_set_param | |
1140 | +0800ae80 g F .text 00000160 SendAssocRequest | |
1141 | +08024580 g F .text 0000000e eapol_sm_notify_eap_fail | |
1146 | 1142 | 08007660 g F .text 0000000a _read_r |
1147 | 1143 | 08006940 w F .text 00000010 Vector124 |
1148 | 1144 | 080075c0 g F .text 00000040 chHeapStatus |
1149 | -0801c530 g F .text 00000020 RCC_LSEConfig | |
1150 | -08013ed0 g F .text 0000019c hostapd_config_defaults | |
1145 | +0801c330 g F .text 00000020 RCC_LSEConfig | |
1146 | +08013d10 g F .text 0000019c hostapd_config_defaults | |
1151 | 1147 | 08006750 g F .text 00000012 __aeabi_dcmplt |
1152 | -0802c180 g F .text 00000046 wpa_supplicant_rsn_supp_set_config | |
1153 | -08026ec0 g F .text 00000002 wpas_notify_bssid_changed | |
1148 | +0802bf80 g F .text 00000046 wpa_supplicant_rsn_supp_set_config | |
1149 | +08026cc0 g F .text 00000002 wpas_notify_bssid_changed | |
1154 | 1150 | 08005bc0 g F .text 00000088 _fclose_r |
1155 | -0802ce40 g F .text 00000068 wps_build_dev_name | |
1156 | -0801c570 g F .text 0000000c RCC_RTCCLKCmd | |
1157 | -08008610 g F .text 00000038 Transport_ReadData | |
1151 | +0802cc40 g F .text 00000068 wps_build_dev_name | |
1152 | +0801c370 g F .text 0000000c RCC_RTCCLKCmd | |
1153 | +08008480 g F .text 00000038 Transport_ReadData | |
1158 | 1154 | 08006990 g F .text 00000032 _port_init |
1159 | 1155 | 08003f9c g F .text 00000024 fflush |
1160 | -0801fe40 g F .text 00000008 icmp_time_exceeded | |
1161 | -0801eef0 g F .text 00000006 tcp_abort | |
1162 | -0801bdd0 g F .text 00000012 DMA_ClearITPendingBit | |
1163 | -08016a70 g F .text 000001da hostapd_build_ap_extra_ies | |
1156 | +0801fc40 g F .text 00000008 icmp_time_exceeded | |
1157 | +0801ecf0 g F .text 00000006 tcp_abort | |
1158 | +0801bc10 g F .text 00000012 DMA_ClearITPendingBit | |
1159 | +080168b0 g F .text 000001da hostapd_build_ap_extra_ies | |
1164 | 1160 | 080061b8 g F .text 0000003a __extendsfdf2 |
1165 | 1161 | 080064b4 g F .text 000001d0 __aeabi_ddiv |
1166 | -08029d80 g F .text 0000001c hmac_sha1 | |
1167 | -08016a50 g F .text 00000020 hostapd_sta_flags_to_drv | |
1162 | +08029b80 g F .text 0000001c hmac_sha1 | |
1163 | +08016890 g F .text 00000020 hostapd_sta_flags_to_drv | |
1168 | 1164 | 08007300 g F .text 0000002a chMBInit |
1169 | -080206d0 g F .text 0000013e ip_frag | |
1170 | -0801c670 g F .text 0000001a RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd | |
1165 | +080204d0 g F .text 0000013e ip_frag | |
1166 | +0801c470 g F .text 0000001a RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd | |
1171 | 1167 | 08005efc g F .text 00000276 __adddf3 |
1172 | -0800f600 g F .text 00000058 init_profile_registry_keys | |
1173 | -0802afb0 g F .text 00000180 wpa_supplicant_send_2_of_4 | |
1174 | -08016e90 g F .text 0000001c hostapd_if_remove | |
1175 | -0801c310 g F .text 0000000a PWR_WakeUpPinCmd | |
1176 | -0802d530 g F .text 00000070 hostapd_probe_req_rx | |
1168 | +0800f440 g F .text 00000058 init_profile_registry_keys | |
1169 | +0802adb0 g F .text 00000180 wpa_supplicant_send_2_of_4 | |
1170 | +08016cd0 g F .text 0000001c hostapd_if_remove | |
1171 | +0801c110 g F .text 0000000a PWR_WakeUpPinCmd | |
1172 | +0802d330 g F .text 00000070 hostapd_probe_req_rx | |
1177 | 1173 | 08004da0 g F .text 000000ae __b2d |
1178 | -0800a0a0 g F .text 00000084 softAP_handle_authenticateInd | |
1179 | -0802a790 g F .text 0000002a wpa_compare_rsn_ie | |
1180 | -08026f20 g F .text 00000002 wpas_notify_network_added | |
1174 | +08009f10 g F .text 00000084 softAP_handle_authenticateInd | |
1175 | +0802a590 g F .text 0000002a wpa_compare_rsn_ie | |
1176 | +08026d20 g F .text 00000002 wpas_notify_network_added | |
1181 | 1177 | 08006260 g F .text 00000254 __aeabi_dmul |
1182 | 1178 | 08007020 g F .text 0000000c chSemWait |
1183 | 1179 | 08006ec0 g F .text 00000040 chThdExitS |
1184 | -200027a0 g O .bss 00000022 ssid_to_connect | |
1185 | -08026eb0 g F .text 00000002 wpas_notify_ap_scan_changed | |
1186 | -0800fad0 g F .text 00000028 HW_DebugTrace_TXDMA_IRQHandler | |
1187 | -0800fc80 g F .text 00000024 inc_byte_array | |
1188 | -0802e630 g O .text 00000004 _global_impure_ptr | |
1189 | -0800f470 g F .text 00000030 registryInit | |
1190 | -08016fe0 g F .text 00000020 hostapd_drv_none | |
1180 | +20002798 g O .bss 00000022 ssid_to_connect | |
1181 | +08026cb0 g F .text 00000002 wpas_notify_ap_scan_changed | |
1182 | +0800f910 g F .text 00000028 HW_DebugTrace_TXDMA_IRQHandler | |
1183 | +0800fac0 g F .text 00000024 inc_byte_array | |
1184 | +0802e430 g O .text 00000004 _global_impure_ptr | |
1185 | +0800f2b0 g F .text 00000030 registryInit | |
1186 | +08016e20 g F .text 00000020 hostapd_drv_none | |
1191 | 1187 | 080076d0 g F .text 00000024 _realloc_r |
1192 | -08015a10 g F .text 00000010 ieee802_1x_notify_port_valid | |
1193 | -080140a0 g F .text 00000052 hostapd_setup_wpa_psk | |
1194 | -080159d0 g F .text 00000012 ieee802_1x_get_key | |
1195 | -0802aec0 g F .text 000000de wpa_sm_key_request | |
1196 | -08016a30 g F .text 0000001e hostapd_acl_deinit | |
1197 | -08010420 g F .text 000000f8 wpa_clear_keys | |
1198 | -0800d920 g F .text 000000a0 wifi_get_raw_mib | |
1199 | -08011f30 g F .text 00000098 wps_registrar_init | |
1200 | -08023ed0 g F .text 0000001c eapol_sm_notify_lower_layer_success | |
1201 | -0800d2c0 g F .text 00000110 wifi_scan_handle_scan_complete_ind | |
1202 | -08008ed0 g F .text 0000000c LwIP_PeriodicEventStop | |
1203 | -08026f10 g F .text 00000004 wpas_notify_scan_results | |
1204 | -08027940 g F .text 0000007e rsn_preauth_scan_result | |
1205 | -08023960 g F .text 0000000c eap_notify_success | |
1206 | -08010250 g F .text 00000022 wpa_supplicant_cancel_auth_timeout | |
1207 | -0800cc10 g F .text 00000030 wifi_PsEnable | |
1208 | -200016c0 g O .bss 0000000c power_sem | |
1209 | -0801c630 g F .text 0000001a RCC_AHBPeriphClockCmd | |
1210 | -080193f0 g F .text 0000004c wpa_deinit | |
1211 | -0801dc60 g F .text 00000048 dhcp_stop | |
1212 | -0802e740 g O .text 00000028 __mprec_bigtens | |
1188 | +08015850 g F .text 00000010 ieee802_1x_notify_port_valid | |
1189 | +08013ee0 g F .text 00000052 hostapd_setup_wpa_psk | |
1190 | +08015810 g F .text 00000012 ieee802_1x_get_key | |
1191 | +0802acc0 g F .text 000000de wpa_sm_key_request | |
1192 | +08016870 g F .text 0000001e hostapd_acl_deinit | |
1193 | +08010260 g F .text 000000f8 wpa_clear_keys | |
1194 | +0800d790 g F .text 000000a0 wifi_get_raw_mib | |
1195 | +08011d70 g F .text 00000098 wps_registrar_init | |
1196 | +08023cd0 g F .text 0000001c eapol_sm_notify_lower_layer_success | |
1197 | +0800d130 g F .text 00000110 wifi_scan_handle_scan_complete_ind | |
1198 | +08008d40 g F .text 0000000c LwIP_PeriodicEventStop | |
1199 | +08026d10 g F .text 00000004 wpas_notify_scan_results | |
1200 | +08027740 g F .text 0000007e rsn_preauth_scan_result | |
1201 | +08023760 g F .text 0000000c eap_notify_success | |
1202 | +08010090 g F .text 00000022 wpa_supplicant_cancel_auth_timeout | |
1203 | +0800ca80 g F .text 00000030 wifi_PsEnable | |
1204 | +200016b8 g O .bss 0000000c power_sem | |
1205 | +0801c430 g F .text 0000001a RCC_AHBPeriphClockCmd | |
1206 | +08019230 g F .text 0000004c wpa_deinit | |
1207 | +0801da60 g F .text 00000048 dhcp_stop | |
1208 | +0802e540 g O .text 00000028 __mprec_bigtens | |
1213 | 1209 | 0800485c g F .text 0000009a __s2b |
1214 | 1210 | 08000160 g F .text 0000000e abort |
1215 | 1211 | 08006174 g F .text 0000001e __floatunsidf |
1216 | -0802d500 g F .text 00000030 hostapd_event_sta_low_ack | |
1217 | -0801e7a0 g F .text 000000e4 pbuf_copy | |
1218 | -08019290 g F .text 0000005e wpa_auth_vlogger | |
1212 | +0802d300 g F .text 00000030 hostapd_event_sta_low_ack | |
1213 | +0801e5a0 g F .text 000000e4 pbuf_copy | |
1214 | +080190d0 g F .text 0000005e wpa_auth_vlogger | |
1219 | 1215 | 08004c34 g F .text 0000003c __mcmp |
1220 | -0802c360 g F .text 000000dc wps_build_wfa_ext | |
1221 | -080129a0 g F .text 00000044 wpa_supplicant_ap_deinit | |
1222 | -0802b220 g F .text 0000005e wpa_sm_notify_assoc | |
1223 | -0800c560 g F .text 0000001c wifi_ResetConnectedBss | |
1224 | -0801cf50 g F .text 0000001a USART_OverSampling8Cmd | |
1216 | +0802c160 g F .text 000000dc wps_build_wfa_ext | |
1217 | +080127e0 g F .text 00000044 wpa_supplicant_ap_deinit | |
1218 | +0802b020 g F .text 0000005e wpa_sm_notify_assoc | |
1219 | +0800c3d0 g F .text 0000001c wifi_ResetConnectedBss | |
1220 | +0801cd50 g F .text 0000001a USART_OverSampling8Cmd | |
1225 | 1221 | 08004148 g F .text 00000016 __fp_lock_all |
1226 | -2000154c g O .bss 00000001 snr_cb_set | |
1227 | -20002360 g O .bss 00000004 IPTimer | |
1228 | -08035b20 g O .text 00000400 Te0 | |
1229 | -0801e320 g F .text 00000040 netif_set_up | |
1230 | -0800cc40 g F .text 00000078 wifi_PsEnableRF | |
1231 | -0800a770 g F .text 000000cc wei_update_rate_table | |
1232 | -0801c730 g F .text 0000002a RTC_SetPrescaler | |
1222 | +20001544 g O .bss 00000001 snr_cb_set | |
1223 | +20002358 g O .bss 00000004 IPTimer | |
1224 | +08035890 g O .text 00000400 Te0 | |
1225 | +0801e120 g F .text 00000040 netif_set_up | |
1226 | +0800cab0 g F .text 00000078 wifi_PsEnableRF | |
1227 | +0800a5e0 g F .text 000000cc wei_update_rate_table | |
1228 | +0801c530 g F .text 0000002a RTC_SetPrescaler | |
1233 | 1229 | 08006980 g F .text 0000000c PendSVVector |
1234 | 1230 | 08001970 g F .text 0000001a strtol |
1235 | -0802c2f0 g F .text 00000034 wps_build_config_error | |
1236 | -08008f40 g F .text 00000080 LwIP_DHCP_Process_Handle | |
1231 | +0802c0f0 g F .text 00000034 wps_build_config_error | |
1232 | +08008db0 g F .text 00000080 LwIP_DHCP_Process_Handle | |
1237 | 1233 | 08006940 w F .text 00000010 Vector118 |
1238 | -0801bd70 g F .text 0000001a DMA_GetFlagStatus | |
1239 | -08016850 g F .text 0000018c eapol_auth_init | |
1234 | +0801bbb0 g F .text 0000001a DMA_GetFlagStatus | |
1235 | +08016690 g F .text 0000018c eapol_auth_init | |
1240 | 1236 | 08006b70 g F .text 0000003c chVTSetI |
1241 | 1237 | 08006940 w F .text 00000010 Vector64 |
1242 | -2000cf34 g .bss 00000000 _bss_end | |
1243 | -0801be90 g F .text 0000000c EXTI_ClearITPendingBit | |
1244 | -20001524 g O .bss 00000004 roam_currsnr | |
1245 | -08021100 g F .text 000000a8 EE_Init_ | |
1246 | -08022fa0 g F .text 00000918 eap_peer_sm_step | |
1247 | -0801c2f0 g F .text 0000000a PWR_BackupAccessCmd | |
1248 | -08016df0 g F .text 0000001a hostapd_set_generic_elem | |
1249 | -2000cdc0 g O .bss 00000004 tcp_tmp_pcb | |
1250 | -20002380 g O .bss 0000003c netif_wifi | |
1251 | -20004500 g O .bss 00000002 wifi_registryFile | |
1252 | -08019270 g F .text 00000014 wpa_auth_for_each_auth | |
1238 | +2000cf2c g .bss 00000000 _bss_end | |
1239 | +0801bcd0 g F .text 0000000c EXTI_ClearITPendingBit | |
1240 | +2000151c g O .bss 00000004 roam_currsnr | |
1241 | +08020f00 g F .text 000000a8 EE_Init_ | |
1242 | +08022da0 g F .text 00000918 eap_peer_sm_step | |
1243 | +0801c0f0 g F .text 0000000a PWR_BackupAccessCmd | |
1244 | +08016c30 g F .text 0000001a hostapd_set_generic_elem | |
1245 | +2000cdb8 g O .bss 00000004 tcp_tmp_pcb | |
1246 | +20002378 g O .bss 0000003c netif_wifi | |
1247 | +200044f8 g O .bss 00000002 wifi_registryFile | |
1248 | +080190b0 g F .text 00000014 wpa_auth_for_each_auth | |
1253 | 1249 | 08006810 w F .text 00000002 _default_exit |
1254 | -0801c760 g F .text 00000028 RTC_SetAlarm | |
1255 | -0800a2e0 g F .text 00000040 softAP_handle_disassociateInd | |
1256 | -20001528 g O .bss 00000001 ifup | |
1257 | -20002364 g O .bss 00000004 DHCPcoarseTimer | |
1258 | -08024790 g F .text 00000022 eapol_sm_notify_eap_success | |
1259 | -08027920 g F .text 00000016 rsn_preauth_scan_results | |
1250 | +0801c560 g F .text 00000028 RTC_SetAlarm | |
1251 | +0800a150 g F .text 00000040 softAP_handle_disassociateInd | |
1252 | +20001520 g O .bss 00000001 ifup | |
1253 | +2000235c g O .bss 00000004 DHCPcoarseTimer | |
1254 | +08024590 g F .text 00000022 eapol_sm_notify_eap_success | |
1255 | +08027720 g F .text 00000016 rsn_preauth_scan_results | |
1260 | 1256 | 08001310 g F .text 00000028 strrchr |
1261 | -08020f60 g F .text 0000002e libwismart_PBufQueue_GetLast | |
1257 | +08020d60 g F .text 0000002e libwismart_PBufQueue_GetLast | |
1262 | 1258 | 080048f8 g F .text 0000003a __hi0bits |
1263 | -08010b40 g F .text 000000ac wpa_supplicant_driver_init | |
1259 | +08010980 g F .text 000000ac wpa_supplicant_driver_init | |
1264 | 1260 | 08006940 w F .text 00000010 VectorCC |
1265 | -0800df60 g F .text 00000028 printI | |
1266 | 1261 | 080067a0 g F .text 0000004e __fixdfsi |
1267 | -08020cd0 g F .text 0000000a sys_mbox_valid | |
1268 | -0801c7b0 g F .text 00000024 RTC_WaitForSynchro | |
1269 | -08017000 g F .text 00000034 hostapd_drv_set_key | |
1262 | +08020ad0 g F .text 0000000a sys_mbox_valid | |
1263 | +0801c5b0 g F .text 00000024 RTC_WaitForSynchro | |
1264 | +08016e40 g F .text 00000034 hostapd_drv_set_key | |
1270 | 1265 | 08006fd0 g F .text 00000008 chSemInit |
1271 | -0801b7e0 g F .text 0000008a pmksa_cache_add_okc | |
1266 | +0801b620 g F .text 0000008a pmksa_cache_add_okc | |
1272 | 1267 | 08006940 w F .text 00000010 Vector54 |
1273 | -0802df40 g F .text 00000022 aes_encrypt_init | |
1274 | -0801c6c0 g F .text 00000030 RCC_GetFlagStatus | |
1268 | +0802dd40 g F .text 00000022 aes_encrypt_init | |
1269 | +0801c4c0 g F .text 00000030 RCC_GetFlagStatus | |
1275 | 1270 | 08006940 w F .text 00000010 Vector98 |
1276 | -08013090 g F .text 00000034 wpas_wps_ap_pin_disable | |
1277 | -0801f400 g F .text 00000046 tcp_send_fin | |
1271 | +08012ed0 g F .text 00000034 wpas_wps_ap_pin_disable | |
1272 | +0801f200 g F .text 00000046 tcp_send_fin | |
1278 | 1273 | 08007330 g F .text 00000038 chMBPostS |
1279 | -0801ad60 g F .text 00000008 wpa_auth_sta_get_pmksa | |
1280 | -0801f4c0 g F .text 000002cc tcp_output | |
1281 | -0800fd00 g F .text 00000060 wpa_snprintf_hex | |
1282 | -0800fd70 g F .text 00000022 ec_wpa_supplicant_event | |
1283 | -0801c8a0 g F .text 0000000a SDIO_ClockCmd | |
1284 | -08014540 g F .text 00000026 ap_for_each_sta | |
1285 | -0801bb70 g F .text 00000012 BKP_DeInit | |
1286 | -0800d0a0 g F .text 00000012 wifi_scan_init | |
1287 | -080229c0 g F .text 0000001e eap_update_len | |
1288 | -0800d690 g F .text 00000058 GetBssid | |
1289 | -080225c0 g F .text 0000003a wpa_config_update_prio_list | |
1290 | -08017960 g F .text 00000014 eap_server_clear_identity | |
1291 | -0801bfb0 g F .text 0000003e FLASH_WaitForLastBank1Operation | |
1292 | -0802c530 g F .text 0000051c wps_parse_msg | |
1293 | -080229e0 g F .text 00000018 eap_get_id | |
1294 | -0802ceb0 g F .text 000000a6 wps_build_device_attrs | |
1295 | -08026c80 g F .text 00000078 NRX_MD5Final | |
1274 | +0801aba0 g F .text 00000008 wpa_auth_sta_get_pmksa | |
1275 | +0801f2c0 g F .text 000002cc tcp_output | |
1276 | +0800fb40 g F .text 00000060 wpa_snprintf_hex | |
1277 | +0800fbb0 g F .text 00000022 ec_wpa_supplicant_event | |
1278 | +0801c6a0 g F .text 0000000a SDIO_ClockCmd | |
1279 | +08014380 g F .text 00000026 ap_for_each_sta | |
1280 | +0801b9b0 g F .text 00000012 BKP_DeInit | |
1281 | +0800cf10 g F .text 00000012 wifi_scan_init | |
1282 | +080227c0 g F .text 0000001e eap_update_len | |
1283 | +0800d500 g F .text 00000058 GetBssid | |
1284 | +080223c0 g F .text 0000003a wpa_config_update_prio_list | |
1285 | +080177a0 g F .text 00000014 eap_server_clear_identity | |
1286 | +0801bdf0 g F .text 0000003e FLASH_WaitForLastBank1Operation | |
1287 | +0802c330 g F .text 0000051c wps_parse_msg | |
1288 | +080227e0 g F .text 00000018 eap_get_id | |
1289 | +0802ccb0 g F .text 000000a6 wps_build_device_attrs | |
1290 | +08026a80 g F .text 00000078 NRX_MD5Final | |
1296 | 1291 | 08006940 w F .text 00000010 VectorD8 |
1297 | -08011280 g F .text 00000030 wps_is_selected_pbc_registrar | |
1298 | -08023a50 g F .text 00000038 eap_is_wps_pin_enrollee | |
1299 | -0801c950 g F .text 0000002e SDIO_DataConfig | |
1300 | -0801c1f0 g F .text 00000004 GPIO_SetBits | |
1301 | -08017070 g F .text 00000026 hostapd_drv_sta_disassoc | |
1302 | -2000cf2c g O .bss 00000004 tcp_input_pcb | |
1292 | +080110c0 g F .text 00000030 wps_is_selected_pbc_registrar | |
1293 | +08023850 g F .text 00000038 eap_is_wps_pin_enrollee | |
1294 | +0801c750 g F .text 0000002e SDIO_DataConfig | |
1295 | +0801c030 g F .text 00000004 GPIO_SetBits | |
1296 | +08016eb0 g F .text 00000026 hostapd_drv_sta_disassoc | |
1297 | +2000cf24 g O .bss 00000004 tcp_input_pcb | |
1303 | 1298 | 08005efc g F .text 00000276 __aeabi_dadd |
1304 | -08027170 g F .text 00000054 pmksa_cache_flush | |
1305 | -08021560 g F .text 0000005e wpa_bss_get_vendor_ie | |
1306 | -0801c4c0 g F .text 00000010 RCC_GetSYSCLKSource | |
1299 | +08026f70 g F .text 00000054 pmksa_cache_flush | |
1300 | +08021360 g F .text 0000005e wpa_bss_get_vendor_ie | |
1301 | +0801c2c0 g F .text 00000010 RCC_GetSYSCLKSource | |
1307 | 1302 | 08006940 w F .text 00000010 Vector24 |
1308 | 1303 | 08006698 g F .text 00000082 __ledf2 |
1309 | 1304 | 080071a0 g F .text 0000000c chMtxLock |
1310 | -0801f450 g F .text 00000062 tcp_send_empty_ack | |
1311 | -080260a0 g F .text 00000216 ieee802_11_parse_elems | |
1312 | -0800ff80 g F .text 0000003a os_strlcpy | |
1313 | -08014df0 g F .text 00000002 mlme_michaelmicfailure_indication | |
1314 | -0800e090 g F .text 0000002a libwismart_LinkList_Exec | |
1315 | -080178a0 g F .text 00000086 eap_server_sm_deinit | |
1316 | -200044c4 g O .bss 0000003c registryFileNextFreeAddress | |
1317 | -0800cec0 g F .text 0000009c wifi_filter_parse_packet | |
1305 | +0801f250 g F .text 00000062 tcp_send_empty_ack | |
1306 | +08025ea0 g F .text 00000216 ieee802_11_parse_elems | |
1307 | +0800fdc0 g F .text 0000003a os_strlcpy | |
1308 | +08014c30 g F .text 00000002 mlme_michaelmicfailure_indication | |
1309 | +0800ded0 g F .text 0000002a libwismart_LinkList_Exec | |
1310 | +080176e0 g F .text 00000086 eap_server_sm_deinit | |
1311 | +200044bc g O .bss 0000003c registryFileNextFreeAddress | |
1312 | +0800cd30 g F .text 0000009c wifi_filter_parse_packet | |
1318 | 1313 | 08004ae0 g F .text 00000094 __pow5mult |
1319 | -0800e150 g F .text 00000068 libwismart_TimerSet | |
1314 | +0800df90 g F .text 00000068 libwismart_TimerSet | |
1320 | 1315 | 080061f4 g F .text 0000006a __aeabi_ul2d |
1321 | 1316 | 08007460 g F .text 00000018 chCoreStatus |
1322 | -08026d70 g F .text 000000fe hmac_md5_vector | |
1323 | -08028780 g F .text 0000001a wpa_supplicant_update_scan_results | |
1324 | -08010a50 g F .text 0000004a wpa_supplicant_deauthenticate | |
1317 | +08026b70 g F .text 000000fe hmac_md5_vector | |
1318 | +08028580 g F .text 0000001a wpa_supplicant_update_scan_results | |
1319 | +08010890 g F .text 0000004a wpa_supplicant_deauthenticate | |
1325 | 1320 | 08006d40 g F .text 00000040 chSchDoReschedule |
1326 | -08008450 g F .text 0000004a libwismart_PowerSave_RelResource | |
1327 | -0802b130 g F .text 000000ec wpa_supplicant_send_4_of_4 | |
1328 | -08024c50 g F .text 000000a4 eloop_register_timeout | |
1329 | -0801c9a0 g F .text 00000014 SDIO_GetITStatus | |
1321 | +080082d0 g F .text 0000004a libwismart_PowerSave_RelResource | |
1322 | +0802af30 g F .text 000000ec wpa_supplicant_send_4_of_4 | |
1323 | +08024a50 g F .text 000000a4 eloop_register_timeout | |
1324 | +0801c7a0 g F .text 00000014 SDIO_GetITStatus | |
1330 | 1325 | 08006ab0 g F .text 00000042 chSysInit |
1331 | -080203c0 g F .text 00000144 ipaddr_aton | |
1332 | -08020390 g F .text 00000030 ip4_addr_isbroadcast | |
1333 | -0802cde0 g F .text 0000005e wps_build_req_dev_type | |
1334 | -08028700 g F .text 00000074 wpa_supplicant_get_scan_results | |
1335 | -0801fc60 g F .text 00000006 udp_recv | |
1336 | -08022760 g F .text 00000064 wpa_config_add_network | |
1337 | -08026f80 g F .text 00000002 wpas_notify_bss_privacy_changed | |
1326 | +080201c0 g F .text 00000144 ipaddr_aton | |
1327 | +08020190 g F .text 00000030 ip4_addr_isbroadcast | |
1328 | +0802cbe0 g F .text 0000005e wps_build_req_dev_type | |
1329 | +08028500 g F .text 00000074 wpa_supplicant_get_scan_results | |
1330 | +0801fa60 g F .text 00000006 udp_recv | |
1331 | +08022560 g F .text 00000064 wpa_config_add_network | |
1332 | +08026d80 g F .text 00000002 wpas_notify_bss_privacy_changed | |
1338 | 1333 | 08006eb0 g F .text 00000010 chThdSleep |
1339 | -0800fef0 g F .text 00000018 os_zalloc | |
1340 | -080120b0 g F .text 00000076 wps_build_credential_wrap | |
1341 | -08035720 g O .text 00000400 Td0 | |
1342 | -0800a740 g F .text 0000002c set_trans_id | |
1343 | -0802c200 g F .text 00000030 wps_build_resp_type | |
1344 | -08027b50 g F .text 0000001a wpa_supplicant_enabled_networks | |
1345 | -08008650 g F .text 0000001e Transport_TargetSleep | |
1334 | +0800fd30 g F .text 00000018 os_zalloc | |
1335 | +08011ef0 g F .text 00000076 wps_build_credential_wrap | |
1336 | +08035490 g O .text 00000400 Td0 | |
1337 | +0800a5b0 g F .text 0000002c set_trans_id | |
1338 | +0802c000 g F .text 00000030 wps_build_resp_type | |
1339 | +08027950 g F .text 0000001a wpa_supplicant_enabled_networks | |
1340 | +080084c0 g F .text 0000001e Transport_TargetSleep | |
1346 | 1341 | 08006940 w F .text 00000010 Vector84 |
1347 | -08027850 g F .text 000000cc pmksa_candidate_add | |
1348 | -0801e360 g F .text 00000012 netif_set_down | |
1349 | -0801e5a0 g F .text 00000146 pbuf_alloc | |
1350 | -0801e380 g F .text 0000005e netif_set_link_up | |
1342 | +08027650 g F .text 000000cc pmksa_candidate_add | |
1343 | +0801e160 g F .text 00000012 netif_set_down | |
1344 | +0801e3a0 g F .text 00000146 pbuf_alloc | |
1345 | +0801e180 g F .text 0000005e netif_set_link_up | |
1351 | 1346 | 08000178 g F .text 00000008 _atoi_r |
1352 | -08017040 g F .text 00000026 hostapd_drv_sta_deauth | |
1353 | -08016d30 g F .text 0000005a hostapd_set_drv_ieee8021x | |
1354 | -080138e0 g F .text 0000004c hostapd_interface_free | |
1355 | -0801cda0 g F .text 00000018 TIM_GetITStatus | |
1356 | -0802db00 g F .text 0000043c rijndaelEncrypt | |
1357 | -0801ae00 g F .text 0000016e wpa_write_rsn_ie | |
1347 | +08016e80 g F .text 00000026 hostapd_drv_sta_deauth | |
1348 | +08016b70 g F .text 0000005a hostapd_set_drv_ieee8021x | |
1349 | +08013720 g F .text 0000004c hostapd_interface_free | |
1350 | +0801cba0 g F .text 00000018 TIM_GetITStatus | |
1351 | +0802d900 g F .text 0000043c rijndaelEncrypt | |
1352 | +0801ac40 g F .text 0000016e wpa_write_rsn_ie | |
1358 | 1353 | 08006a40 g F .text 00000012 SysTickVector |
1359 | -08010630 g F .text 00000056 key_mgmt2driver | |
1360 | -08008c30 g F .text 00000034 Transport_Init | |
1361 | -0800e500 g F .text 000000d4 HW_GPIOS_Init | |
1362 | -0801c580 g F .text 000000a8 RCC_GetClocksFreq | |
1363 | -08014e00 g F .text 0000000c mlme_deletekeys_request | |
1364 | -08007ac0 g F .text 00000022 libwismart_Reboot | |
1365 | -08024740 g F .text 00000032 eapol_sm_notify_cached | |
1366 | -20002780 g O .bss 0000000c softap_TIM_updated_sem | |
1367 | -0800a280 g F .text 00000054 WiFi_Client_Kill | |
1354 | +08010470 g F .text 00000056 key_mgmt2driver | |
1355 | +08008aa0 g F .text 00000034 Transport_Init | |
1356 | +0800e340 g F .text 000000d4 HW_GPIOS_Init | |
1357 | +0801c380 g F .text 000000a8 RCC_GetClocksFreq | |
1358 | +08014c40 g F .text 0000000c mlme_deletekeys_request | |
1359 | +08007940 g F .text 00000022 libwismart_Reboot | |
1360 | +08024540 g F .text 00000032 eapol_sm_notify_cached | |
1361 | +20002778 g O .bss 0000000c softap_TIM_updated_sem | |
1362 | +0800a0f0 g F .text 00000054 WiFi_Client_Kill | |
1368 | 1363 | 0800678c g F .text 00000012 __aeabi_dcmpgt |
1369 | 1364 | 08000c60 g F .text 00000064 _snprintf_r |
1370 | -0801bec0 g F .text 00000018 FLASH_PrefetchBufferCmd | |
1371 | -20001548 g O .bss 00000004 roam_lastsnr | |
1365 | +0801bd00 g F .text 00000018 FLASH_PrefetchBufferCmd | |
1366 | +20001540 g O .bss 00000004 roam_lastsnr | |
1372 | 1367 | 08007250 g F .text 0000001a chEvtClearFlags |
1373 | -20004258 g O .bss 00000001 inLeaveState | |
1374 | -08008ec0 g F .text 0000000c LwIP_PeriodicEventStart | |
1375 | -0800c780 g F .text 00000258 wifi_request_resource_hic | |
1376 | -08020d00 g F .text 000000a0 libwismart_SoftAP_Started_Ind | |
1368 | +20004250 g O .bss 00000001 inLeaveState | |
1369 | +08008d30 g F .text 0000000c LwIP_PeriodicEventStart | |
1370 | +0800c5f0 g F .text 00000258 wifi_request_resource_hic | |
1371 | +08020b00 g F .text 000000a0 libwismart_SoftAP_Started_Ind | |
1377 | 1372 | 08004138 g F .text 00000002 __sfp_lock_acquire |
1378 | 1373 | 080046c0 g F .text 00000092 memchr |
1379 | -0802cfa0 g F .text 00000072 wps_build_vendor_ext | |
1380 | -080341d0 g O .text 00000004 ip_addr_broadcast | |
1381 | -08026f00 g F .text 00000002 wpas_notify_scan_done | |
1382 | -080263a0 g F .text 0000000e l2_packet_get_own_addr | |
1383 | -20001320 g O .bss 00000004 roam_lastds | |
1384 | -08026f40 g F .text 00000002 wpas_notify_bss_added | |
1374 | +0802cda0 g F .text 00000072 wps_build_vendor_ext | |
1375 | +08033f40 g O .text 00000004 ip_addr_broadcast | |
1376 | +08026d00 g F .text 00000002 wpas_notify_scan_done | |
1377 | +080261a0 g F .text 0000000e l2_packet_get_own_addr | |
1378 | +20001318 g O .bss 00000004 roam_lastds | |
1379 | +08026d40 g F .text 00000002 wpas_notify_bss_added | |
1385 | 1380 | 08000d30 g F .text 00000044 _sprintf_r |
1386 | -0801cdf0 g F .text 000000ca USART_Init | |
1387 | -080206a0 g F .text 00000030 ip_reass_tmr | |
1388 | -0800df00 g F .text 0000000e print_init | |
1389 | -08020ce0 g F .text 00000006 sys_arch_protect | |
1381 | +0801cbf0 g F .text 000000ca USART_Init | |
1382 | +080204a0 g F .text 00000030 ip_reass_tmr | |
1383 | +0800dd70 g F .text 0000000e print_init | |
1384 | +08020ae0 g F .text 00000006 sys_arch_protect | |
1390 | 1385 | 08007720 g F .text 00000006 _free_r |
1391 | -08009f50 g F .text 0000005c WiFi_Client_Touch | |
1392 | -0800fbd0 g F .text 00000024 hex2byte | |
1386 | +08009dc0 g F .text 0000005c WiFi_Client_Touch | |
1387 | +0800fa10 g F .text 00000024 hex2byte | |
1393 | 1388 | 0800458c g F .text 0000000c __locale_mb_cur_max |
1394 | -08032790 g O .text 000001cc libwismart_default_hwif | |
1395 | -080239b0 g F .text 00000014 eap_get_eapKeyData | |
1389 | +08032500 g O .text 000001cc libwismart_default_hwif | |
1390 | +080237b0 g F .text 00000014 eap_get_eapKeyData | |
1396 | 1391 | 08006778 g F .text 00000012 __aeabi_dcmpge |
1397 | -080083a0 g F .text 0000004a libwismart_PowerSave_HigherProfile | |
1398 | -08026fa0 g F .text 00000002 wpas_notify_bss_wpaie_changed | |
1399 | -0801fc00 g F .text 00000058 udp_connect | |
1400 | -0800f5c0 g F .text 00000038 init_registry_key | |
1401 | -0800dbd0 g F .text 00000028 checkId | |
1402 | -20001588 g O .bss 00000004 wifi_scan_result_cb | |
1403 | -0802a0a0 g F .text 00000012 wpabuf_alloc | |
1404 | -0800f540 g F .text 00000012 registryGetAddressContents | |
1392 | +08008220 g F .text 0000004a libwismart_PowerSave_HigherProfile | |
1393 | +08026da0 g F .text 00000002 wpas_notify_bss_wpaie_changed | |
1394 | +0801fa00 g F .text 00000058 udp_connect | |
1395 | +0800f400 g F .text 00000038 init_registry_key | |
1396 | +0800da40 g F .text 00000028 checkId | |
1397 | +20001580 g O .bss 00000004 wifi_scan_result_cb | |
1398 | +08029ea0 g F .text 00000012 wpabuf_alloc | |
1399 | +0800f380 g F .text 00000012 registryGetAddressContents | |
1405 | 1400 | 080077b0 g F .text 00000010 BusFaultVector |
1406 | -08013000 g F .text 00000002 ap_client_poll_ok | |
1407 | -08029f60 g F .text 00000028 tls_init | |
1408 | -08016f50 g F .text 0000001a hostapd_set_frag | |
1409 | -08007e40 g F .text 00000030 libwismart_WiFiDisconnectedInd | |
1410 | -08021220 g F .text 00000040 wpa_blacklist_del | |
1411 | -08013320 g F .text 0000034c hostapd_setup_interface_complete | |
1412 | -0800f020 g F .text 000001b8 _HW_WiFiTransport_ReadCMD53 | |
1401 | +08012e40 g F .text 00000002 ap_client_poll_ok | |
1402 | +08029d60 g F .text 00000028 tls_init | |
1403 | +08016d90 g F .text 0000001a hostapd_set_frag | |
1404 | +08007cc0 g F .text 00000030 libwismart_WiFiDisconnectedInd | |
1405 | +08021020 g F .text 00000040 wpa_blacklist_del | |
1406 | +08013160 g F .text 0000034c hostapd_setup_interface_complete | |
1407 | +0800ee60 g F .text 000001b8 _HW_WiFiTransport_ReadCMD53 | |
1413 | 1408 | 08005ef8 g F .text 0000027a __aeabi_dsub |
1414 | 1409 | 08006940 w F .text 00000010 VectorD0 |
1415 | -0802e160 g F .text 00000004 crypto_global_init | |
1416 | -080156d0 g F .text 000000f0 ieee802_1x_new_station | |
1417 | -0801e2e0 g F .text 0000001a netif_set_addr | |
1410 | +0802df60 g F .text 00000004 crypto_global_init | |
1411 | +08015510 g F .text 000000f0 ieee802_1x_new_station | |
1412 | +0801e0e0 g F .text 0000001a netif_set_addr | |
1418 | 1413 | 08007400 g F .text 0000002c _core_init |
1419 | -08029fc0 g F .text 00000004 tlsv1_client_global_init | |
1414 | +08029dc0 g F .text 00000004 tlsv1_client_global_init | |
1420 | 1415 | 08001620 g F .text 0000020e strstr |
1421 | -08010690 g F .text 000002b2 wpa_supplicant_set_suites | |
1422 | -0801cdd0 g F .text 0000001a DBGMCU_Config | |
1423 | -080177b0 g F .text 000000f0 eap_server_sm_init | |
1416 | +080104d0 g F .text 000002b2 wpa_supplicant_set_suites | |
1417 | +0801cbd0 g F .text 0000001a DBGMCU_Config | |
1418 | +080175f0 g F .text 000000f0 eap_server_sm_init | |
1424 | 1419 | 080061f4 g F .text 0000006a __floatundidf |
1425 | 1420 | 08000a78 g F .text 00000048 rand |
1426 | -08024d70 g F .text 00000030 eloop_is_timeout_registered | |
1427 | -0801b8c0 g F .text 00000052 pmksa_cache_auth_get | |
1428 | -0801e190 g F .text 00000074 memp_malloc | |
1421 | +08024b70 g F .text 00000030 eloop_is_timeout_registered | |
1422 | +0801b700 g F .text 00000052 pmksa_cache_auth_get | |
1423 | +0801df90 g F .text 00000074 memp_malloc | |
1429 | 1424 | 08004b74 g F .text 000000c0 __lshift |
1430 | -0801f8f0 g F .text 000000c8 tcp_zero_window_probe | |
1431 | -0801bf70 g F .text 0000003e FLASH_WaitForLastOperation | |
1432 | -0802ca50 g F .text 00000014 wps_pbc_overlap_event | |
1433 | -0801c560 g F .text 00000010 RCC_RTCCLKConfig | |
1425 | +0801f6f0 g F .text 000000c8 tcp_zero_window_probe | |
1426 | +0801bdb0 g F .text 0000003e FLASH_WaitForLastOperation | |
1427 | +0802c850 g F .text 00000014 wps_pbc_overlap_event | |
1428 | +0801c360 g F .text 00000010 RCC_RTCCLKConfig | |
1434 | 1429 | 08000bf0 g F .text 00000012 signal |
1435 | -0800cd40 g F .text 00000044 wifi_power_mgmt_cfm | |
1436 | -08017940 g F .text 0000000c eap_get_identity | |
1430 | +0800cbb0 g F .text 00000044 wifi_power_mgmt_cfm | |
1431 | +08017780 g F .text 0000000c eap_get_identity | |
1437 | 1432 | 08005090 g F .text 0000010a __ssprint_r |
1438 | -0802cf60 g F .text 00000036 wps_build_rf_bands | |
1439 | -0801dbc0 g F .text 000000a0 dhcp_fine_tmr | |
1440 | -0800cde0 g F .text 0000002e wifi_cmds_flow_mgmt_release | |
1433 | +0802cd60 g F .text 00000036 wps_build_rf_bands | |
1434 | +0801d9c0 g F .text 000000a0 dhcp_fine_tmr | |
1435 | +0800cc50 g F .text 0000002e wifi_cmds_flow_mgmt_release | |
1441 | 1436 | 08007820 g F .text 00000028 initLibwismart |
1442 | -0800ea30 g F .text 00000096 SD_LowLevel_DMA_TxConfig | |
1443 | -0800e490 g F .text 00000068 VectorE4 | |
1444 | -0801cd80 g F .text 00000014 TIM_ITConfig | |
1445 | -0800f310 g F .text 00000158 HW_RCC_Init | |
1437 | +0800e870 g F .text 00000096 SD_LowLevel_DMA_TxConfig | |
1438 | +0800e2d0 g F .text 00000068 VectorE4 | |
1439 | +0801cb80 g F .text 00000014 TIM_ITConfig | |
1440 | +0800f150 g F .text 00000158 HW_RCC_Init | |
1446 | 1441 | 08006940 w F .text 00000010 VectorC0 |
1447 | -0802c330 g F .text 0000002e wps_build_version | |
1448 | -0801cfe0 g F .text 0000000a lwip_htons | |
1442 | +0802c130 g F .text 0000002e wps_build_version | |
1443 | +0801cde0 g F .text 0000000a lwip_htons | |
1449 | 1444 | 08001260 g F .text 000000aa strncmp |
1450 | -08027c50 g F .text 00000012 wpa_supplicant_notify_scanning | |
1451 | -0801cee0 g F .text 00000038 USART_ITConfig | |
1452 | -08024a30 g F .text 00000054 eloop_register_read_sock | |
1453 | -0802ae00 g F .text 000000ba wpa_eapol_key_send | |
1445 | +08027a50 g F .text 00000012 wpa_supplicant_notify_scanning | |
1446 | +0801cce0 g F .text 00000038 USART_ITConfig | |
1447 | +08024830 g F .text 00000054 eloop_register_read_sock | |
1448 | +0802ac00 g F .text 000000ba wpa_eapol_key_send | |
1454 | 1449 | 08006a60 g F .text 00000010 _port_switch |
1455 | -0801bdf0 g F .text 0000007c EXTI_Init | |
1456 | -08020530 g F .text 000000b8 ipaddr_ntoa_r | |
1450 | +0801bc30 g F .text 0000007c EXTI_Init | |
1451 | +08020330 g F .text 000000b8 ipaddr_ntoa_r | |
1457 | 1452 | 08007780 g F .text 00000010 evtStop |
1458 | 1453 | 080049a4 g F .text 0000013a __multiply |
1459 | -080262c0 g F .text 000000bc ieee802_11_vendor_ie_concat | |
1460 | -0801b140 g F .text 000003b4 wpa_validate_wpa_ie | |
1461 | -0801e090 g F .text 0000002c dns_tmr | |
1462 | -080129f0 g F .text 00000600 wpa_supplicant_create_ap | |
1454 | +080260c0 g F .text 000000bc ieee802_11_vendor_ie_concat | |
1455 | +0801af80 g F .text 000003b4 wpa_validate_wpa_ie | |
1456 | +0801de90 g F .text 0000002c dns_tmr | |
1457 | +08012830 g F .text 00000600 wpa_supplicant_create_ap | |
1463 | 1458 | 080073b0 g F .text 00000038 chMBFetchS |
1464 | -2000cdc4 g O .bss 00000004 tcp_bound_pcbs | |
1459 | +2000cdbc g O .bss 00000004 tcp_bound_pcbs | |
1465 | 1460 | 08006fe0 g F .text 00000034 chSemWaitS |
1466 | 1461 | 08004e50 g F .text 000000bc __d2b |
1467 | 1462 | 08006940 w F .text 00000010 SVCallVector |
1468 | 1463 | 08006800 w F .text 00000002 __late_init |
1469 | -0801ea00 g F .text 0000001c tcp_seg_free | |
1470 | -0802d2a0 g F .text 0000004a hostapd_eid_time_adv | |
1471 | -0801ad90 g F .text 00000048 wpa_auth_pmksa_add | |
1472 | -0801ad70 g F .text 0000000e wpa_auth_sta_local_mic_failure_report | |
1473 | -08014070 g F .text 00000006 hostapd_mac_comp | |
1464 | +0801e800 g F .text 0000001c tcp_seg_free | |
1465 | +0802d0a0 g F .text 0000004a hostapd_eid_time_adv | |
1466 | +0801abd0 g F .text 00000048 wpa_auth_pmksa_add | |
1467 | +0801abb0 g F .text 0000000e wpa_auth_sta_local_mic_failure_report | |
1468 | +08013eb0 g F .text 00000006 hostapd_mac_comp | |
1474 | 1469 | 200012b8 g O .bss 00000010 vtlist |
1475 | -08011e90 g F .text 00000094 wps_registrar_deinit | |
1470 | +08011cd0 g F .text 00000094 wps_registrar_deinit | |
1476 | 1471 | 080077d0 g F .text 00000002 HardFaultVector |
1477 | 1472 | 080069d0 g F .text 00000070 _port_irq_epilogue |
1478 | -080112b0 g F .text 00000032 wps_is_selected_pin_registrar | |
1479 | -08029f90 g F .text 00000024 tls_deinit | |
1480 | -08027550 g F .text 00000130 rsn_preauth_init | |
1481 | -080090c0 g F .text 00000094 LwIP_SetStaticIP | |
1482 | -0801c820 g F .text 00000024 RTC_GetITStatus | |
1483 | -08012350 g F .text 0000004c wps_registrar_wps_cancel | |
1484 | -0801c200 g F .text 00000004 GPIO_ResetBits | |
1485 | -08020eb0 g F .text 0000004a libwismart_PBufQueue_Init | |
1486 | -08023a10 g F .text 00000038 eap_is_wps_pbc_enrollee | |
1487 | -20001330 g O .bss 00000004 RXDataQueueMulticast | |
1488 | -0801e970 g F .text 00000002 tcp_init | |
1473 | +080110f0 g F .text 00000032 wps_is_selected_pin_registrar | |
1474 | +08029d90 g F .text 00000024 tls_deinit | |
1475 | +08027350 g F .text 00000130 rsn_preauth_init | |
1476 | +08008f30 g F .text 00000094 LwIP_SetStaticIP | |
1477 | +0801c620 g F .text 00000024 RTC_GetITStatus | |
1478 | +08012190 g F .text 0000004c wps_registrar_wps_cancel | |
1479 | +0801c040 g F .text 00000004 GPIO_ResetBits | |
1480 | +08020cb0 g F .text 0000004a libwismart_PBufQueue_Init | |
1481 | +08023810 g F .text 00000038 eap_is_wps_pbc_enrollee | |
1482 | +20001328 g O .bss 00000004 RXDataQueueMulticast | |
1483 | +0801e770 g F .text 00000002 tcp_init | |
1489 | 1484 | 08007430 g F .text 0000002c chCoreAlloc |
1490 | -200027c4 g O .bss 00000004 rate_bmask | |
1485 | +200027bc g O .bss 00000004 rate_bmask | |
1491 | 1486 | 08007690 g F .text 00000004 _close_r |
1492 | -0801bff0 g F .text 0000003e FLASH_WaitForLastBank2Operation | |
1487 | +0801be30 g F .text 0000003e FLASH_WaitForLastBank2Operation | |
1493 | 1488 | 08006194 g F .text 00000022 __aeabi_i2d |
1494 | -0800d230 g F .text 00000054 wifi_scan_handle_add_scanjob_cfm | |
1495 | -08007b50 g F .text 00000038 libwismart_SetStaticIP | |
1489 | +0800d0a0 g F .text 00000054 wifi_scan_handle_add_scanjob_cfm | |
1490 | +080079d0 g F .text 00000038 libwismart_SetStaticIP | |
1496 | 1491 | 080074a0 g F .text 00000084 chHeapAlloc |
1497 | -08022500 g F .text 000000be wpa_config_add_prio_network | |
1492 | +08022300 g F .text 000000be wpa_config_add_prio_network | |
1498 | 1493 | 08006940 w F .text 00000010 VectorF0 |
1499 | -0802a140 g F .text 00000018 wpabuf_free | |
1494 | +08029f40 g F .text 00000018 wpabuf_free | |
1500 | 1495 | 08000180 g F .text 00000062 memcmp |
1501 | -080085c0 g F .text 00000020 libwismart_UART_TXDMA_IRQHandler | |
1502 | -0802d190 g F .text 00000004 hostapd_eid_adv_proto | |
1503 | -08008360 g F .text 00000040 libwismart_PowerSave_Enable | |
1504 | -08018ad0 g F .text 00000004 hostapd_init_wps_complete | |
1505 | -20001564 g O .bss 00000020 scan_timer | |
1506 | -0800ff10 g F .text 00000008 _nrx_os_free | |
1507 | -08010280 g F .text 000000b4 wpa_supplicant_initiate_eapol | |
1496 | +08008430 g F .text 00000020 libwismart_UART_TXDMA_IRQHandler | |
1497 | +0802cf90 g F .text 00000004 hostapd_eid_adv_proto | |
1498 | +080081e0 g F .text 00000040 libwismart_PowerSave_Enable | |
1499 | +08018910 g F .text 00000004 hostapd_init_wps_complete | |
1500 | +2000155c g O .bss 00000020 scan_timer | |
1501 | +0800fd50 g F .text 00000008 _nrx_os_free | |
1502 | +080100c0 g F .text 000000b4 wpa_supplicant_initiate_eapol | |
1508 | 1503 | 08006940 w F .text 00000010 Vector12C |
1509 | -08026ea0 g F .text 00000002 wpas_notify_network_changed | |
1510 | -0802a5a0 g F .text 0000018e wpa_parse_wpa_ie_wpa | |
1511 | -0801c900 g F .text 0000002e SDIO_SendCommand | |
1512 | -08011420 g F .text 00000020 wps_is_20 | |
1513 | -08023ec0 g F .text 00000010 eapol_sm_request_reauth | |
1514 | -0801e3e0 g F .text 00000016 netif_set_link_down | |
1515 | -0801d9d0 g F .text 000000c8 dhcp_renew | |
1516 | -0801ab80 g F .text 0000007c wpa_auth_sta_associated | |
1504 | +08026ca0 g F .text 00000002 wpas_notify_network_changed | |
1505 | +0802a3a0 g F .text 0000018e wpa_parse_wpa_ie_wpa | |
1506 | +0801c700 g F .text 0000002e SDIO_SendCommand | |
1507 | +08011260 g F .text 00000020 wps_is_20 | |
1508 | +08023cc0 g F .text 00000010 eapol_sm_request_reauth | |
1509 | +0801e1e0 g F .text 00000016 netif_set_link_down | |
1510 | +0801d7d0 g F .text 000000c8 dhcp_renew | |
1511 | +0801a9c0 g F .text 0000007c wpa_auth_sta_associated | |
1517 | 1512 | 08002d10 g F .text 000000dc __swsetup_r |
1518 | -080157e0 g F .text 00000024 ieee802_1x_abort_auth | |
1513 | +08015620 g F .text 00000024 ieee802_1x_abort_auth | |
1519 | 1514 | 08005ee0 w F .text 00000002 __aeabi_ldiv0 |
1520 | 1515 | 080064b4 g F .text 000001d0 __divdf3 |
1521 | -08021400 g F .text 000000ca wpa_bss_update_end | |
1516 | +08021200 g F .text 000000ca wpa_bss_update_end | |
1522 | 1517 | 080040b0 g F .text 00000088 __sfp |
1523 | 1518 | 08004fa0 g F .text 00000048 __copybits |
1524 | -08016dd0 g F .text 0000001a hostapd_set_privacy | |
1525 | -0801f1d0 g F .text 0000001e tcp_eff_send_mss | |
1526 | -080079f0 g F .text 000000cc libwismart_Init | |
1527 | -0801c290 g F .text 00000036 GPIO_EXTILineConfig | |
1519 | +08016c10 g F .text 0000001a hostapd_set_privacy | |
1520 | +0801efd0 g F .text 0000001e tcp_eff_send_mss | |
1521 | +08007870 g F .text 000000cc libwismart_Init | |
1528 | 1522 | 08004144 g F .text 00000002 __sinit_lock_release |
1529 | -0802bf60 g F .text 00000010 wpa_sm_set_own_addr | |
1523 | +0802bd60 g F .text 00000010 wpa_sm_set_own_addr | |
1530 | 1524 | 08002c90 g F .text 00000056 _vsnprintf_r |
1531 | -20002988 g O .bss 0000000c connected_bss | |
1532 | -0800d290 g F .text 0000002c wifi_scan_dec_bss_count | |
1525 | +20002980 g O .bss 0000000c connected_bss | |
1526 | +0800d100 g F .text 0000002c wifi_scan_dec_bss_count | |
1533 | 1527 | 08006940 w F .text 00000010 Vector100 |
1534 | 1528 | 08006260 g F .text 00000254 __muldf3 |
1535 | -0801d870 g F .text 00000120 dhcp_discover | |
1536 | -08035f88 g .text 00000000 _textdata | |
1529 | +0801d670 g F .text 00000120 dhcp_discover | |
1530 | +08035cf8 g .text 00000000 _textdata | |
1537 | 1531 | 08000dd0 g F .text 00000022 __sread |
1538 | -08007970 g F .text 00000060 VectorE0 | |
1539 | -08016a20 g F .text 00000004 hostapd_acl_init | |
1540 | -0802d180 g F .text 00000004 hostapd_eid_interworking | |
1541 | -08010950 g F .text 0000004a wpa_supplicant_disassociate | |
1542 | -0800fe50 g F .text 00000030 wpa_ap_deauth_event | |
1532 | +08006940 w F .text 00000010 VectorE0 | |
1533 | +08016860 g F .text 00000004 hostapd_acl_init | |
1534 | +0802cf80 g F .text 00000004 hostapd_eid_interworking | |
1535 | +08010790 g F .text 0000004a wpa_supplicant_disassociate | |
1536 | +0800fc90 g F .text 00000030 wpa_ap_deauth_event | |
1543 | 1537 | 08006940 w F .text 00000010 VectorF4 |
1544 | -08022ea0 g F .text 00000084 eap_sm_buildIdentity | |
1545 | -0801c9c0 g F .text 0000000c SDIO_ClearITPendingBit | |
1538 | +08022ca0 g F .text 00000084 eap_sm_buildIdentity | |
1539 | +0801c7c0 g F .text 0000000c SDIO_ClearITPendingBit | |
1546 | 1540 | 080077a0 g F .text 00000010 MemManageVector |
1547 | -2000cf28 g O .bss 00000004 auth_retries | |
1548 | -0800e600 g F .text 00000018 HW_GPIOS_Wifi_3_3v | |
1549 | -0800dcd0 g F .text 00000002 libwismart_DebugPin_Reset | |
1550 | -0800b370 g F .text 0000000c WiFi_GetMode | |
1551 | -2000ced0 g O .bss 00000050 eloop | |
1552 | -0800cf80 g F .text 0000001c wifi_arp_filter_set_ip | |
1541 | +2000cf20 g O .bss 00000004 auth_retries | |
1542 | +0800e440 g F .text 00000018 HW_GPIOS_Wifi_3_3v | |
1543 | +0800db40 g F .text 00000002 libwismart_DebugPin_Reset | |
1544 | +0800b1e0 g F .text 0000000c WiFi_GetMode | |
1545 | +2000cec8 g O .bss 00000050 eloop | |
1546 | +0800cdf0 g F .text 0000001c wifi_arp_filter_set_ip | |
1553 | 1547 | 08007380 g F .text 0000002e chMBPostI |
1554 | 1548 | 08000130 g startup 00000000 __fini_array_start |
1555 | -0800e0c0 g F .text 00000018 libwismart_LinkList_Count | |
1556 | -0801d790 g F .text 000000dc dhcp_inform | |
1557 | -08026f30 g F .text 0000000c wpas_notify_network_removed | |
1558 | -08013670 g F .text 000001b6 hostapd_setup_interface | |
1549 | +0800df00 g F .text 00000018 libwismart_LinkList_Count | |
1550 | +0801d590 g F .text 000000dc dhcp_inform | |
1551 | +08026d30 g F .text 0000000c wpas_notify_network_removed | |
1552 | +080134b0 g F .text 000001b6 hostapd_setup_interface | |
1559 | 1553 | 08003f70 g F .text 0000002c _fflush_r |
1560 | -08009160 g F .text 00000022 LwIP_StartDHCPServer | |
1561 | -08016f70 g F .text 00000018 hostapd_set_country | |
1562 | -0800f4a0 g F .text 0000007c registryCreateKey | |
1554 | +08008fd0 g F .text 00000022 LwIP_StartDHCPServer | |
1555 | +08016db0 g F .text 00000018 hostapd_set_country | |
1556 | +0800f2e0 g F .text 0000007c registryCreateKey | |
1563 | 1557 | 08007700 g F .text 0000000a _calloc_r |
1564 | -0801be70 g F .text 0000001e EXTI_GetITStatus | |
1565 | -0802d050 g F .text 000000a8 aes_wrap | |
1566 | -0802e170 g F .text 00000002 crypto_global_deinit | |
1567 | -0801c320 g F .text 00000042 PWR_EnterSTOPMode | |
1568 | -0801c8f0 g F .text 0000000c SDIO_DMACmd | |
1569 | -0800eb70 g F .text 00000102 HW_WiFiTrasport_ProcessSDIRQ | |
1570 | -080249e0 g F .text 0000004c eapol_sm_deinit | |
1571 | -08024950 g F .text 00000090 eapol_sm_init | |
1572 | -0802dfa0 g F .text 000000d4 rijndaelKeySetupEnc | |
1573 | -08014d00 g F .text 00000010 ieee80211_tkip_countermeasures_deinit | |
1574 | -0801bea0 g F .text 00000014 FLASH_SetLatency | |
1575 | -08023e60 g F .text 0000003e eapol_sm_get_key | |
1558 | +0801bcb0 g F .text 0000001e EXTI_GetITStatus | |
1559 | +0802ce50 g F .text 000000a8 aes_wrap | |
1560 | +0802df70 g F .text 00000002 crypto_global_deinit | |
1561 | +0801c120 g F .text 00000042 PWR_EnterSTOPMode | |
1562 | +0801c6f0 g F .text 0000000c SDIO_DMACmd | |
1563 | +0800e9b0 g F .text 00000102 HW_WiFiTrasport_ProcessSDIRQ | |
1564 | +080247e0 g F .text 0000004c eapol_sm_deinit | |
1565 | +08024750 g F .text 00000090 eapol_sm_init | |
1566 | +0802dda0 g F .text 000000d4 rijndaelKeySetupEnc | |
1567 | +08014b40 g F .text 00000010 ieee80211_tkip_countermeasures_deinit | |
1568 | +0801bce0 g F .text 00000014 FLASH_SetLatency | |
1569 | +08023c60 g F .text 0000003e eapol_sm_get_key | |
1576 | 1570 | 08000350 g F .text 00000098 memset |
1577 | -0800ff20 g F .text 00000036 os_realloc | |
1578 | -08000130 g F .text 00000022 main | |
1571 | +0800fd60 g F .text 00000036 os_realloc | |
1572 | +08000130 g F .text 00000024 main | |
1579 | 1573 | 08006940 w F .text 00000010 Vector6C |
1580 | -0801af70 g F .text 0000016c wpa_auth_gen_wpa_ie | |
1581 | -20002798 g O .bss 00000006 softap_TIM | |
1582 | -080258a0 g F .text 000007fc wpa_supplicant_event | |
1583 | -08026fd0 g F .text 00000002 wpas_notify_bss_ies_changed | |
1584 | -08011fd0 g F .text 000000e0 wps_registrar_probe_req_rx | |
1585 | -08014670 g F .text 0000007c ap_sta_disassociate | |
1586 | -0802d020 g F .text 00000030 wps_device_data_free | |
1587 | -0800fa70 g F .text 0000005c HW_DebugTrace_SendBuff | |
1574 | +0801adb0 g F .text 0000016c wpa_auth_gen_wpa_ie | |
1575 | +20002790 g O .bss 00000006 softap_TIM | |
1576 | +080256a0 g F .text 000007fc wpa_supplicant_event | |
1577 | +08026dd0 g F .text 00000002 wpas_notify_bss_ies_changed | |
1578 | +08011e10 g F .text 000000e0 wps_registrar_probe_req_rx | |
1579 | +080144b0 g F .text 0000007c ap_sta_disassociate | |
1580 | +0802ce20 g F .text 00000030 wps_device_data_free | |
1581 | +0800f8b0 g F .text 0000005c HW_DebugTrace_SendBuff | |
1588 | 1582 | 200012c8 g O .bss 00000020 rlist |
1589 | 1583 | 08000a60 g F .text 00000016 srand |
1590 | -080082c0 g F .text 00000092 libwismart_PowerSave_Init | |
1584 | +08008140 g F .text 00000092 libwismart_PowerSave_Init | |
1591 | 1585 | 08006940 w F .text 00000010 VectorA0 |
1592 | -08008020 g F .text 0000000e clear_scan_runs | |
1593 | -0800e3d0 g F .text 00000034 HW_RTC_SetAlarm_ms | |
1594 | -08021260 g F .text 0000001e wpa_blacklist_clear | |
1595 | -08008600 g F .text 0000000e Transport_AckIRQ | |
1596 | -08013e90 g F .text 00000002 authsrv_deinit | |
1586 | +08007ea0 g F .text 0000000e clear_scan_runs | |
1587 | +0800e210 g F .text 00000034 HW_RTC_SetAlarm_ms | |
1588 | +08021060 g F .text 0000001e wpa_blacklist_clear | |
1589 | +08008470 g F .text 0000000e Transport_AckIRQ | |
1590 | +08013cd0 g F .text 00000002 authsrv_deinit | |
1597 | 1591 | 08005c60 g F .text 00000000 __aeabi_uidiv |
1598 | 1592 | 080073f0 g F .text 0000000c chMBFetch |
1599 | -08015990 g F .text 0000003c ieee802_1x_deinit | |
1593 | +080157d0 g F .text 0000003c ieee802_1x_deinit | |
1600 | 1594 | 08000e54 g F .text 00000008 __sclose |
1601 | -0801d000 g F .text 00000004 lwip_htonl | |
1602 | -08009d90 g F .text 00000190 DHCPServer_Init | |
1603 | -20002958 g O .bss 00000006 bssid_to_connect | |
1595 | +0801ce00 g F .text 00000004 lwip_htonl | |
1596 | +08009c00 g F .text 00000190 DHCPServer_Init | |
1597 | +20002950 g O .bss 00000006 bssid_to_connect | |
1604 | 1598 | 08005c48 g F .text 00000010 fclose |
1605 | -080086c0 g F .text 0000000c Transport_Lock | |
1599 | +08008530 g F .text 0000000c Transport_Lock | |
1606 | 1600 | 08001830 g F .text 00000140 _strtol_r |
1607 | 1601 | 08007070 g F .text 00000026 chSemSignal |
1608 | -080263b0 g F .text 0000000c l2_packet_send | |
1602 | +080261b0 g F .text 0000000c l2_packet_send | |
1609 | 1603 | 08000130 g startup 00000000 __init_array_end |
1610 | -08008030 g F .text 00000058 libwismart_Scan_Enable_BG | |
1604 | +08007eb0 g F .text 00000058 libwismart_Scan_Enable_BG | |
1611 | 1605 | 08002f28 g F .text 00000ede _dtoa_r |
1612 | 1606 | 08007710 g F .text 00000006 _malloc_r |
1613 | -080083f0 g F .text 00000054 libwismart_PowerSave_ReqResource | |
1614 | -080211b0 g F .text 00000022 wpa_blacklist_get | |
1607 | +08008270 g F .text 00000054 libwismart_PowerSave_ReqResource | |
1608 | +08020fb0 g F .text 00000022 wpa_blacklist_get | |
1615 | 1609 | 08006204 g F .text 0000005a __aeabi_l2d |
1616 | -0801c4f0 g F .text 00000014 RCC_PCLK1Config | |
1610 | +0801c2f0 g F .text 00000014 RCC_PCLK1Config | |
1617 | 1611 | 08006940 w F .text 00000010 VectorC4 |
1618 | 1612 | 08007810 g F .text 0000000e Vector7C |
1619 | -08035610 g O .text 00000100 Td4s | |
1620 | -080100e0 g F .text 00000040 wpa_supplicant_req_auth_timeout | |
1621 | -20002964 g O .bss 00000001 Joining_HT_AP | |
1613 | +08035380 g O .text 00000100 Td4s | |
1614 | +0800ff20 g F .text 00000040 wpa_supplicant_req_auth_timeout | |
1615 | +2000295c g O .bss 00000001 Joining_HT_AP | |
1622 | 1616 | 08000c04 g F .text 0000000e _init_signal |
1623 | -08012140 g F .text 000000c4 wps_registrar_selected_registrar_changed | |
1624 | -080213f0 g F .text 0000000c wpa_bss_update_start | |
1617 | +08011f80 g F .text 000000c4 wps_registrar_selected_registrar_changed | |
1618 | +080211f0 g F .text 0000000c wpa_bss_update_start | |
1625 | 1619 | 080044a0 g F .text 00000048 _fwalk |
1626 | -0802cce0 g F .text 00000068 wps_build_model_number | |
1627 | -0802d100 g F .text 0000007e hostapd_eid_ext_capab | |
1628 | -0801c930 g F .text 0000001a SDIO_GetResponse | |
1620 | +0802cae0 g F .text 00000068 wps_build_model_number | |
1621 | +0802cf00 g F .text 0000007e hostapd_eid_ext_capab | |
1622 | +0801c730 g F .text 0000001a SDIO_GetResponse | |
1629 | 1623 | 080070c0 g F .text 0000000a chMtxInit |
1630 | -0800d3d0 g F .text 00000042 wifi_scan_is_exist_better | |
1631 | -0802c130 g F .text 00000028 wpa_sm_parse_own_wpa_ie | |
1624 | +0800d240 g F .text 00000042 wifi_scan_is_exist_better | |
1625 | +0802bf30 g F .text 00000028 wpa_sm_parse_own_wpa_ie | |
1632 | 1626 | 080072c0 g F .text 00000010 chEvtBroadcastFlags |
1633 | 1627 | 08006940 w F .text 00000010 VectorB0 |
1634 | -0802e7b0 g O .text 00000016 ch_debug | |
1635 | -08029e70 g F .text 000000f0 pbkdf2_sha1 | |
1636 | -0801c510 g F .text 00000016 RCC_PCLK2Config | |
1637 | -0802d5e0 g F .text 000000c8 rijndaelKeySetupDec | |
1638 | -0800e030 g F .text 0000005c libwismart_LinkList_FindAndRemove | |
1639 | -0800e5e0 g F .text 00000018 HW_GPIOS_Wifi_1_2v | |
1640 | -2000cc24 g O .bss 00000001 pbuf_free_ooseq_pending | |
1641 | -20001314 g O .bss 00000004 sw3_irqs | |
1642 | -08010060 g F .text 00000078 wpa_set_wep_keys | |
1643 | -0801f9d0 g F .text 000000b4 udp_bind | |
1644 | -0801f1a0 g F .text 00000024 tcp_tmr | |
1628 | +0802e5b0 g O .text 00000016 ch_debug | |
1629 | +08029c70 g F .text 000000f0 pbkdf2_sha1 | |
1630 | +0801c310 g F .text 00000016 RCC_PCLK2Config | |
1631 | +0802d3e0 g F .text 000000c8 rijndaelKeySetupDec | |
1632 | +0800de70 g F .text 0000005c libwismart_LinkList_FindAndRemove | |
1633 | +0800e420 g F .text 00000018 HW_GPIOS_Wifi_1_2v | |
1634 | +2000cc1c g O .bss 00000001 pbuf_free_ooseq_pending | |
1635 | +0800fea0 g F .text 00000078 wpa_set_wep_keys | |
1636 | +0801f7d0 g F .text 000000b4 udp_bind | |
1637 | +0801efa0 g F .text 00000024 tcp_tmr | |
1645 | 1638 | 08006940 w F .text 00000010 Vector90 |
1646 | -0802d1f0 g F .text 000000a6 hostapd_update_time_adv | |
1647 | -08020b40 g F .text 0000014c etharp_query | |
1648 | -08008cd0 g F .text 0000004e libwismart_LwIP_init | |
1649 | -08016c70 g F .text 0000004e hostapd_set_ap_wps_ie | |
1639 | +0802cff0 g F .text 000000a6 hostapd_update_time_adv | |
1640 | +08020940 g F .text 0000014c etharp_query | |
1641 | +08008b40 g F .text 0000004e libwismart_LwIP_init | |
1642 | +08016ab0 g F .text 0000004e hostapd_set_ap_wps_ie | |
1650 | 1643 | 08000f60 g F .text 0000007e strcmp |
1651 | -08009fb0 g F .text 00000074 WiFi_send_frame_req | |
1652 | -080127c0 g F .text 0000009a wpas_wps_scan_pbc_overlap | |
1653 | -0801e0c0 g F .text 0000002e lwip_init | |
1654 | -0802d6b0 g F .text 00000022 aes_decrypt_init | |
1655 | -08025000 g F .text 00000028 wpa_supplicant_stop_countermeasures | |
1656 | -080247e0 g F .text 00000160 eapol_sm_rx_eapol | |
1644 | +08009e20 g F .text 00000074 WiFi_send_frame_req | |
1645 | +08012600 g F .text 0000009a wpas_wps_scan_pbc_overlap | |
1646 | +0801dec0 g F .text 0000002e lwip_init | |
1647 | +0802d4b0 g F .text 00000022 aes_decrypt_init | |
1648 | +08024e00 g F .text 00000028 wpa_supplicant_stop_countermeasures | |
1649 | +080245e0 g F .text 00000160 eapol_sm_rx_eapol | |
1657 | 1650 | 08006940 w F .text 00000010 Vector114 |
1658 | 1651 | 08006a70 g F .text 0000000c _port_thread_start |
1659 | -08016d90 g F .text 00000034 hostapd_set_wds_sta | |
1660 | -0801baa0 g F .text 0000004e SystemInit | |
1652 | +08016bd0 g F .text 00000034 hostapd_set_wds_sta | |
1653 | +0801b8e0 g F .text 0000004e SystemInit | |
1661 | 1654 | 08006940 w F .text 00000010 Vector60 |
1662 | -0800fa50 g F .text 0000001c HW_DebugTrace_IRQHandler | |
1663 | -08010570 g F .text 0000009c wpa_supplicant_set_state | |
1655 | +0800f890 g F .text 0000001c HW_DebugTrace_IRQHandler | |
1656 | +080103b0 g F .text 0000009c wpa_supplicant_set_state | |
1664 | 1657 | 08006940 w F .text 00000010 Vector1C |
1665 | -08016eb0 g F .text 00000022 hostapd_get_seqnum | |
1666 | -0801cbb0 g F .text 000001b0 TIM_ICInit | |
1658 | +08016cf0 g F .text 00000022 hostapd_get_seqnum | |
1659 | +0801c9b0 g F .text 000001b0 TIM_ICInit | |
1667 | 1660 | 080066a0 g F .text 0000007a __nedf2 |
1668 | -080217a0 g F .text 00000378 wpa_bss_update_scan_res | |
1669 | -0800c510 g F .text 00000036 FindIE | |
1670 | -0801ff60 g F .text 00000022 igmp_init | |
1671 | -08018ae0 g F .text 000000b4 hostapd_deinit_wps | |
1672 | -0800cf60 g F .text 00000014 wifi_filter_allow_packet | |
1661 | +080215a0 g F .text 00000378 wpa_bss_update_scan_res | |
1662 | +0800c380 g F .text 00000036 FindIE | |
1663 | +0801fd60 g F .text 00000022 igmp_init | |
1664 | +08018920 g F .text 000000b4 hostapd_deinit_wps | |
1665 | +0800cdd0 g F .text 00000014 wifi_filter_allow_packet | |
1673 | 1666 | 08000d74 g F .text 0000004e sprintf |
1674 | -0801e300 g F .text 00000008 netif_set_gw | |
1675 | -0801e6f0 g F .text 00000014 pbuf_clen | |
1676 | -0801c3e0 g F .text 00000040 RCC_DeInit | |
1667 | +0801e100 g F .text 00000008 netif_set_gw | |
1668 | +0801e4f0 g F .text 00000014 pbuf_clen | |
1669 | +0801c1e0 g F .text 00000040 RCC_DeInit | |
1677 | 1670 | 08006940 w F .text 00000010 Vector48 |
1678 | -0801c2d0 g F .text 0000001a PWR_DeInit | |
1679 | -08021050 g F .text 00000062 EE_ReadVariable_ | |
1680 | -08013da0 g F .text 00000038 hostapd_deinit_wpa | |
1681 | -2000278c g O .bss 00000006 softap_TIM_old | |
1682 | -20001328 g O .bss 00000004 snr_cb | |
1671 | +0801c0d0 g F .text 0000001a PWR_DeInit | |
1672 | +08020e50 g F .text 00000062 EE_ReadVariable_ | |
1673 | +08013be0 g F .text 00000038 hostapd_deinit_wpa | |
1674 | +20002784 g O .bss 00000006 softap_TIM_old | |
1675 | +20001320 g O .bss 00000004 snr_cb | |
1683 | 1676 | 20000200 g .stacks 00000000 __process_stack_base__ |
1684 | -08017640 g F .text 0000008a eap_sm_process_nak | |
1685 | -08026fe0 g F .text 00000002 wpas_notify_bss_rates_changed | |
1677 | +08017480 g F .text 0000008a eap_sm_process_nak | |
1678 | +08026de0 g F .text 00000002 wpas_notify_bss_rates_changed | |
1686 | 1679 | 08007680 g F .text 00000004 _write_r |
1687 | -08008ee0 g F .text 0000000e LwIP_FrameReceivedEvent | |
1688 | -20002978 g O .bss 00000001 g_security | |
1689 | -08023dd0 g F .text 00000022 eapol_sm_configure | |
1690 | -08016fc0 g F .text 0000001a hostapd_driver_commit | |
1680 | +08008d50 g F .text 0000000e LwIP_FrameReceivedEvent | |
1681 | +20002970 g O .bss 00000001 g_security | |
1682 | +08023bd0 g F .text 00000022 eapol_sm_configure | |
1683 | +08016e00 g F .text 0000001a hostapd_driver_commit | |
1691 | 1684 | 080045ac g F .text 00000012 setlocale |
1692 | -0801b500 g F .text 00000150 wpa_parse_kde_ies | |
1693 | -0801e930 g F .text 00000028 pbuf_coalesce | |
1694 | -08013e60 g F .text 00000020 hostapd_prune_associations | |
1695 | -0800f260 g F .text 0000001e HW_WiFiTransport_SendCMD52 | |
1696 | -08007c10 g F .text 0000000c libwismart_isRoamingEnabled | |
1697 | -08011b70 g F .text 00000064 wps_authorized_macs | |
1698 | -080276e0 g F .text 000000ea rsn_preauth_candidate_process | |
1699 | -080086d0 g F .text 0000000c Transport_Unlock | |
1685 | +0801b340 g F .text 00000150 wpa_parse_kde_ies | |
1686 | +0801e730 g F .text 00000028 pbuf_coalesce | |
1687 | +08013ca0 g F .text 00000020 hostapd_prune_associations | |
1688 | +0800f0a0 g F .text 0000001e HW_WiFiTransport_SendCMD52 | |
1689 | +08007a90 g F .text 0000000c libwismart_isRoamingEnabled | |
1690 | +080119b0 g F .text 00000064 wps_authorized_macs | |
1691 | +080274e0 g F .text 000000ea rsn_preauth_candidate_process | |
1692 | +08008540 g F .text 0000000c Transport_Unlock | |
1700 | 1693 | 20000c08 g O .data 00000004 _impure_ptr |
1701 | 1694 | 08006940 w F .text 00000010 Vector70 |
1702 | -0802ca70 g F .text 00000014 wps_pbc_timeout_event | |
1703 | -0802c040 g F .text 0000004e wpa_sm_set_assoc_wpa_ie | |
1704 | -0801ea90 g F .text 00000350 tcp_slowtmr | |
1705 | -0802c170 g F .text 00000008 wpa_sm_pmksa_cache_flush | |
1695 | +0802c870 g F .text 00000014 wps_pbc_timeout_event | |
1696 | +0802be40 g F .text 0000004e wpa_sm_set_assoc_wpa_ie | |
1697 | +0801e890 g F .text 00000350 tcp_slowtmr | |
1698 | +0802bf70 g F .text 00000008 wpa_sm_pmksa_cache_flush | |
1706 | 1699 | 08003e10 g F .text 0000015e __sflush_r |
1707 | 1700 | 080077e0 g F .text 0000000e VectorD4 |
1708 | -20004468 g O .bss 0000001e registryFileOpened | |
1709 | -0800e830 g F .text 000001fc HW_WiFiTransport_Port | |
1710 | -0802c0e0 g F .text 0000004e wpa_sm_set_ap_rsn_ie | |
1701 | +20004460 g O .bss 0000001e registryFileOpened | |
1702 | +0800e670 g F .text 000001fc HW_WiFiTransport_Port | |
1703 | +0802bee0 g F .text 0000004e wpa_sm_set_ap_rsn_ie | |
1711 | 1704 | 08006a80 g F .text 00000030 nvicSetSystemHandlerPriority |
1712 | -0800f870 g F .text 000001bc HW_DebugTrace_Init | |
1713 | -08026fc0 g F .text 00000002 wpas_notify_bss_wps_changed | |
1714 | -20002974 g O .bss 00000004 CmdCnt | |
1705 | +0800f6b0 g F .text 000001bc HW_DebugTrace_Init | |
1706 | +08026dc0 g F .text 00000002 wpas_notify_bss_wps_changed | |
1707 | +2000296c g O .bss 00000004 CmdCnt | |
1715 | 1708 | 080045a0 g F .text 00000004 __locale_cjk_lang |
1716 | -0800f690 g F .text 00000030 config_eeprom_read_byte | |
1717 | -0800b1e0 g F .text 00000030 SendDisassocRequest | |
1718 | -08007c20 g F .text 00000098 CheckRoamThresholds | |
1719 | -0800a320 g F .text 0000002c softAP_Update_TIM_Field | |
1720 | -08022a00 g F .text 00000018 eap_get_type | |
1721 | -0800f6c0 g F .text 000000d0 libwismart_ProfileGet_Str | |
1709 | +0800f4d0 g F .text 00000030 config_eeprom_read_byte | |
1710 | +0800b050 g F .text 00000030 SendDisassocRequest | |
1711 | +08007aa0 g F .text 00000098 CheckRoamThresholds | |
1712 | +0800a190 g F .text 0000002c softAP_Update_TIM_Field | |
1713 | +08022800 g F .text 00000018 eap_get_type | |
1714 | +0800f500 g F .text 000000d0 libwismart_ProfileGet_Str | |
1722 | 1715 | 0800519c g F .text 00000a24 _svfiprintf_r |
1723 | 1716 | 08006f40 g F .text 00000044 chThdRelease |
1724 | -2000131c g O .bss 00000004 RXCmdQueue | |
1725 | -20001544 g O .bss 00000004 roam_lastrssi | |
1726 | -08007af0 g F .text 00000054 libwismart_DhcpResult | |
1727 | -08022840 g F .text 00000060 wpa_config_set | |
1728 | -0801c690 g F .text 0000001a RCC_APB1PeriphResetCmd | |
1729 | -080157c0 g F .text 0000001e ieee802_1x_free_station | |
1717 | +20001314 g O .bss 00000004 RXCmdQueue | |
1718 | +2000153c g O .bss 00000004 roam_lastrssi | |
1719 | +08007970 g F .text 00000054 libwismart_DhcpResult | |
1720 | +08022640 g F .text 00000060 wpa_config_set | |
1721 | +0801c490 g F .text 0000001a RCC_APB1PeriphResetCmd | |
1722 | +08015600 g F .text 0000001e ieee802_1x_free_station | |
1730 | 1723 | 20000c00 g .data 00000000 _data |
1731 | -08022e60 g F .text 00000036 eap_allowed_method | |
1732 | -0800df90 g F .text 00000020 libwismart_LinkList_Init | |
1733 | -0800c580 g F .text 00000078 WiFi_RXCmdQueue_Add | |
1724 | +08022c60 g F .text 00000036 eap_allowed_method | |
1725 | +0800ddd0 g F .text 00000020 libwismart_LinkList_Init | |
1726 | +0800c3f0 g F .text 00000078 WiFi_RXCmdQueue_Add | |
1734 | 1727 | 08004d5c g F .text 00000044 __ulp |
1735 | 1728 | 08004160 g F .text 00000016 __fp_unlock_all |
1736 | -08011260 g F .text 00000014 wpas_driver_bss_selection | |
1737 | -08007850 g F .text 00000020 buttons_process | |
1738 | -0802cd50 g F .text 0000003c wps_build_primary_dev_type | |
1739 | -08013020 g F .text 00000002 ap_mgmt_rx | |
1740 | -0800fb50 g F .text 00000044 HW_Power_EnterMode | |
1729 | +080110a0 g F .text 00000014 wpas_driver_bss_selection | |
1730 | +0802cb50 g F .text 0000003c wps_build_primary_dev_type | |
1731 | +08012e60 g F .text 00000002 ap_mgmt_rx | |
1732 | +0800f990 g F .text 00000044 HW_Power_EnterMode | |
1741 | 1733 | 08007650 g F .text 0000000c chPoolFree |
1742 | -0801bf40 g F .text 0000002a FLASH_GetBank2Status | |
1743 | -0801bd50 g F .text 00000012 DMA_ITConfig | |
1744 | -0800a390 g F .text 00000144 wei_handle_mlme_p2p_frame_ind | |
1745 | -0802b2f0 g F .text 00000bee wpa_sm_rx_eapol | |
1746 | -080247c0 g F .text 0000000a eapol_sm_notify_portValid | |
1747 | -2000236c g O .bss 00000001 DHCP_state | |
1748 | -0802c270 g F .text 00000040 wps_build_uuid_e | |
1749 | -0800fec0 g F .text 00000014 os_get_random | |
1734 | +0801bd80 g F .text 0000002a FLASH_GetBank2Status | |
1735 | +0801bb90 g F .text 00000012 DMA_ITConfig | |
1736 | +0800a200 g F .text 00000144 wei_handle_mlme_p2p_frame_ind | |
1737 | +0802b0f0 g F .text 00000bee wpa_sm_rx_eapol | |
1738 | +080245c0 g F .text 0000000a eapol_sm_notify_portValid | |
1739 | +20002364 g O .bss 00000001 DHCP_state | |
1740 | +0802c070 g F .text 00000040 wps_build_uuid_e | |
1741 | +0800fd00 g F .text 00000014 os_get_random | |
1750 | 1742 | 08006940 w F .text 00000010 Vector4C |
1751 | -08022a40 g F .text 00000030 eap_peer_get_type | |
1752 | -080125d0 g F .text 00000022 wpas_wps_get_req_type | |
1753 | -08020fb0 g F .text 00000038 libwismart_ThreadExec | |
1743 | +08022840 g F .text 00000030 eap_peer_get_type | |
1744 | +08012410 g F .text 00000022 wpas_wps_get_req_type | |
1745 | +08020db0 g F .text 00000038 libwismart_ThreadExec | |
1754 | 1746 | 08006940 w F .text 00000010 Vector80 |
1755 | -08010aa0 g F .text 00000006 wpa_supplicant_get_ssid | |
1756 | -08012670 g F .text 0000003a wpas_wps_cancel | |
1747 | +080108e0 g F .text 00000006 wpa_supplicant_get_ssid | |
1748 | +080124b0 g F .text 0000003a wpas_wps_cancel | |
1757 | 1749 | 08006960 g F .text 00000016 _port_switch_from_isr |
1758 | -0802c1d0 g F .text 00000030 wps_build_req_type | |
1759 | -0802dae0 g F .text 00000016 aes_decrypt_deinit | |
1760 | -08017a20 g F .text 00000622 eap_server_sm_step | |
1761 | -080143d0 g F .text 000000e4 hostapd_get_eap_user | |
1762 | -0802cc00 g F .text 00000068 wps_build_manufacturer | |
1763 | -0801ad40 g F .text 0000001a wpa_auth_sta_clear_pmksa | |
1764 | -0801ac00 g F .text 000000a8 wpa_auth_sm_event | |
1765 | -08016f00 g F .text 0000002e hostapd_set_freq | |
1750 | +0802bfd0 g F .text 00000030 wps_build_req_type | |
1751 | +0802d8e0 g F .text 00000016 aes_decrypt_deinit | |
1752 | +08017860 g F .text 00000622 eap_server_sm_step | |
1753 | +08014210 g F .text 000000e4 hostapd_get_eap_user | |
1754 | +0802ca00 g F .text 00000068 wps_build_manufacturer | |
1755 | +0801ab80 g F .text 0000001a wpa_auth_sta_clear_pmksa | |
1756 | +0801aa40 g F .text 000000a8 wpa_auth_sm_event | |
1757 | +08016d40 g F .text 0000002e hostapd_set_freq | |
1766 | 1758 | 080045c0 g F .text 00000008 localeconv |
1767 | 1759 | 08006940 w F .text 00000010 Vector68 |
1768 | 1760 | 080071b0 g F .text 00000054 chMtxUnlock |
1769 | -0800a350 g F .text 0000003c WiFi_SoftAP_MBPost | |
1770 | -0802cd90 g F .text 0000004c wps_build_secondary_dev_type | |
1771 | -0801cff0 g F .text 0000000a lwip_ntohs | |
1772 | -0800a190 g F .text 0000006c softAP_handle_deauthenticate | |
1773 | -0801cf40 g F .text 00000008 USART_SendData | |
1774 | -2000cda8 g O .bss 00000004 tcp_tw_pcbs | |
1775 | -08009420 g F .text 0000004a mac_aton | |
1776 | -08008f30 g F .text 0000000e LwIP_DHCP_Init | |
1761 | +0800a1c0 g F .text 0000003c WiFi_SoftAP_MBPost | |
1762 | +0802cb90 g F .text 0000004c wps_build_secondary_dev_type | |
1763 | +0801cdf0 g F .text 0000000a lwip_ntohs | |
1764 | +0800a000 g F .text 0000006c softAP_handle_deauthenticate | |
1765 | +0801cd40 g F .text 00000008 USART_SendData | |
1766 | +2000cda0 g O .bss 00000004 tcp_tw_pcbs | |
1767 | +08009290 g F .text 0000004a mac_aton | |
1768 | +08008da0 g F .text 0000000e LwIP_DHCP_Init | |
1777 | 1769 | 20000200 g .stacks 00000000 __main_stack_end__ |
1778 | 1770 | 08005ebc g F .text 0000001a __aeabi_uidivmod |
1779 | -0800dc40 g F .text 0000000c wifi_roam_get_state | |
1771 | +0800dab0 g F .text 0000000c wifi_roam_get_state | |
1780 | 1772 | 08007800 g F .text 0000000e Vector78 |
1781 | -0801c790 g F .text 00000016 RTC_WaitForLastTask | |
1773 | +0801c590 g F .text 00000016 RTC_WaitForLastTask | |
1782 | 1774 | 0800673c g F .text 00000012 __aeabi_dcmpeq |
1783 | -08011630 g F .text 0000001c wps_free_pending_msgs | |
1784 | -08024d00 g F .text 0000006c eloop_cancel_timeout | |
1785 | -0800f790 g F .text 000000d4 libwismart_ProfileGet_Int | |
1786 | -200023bc g O .bss 00000004 DHCPfineTimer | |
1787 | -08010bf0 g F .text 00000100 wpas_connection_failed | |
1788 | -080145a0 g F .text 00000004 ap_sta_bind_vlan | |
1789 | -0800fe80 g F .text 0000001c os_sleep | |
1790 | -08017490 g F .text 00000066 eap_user_get | |
1775 | +08011470 g F .text 0000001c wps_free_pending_msgs | |
1776 | +08024b00 g F .text 0000006c eloop_cancel_timeout | |
1777 | +0800f5d0 g F .text 000000d4 libwismart_ProfileGet_Int | |
1778 | +200023b4 g O .bss 00000004 DHCPfineTimer | |
1779 | +08010a30 g F .text 00000100 wpas_connection_failed | |
1780 | +080143e0 g F .text 00000004 ap_sta_bind_vlan | |
1781 | +0800fcc0 g F .text 0000001c os_sleep | |
1782 | +080172d0 g F .text 00000066 eap_user_get | |
1791 | 1783 | 2000126c g .data 00000000 _edata |
1792 | -0802d4c0 g F .text 0000003a hostapd_notif_disassoc | |
1793 | -0801ba20 g F .text 0000005c pmksa_cache_get_okc | |
1794 | -08029b50 g F .text 000000a0 SHA1Final | |
1795 | -08016e30 g F .text 0000001a hostapd_set_ssid | |
1796 | -0800ce90 g F .text 0000000e wifi_cmds_flow_reset_fw | |
1797 | -0801e260 g F .text 00000002 netif_init | |
1798 | -0802a0c0 g F .text 0000007a wpabuf_resize | |
1799 | -08018050 g F .text 00000020 eap_server_get_eap_method | |
1800 | -2000237c g O .bss 00000004 DNSTimer | |
1784 | +0802d2c0 g F .text 0000003a hostapd_notif_disassoc | |
1785 | +0801b860 g F .text 0000005c pmksa_cache_get_okc | |
1786 | +08029950 g F .text 000000a0 SHA1Final | |
1787 | +08016c70 g F .text 0000001a hostapd_set_ssid | |
1788 | +0800cd00 g F .text 0000000e wifi_cmds_flow_reset_fw | |
1789 | +0801e060 g F .text 00000002 netif_init | |
1790 | +08029ec0 g F .text 0000007a wpabuf_resize | |
1791 | +08017e90 g F .text 00000020 eap_server_get_eap_method | |
1792 | +20002374 g O .bss 00000004 DNSTimer | |
1801 | 1793 | 080072d0 g F .text 0000002c chEvtWaitAny |
1802 | 1794 | 08006bb0 g F .text 00000024 chVTResetI |
1803 | -08014e10 g F .text 00000004 mlme_disassociate_indication | |
1804 | -0801ad30 g F .text 0000000e wpa_auth_sta_key_mgmt | |
1805 | -0800dc20 g F .text 00000020 wifi_roam_complete | |
1806 | -0801caf0 g F .text 000000be TIM_TimeBaseInit | |
1807 | -08020130 g F .text 0000003c ip_route | |
1808 | -08026bc0 g F .text 000000b4 NRX_MD5Update | |
1795 | +08014c50 g F .text 00000004 mlme_disassociate_indication | |
1796 | +0801ab70 g F .text 0000000e wpa_auth_sta_key_mgmt | |
1797 | +0800da90 g F .text 00000020 wifi_roam_complete | |
1798 | +0801c8f0 g F .text 000000be TIM_TimeBaseInit | |
1799 | +0801ff30 g F .text 0000003c ip_route | |
1800 | +080269c0 g F .text 000000b4 NRX_MD5Update | |
1809 | 1801 | 08006940 g F .text 00000010 _unhandled_exception |
1810 | -2000cc28 g O .bss 0000017c lwip_stats | |
1802 | +2000cc20 g O .bss 0000017c lwip_stats | |
1811 | 1803 | 200010ec g O .data 00000014 state_name |
1812 | -08027380 g F .text 00000044 pmksa_cache_get_opportunistic | |
1813 | -0800afe0 g F .text 00000028 SendDeAuthRequest | |
1814 | -2000152c g O .bss 00000004 rssi_cb | |
1815 | -0801c3a0 g F .text 00000014 PWR_GetFlagStatus | |
1816 | -0801e480 g F .text 00000078 pbuf_header | |
1817 | -2000132c g O .bss 00000004 RXDataQueueUnicast | |
1818 | -0802c090 g F .text 0000004e wpa_sm_set_ap_wpa_ie | |
1819 | -2000cc20 g O .bss 00000004 netif_default | |
1820 | -0801ede0 g F .text 00000070 tcp_pcb_remove | |
1821 | -20001558 g O .bss 00000004 wifi_connect_cb | |
1804 | +08027180 g F .text 00000044 pmksa_cache_get_opportunistic | |
1805 | +0800ae50 g F .text 00000028 SendDeAuthRequest | |
1806 | +20001524 g O .bss 00000004 rssi_cb | |
1807 | +0801c1a0 g F .text 00000014 PWR_GetFlagStatus | |
1808 | +0801e280 g F .text 00000078 pbuf_header | |
1809 | +20001324 g O .bss 00000004 RXDataQueueUnicast | |
1810 | +0802be90 g F .text 0000004e wpa_sm_set_ap_wpa_ie | |
1811 | +2000cc18 g O .bss 00000004 netif_default | |
1812 | +0801ebe0 g F .text 00000070 tcp_pcb_remove | |
1813 | +20001550 g O .bss 00000004 wifi_connect_cb | |
1822 | 1814 | 08007370 g F .text 0000000c chMBPost |
1823 | 1815 | 08006940 w F .text 00000010 Vector88 |
1824 | 1816 | 08007210 g F .text 0000001e chEvtRegisterMask |
1825 | -08022600 g F .text 0000015c wpa_config_free_ssid | |
1826 | -0802c160 g F .text 0000000e wpa_sm_update_replay_ctr | |
1827 | -0801c7e0 g F .text 00000014 RTC_GetFlagStatus | |
1817 | +08022400 g F .text 0000015c wpa_config_free_ssid | |
1818 | +0802bf60 g F .text 0000000e wpa_sm_update_replay_ctr | |
1819 | +0801c5e0 g F .text 00000014 RTC_GetFlagStatus | |
1828 | 1820 | 08000df8 g F .text 0000003c __swrite |
1829 | -080171b0 g F .text 0000001e ieee802_11_set_beacons | |
1830 | -08023ea0 g F .text 00000012 eapol_sm_notify_pmkid_attempt | |
1831 | -08008d40 g F .text 00000024 roaming_timer | |
1832 | -0801e780 g F .text 00000012 pbuf_chain | |
1821 | +08016ff0 g F .text 0000001e ieee802_11_set_beacons | |
1822 | +08023ca0 g F .text 00000012 eapol_sm_notify_pmkid_attempt | |
1823 | +08008bb0 g F .text 00000024 roaming_timer | |
1824 | +0801e580 g F .text 00000012 pbuf_chain | |
1833 | 1825 | 08004598 g F .text 00000008 __locale_msgcharset |
1834 | -20002368 g O .bss 00000004 ARPTimer | |
1835 | -0801ee50 g F .text 00000098 tcp_abandon | |
1826 | +20002360 g O .bss 00000004 ARPTimer | |
1827 | +0801ec50 g F .text 00000098 tcp_abandon | |
1836 | 1828 | 20000200 g .stacks 00000000 __main_thread_stack_base__ |
1837 | -0801fd30 g F .text 0000003c tcp_timer_needed | |
1829 | +0801fb30 g F .text 0000003c tcp_timer_needed | |
1838 | 1830 | 080044e8 g F .text 0000004c _fwalk_reent |
1839 | -0801e0f0 g F .text 0000009c memp_init | |
1840 | -0800d420 g F .text 00000174 isAcceptableBSS | |
1831 | +0801def0 g F .text 0000009c memp_init | |
1832 | +0800d290 g F .text 00000174 isAcceptableBSS | |
1841 | 1833 | 08004c70 g F .text 000000ec __mdiff |
1842 | -08026fb0 g F .text 00000002 wpas_notify_bss_rsnie_changed | |
1843 | -080192f0 g F .text 000000d4 wpa_auth_init | |
1844 | -0801f130 g F .text 00000070 tcp_fasttmr | |
1834 | +08026db0 g F .text 00000002 wpas_notify_bss_rsnie_changed | |
1835 | +08019130 g F .text 000000d4 wpa_auth_init | |
1836 | +0801ef30 g F .text 00000070 tcp_fasttmr | |
1845 | 1837 | 080067a0 g F .text 0000004e __aeabi_d2iz |
1846 | -20004508 g O .bss 00000004 NVIC_InitStructure | |
1847 | -0801c850 g F .text 00000014 RTC_ClearITPendingBit | |
1848 | -08007e70 g F .text 00000024 libwismart_IsConnected | |
1849 | -08026ee0 g F .text 00000002 wpas_notify_network_enabled_changed | |
1850 | -20001318 g O .bss 00000001 rssi_cb_set | |
1851 | -080287a0 g F .text 0000131e SHA1Transform | |
1852 | -08012980 g F .text 0000001c wpas_ap_configured_cb | |
1853 | -08007d60 g F .text 00000004 _kill | |
1854 | -0801f0c0 g F .text 0000006a tcp_process_refused_data | |
1855 | -0800f280 g F .text 00000012 Vector104 | |
1838 | +20004500 g O .bss 00000004 NVIC_InitStructure | |
1839 | +0801c650 g F .text 00000014 RTC_ClearITPendingBit | |
1840 | +08007cf0 g F .text 00000024 libwismart_IsConnected | |
1841 | +08026ce0 g F .text 00000002 wpas_notify_network_enabled_changed | |
1842 | +20001310 g O .bss 00000001 rssi_cb_set | |
1843 | +080285a0 g F .text 0000131e SHA1Transform | |
1844 | +080127c0 g F .text 0000001c wpas_ap_configured_cb | |
1845 | +08007be0 g F .text 00000004 _kill | |
1846 | +0801eec0 g F .text 0000006a tcp_process_refused_data | |
1847 | +0800f0c0 g F .text 00000012 Vector104 | |
1856 | 1848 | 20000c00 g O .data 00000004 __ctype_ptr__ |
1857 | -080273e0 g F .text 00000066 pmksa_cache_set_current | |
1858 | -08013270 g F .text 00000058 hostapd_new_assoc_sta | |
1859 | -08011af0 g F .text 00000076 wps_registrar_pbc_overlap | |
1849 | +080271e0 g F .text 00000066 pmksa_cache_set_current | |
1850 | +080130b0 g F .text 00000058 hostapd_new_assoc_sta | |
1851 | +08011930 g F .text 00000076 wps_registrar_pbc_overlap | |
1860 | 1852 | 0800413c g F .text 00000002 __sfp_lock_release |
1861 | -08009f20 g F .text 00000030 WiFi_Client_Find | |
1862 | -08020cf0 g F .text 00000004 sys_arch_unprotect | |
1863 | -080113a0 g F .text 00000052 wps_ap_priority_compar | |
1864 | -08026e90 g F .text 00000002 wpas_notify_state_changed | |
1865 | -0800fee0 g F .text 00000008 _nrx_os_malloc | |
1853 | +08009d90 g F .text 00000030 WiFi_Client_Find | |
1854 | +08020af0 g F .text 00000004 sys_arch_unprotect | |
1855 | +080111e0 g F .text 00000052 wps_ap_priority_compar | |
1856 | +08026c90 g F .text 00000002 wpas_notify_state_changed | |
1857 | +0800fd20 g F .text 00000008 _nrx_os_malloc | |
1866 | 1858 | 08006940 w F .text 00000010 Vector10C |
1867 | -08029c70 g F .text 00000104 hmac_sha1_vector | |
1868 | -08023e10 g F .text 00000042 eapol_sm_notify_config | |
1869 | -08007d50 g F .text 00000010 libwismart_peripheral_unlock | |
1859 | +08029a70 g F .text 00000104 hmac_sha1_vector | |
1860 | +08023c10 g F .text 00000042 eapol_sm_notify_config | |
1861 | +08007bd0 g F .text 00000010 libwismart_peripheral_unlock | |
1870 | 1862 | 08000170 g F .text 00000008 atoi |
1871 | -0801c6f0 g F .text 0000001c RTC_ITConfig | |
1872 | -20001334 g O .bss 00000024 WiFi_Statistics | |
1863 | +0801c4f0 g F .text 0000001c RTC_ITConfig | |
1864 | +2000132c g O .bss 00000024 WiFi_Statistics | |
1873 | 1865 | 08006e80 g F .text 00000028 chThdSetPriority |
1874 | -08019510 g F .text 000003c0 __wpa_send_eapol | |
1875 | -0800f560 g F .text 0000005a registryGetValue | |
1876 | -0802e500 g O .text 00000101 _ctype_ | |
1877 | -0801bd90 g F .text 00000012 DMA_ClearFlag | |
1878 | -080228a0 g F .text 00000086 eap_hdr_validate | |
1866 | +08019350 g F .text 000003c0 __wpa_send_eapol | |
1867 | +0800f3a0 g F .text 0000005a registryGetValue | |
1868 | +0802e300 g O .text 00000101 _ctype_ | |
1869 | +0801bbd0 g F .text 00000012 DMA_ClearFlag | |
1870 | +080226a0 g F .text 00000086 eap_hdr_validate | |
1879 | 1871 | 08005ee0 w F .text 00000002 __aeabi_idiv0 |
1880 | 1872 | 08000130 g startup 00000000 __init_array_start |
1881 | -200024dc g O .bss 00000018 sSettings | |
1882 | -0801ffc0 g F .text 00000048 igmp_tmr | |
1883 | -0801c3c0 g F .text 00000012 PWR_ClearFlag | |
1873 | +200024d4 g O .bss 00000018 sSettings | |
1874 | +0801fdc0 g F .text 00000048 igmp_tmr | |
1875 | +0801c1c0 g F .text 00000012 PWR_ClearFlag | |
1884 | 1876 | 08006f10 g F .text 00000030 chThdWait |
1885 | -0800c9e0 g F .text 00000030 wifi_PsDisable | |
1886 | -0800a200 g F .text 00000080 softAP_handle_associateInd | |
1887 | -08007d80 g F .text 00000010 _exit | |
1888 | -08014360 g F .text 00000018 hostapd_get_vlan_id_ifname | |
1889 | -0801daa0 g F .text 00000060 dhcp_coarse_tmr | |
1890 | -0802a410 g F .text 00000186 wpa_parse_wpa_ie_rsn | |
1891 | -0802a2e0 g F .text 00000042 wpa_eapol_key_mic | |
1892 | -080145f0 g F .text 0000007c ap_sta_deauthenticate | |
1893 | -08027510 g F .text 00000032 pmksa_candidate_free | |
1894 | -08008ef0 g F .text 00000038 TimerEventHandlerSignal | |
1877 | +0800c850 g F .text 00000030 wifi_PsDisable | |
1878 | +0800a070 g F .text 00000080 softAP_handle_associateInd | |
1879 | +08007c00 g F .text 00000010 _exit | |
1880 | +080141a0 g F .text 00000018 hostapd_get_vlan_id_ifname | |
1881 | +0801d8a0 g F .text 00000060 dhcp_coarse_tmr | |
1882 | +0802a210 g F .text 00000186 wpa_parse_wpa_ie_rsn | |
1883 | +0802a0e0 g F .text 00000042 wpa_eapol_key_mic | |
1884 | +08014430 g F .text 0000007c ap_sta_deauthenticate | |
1885 | +08027310 g F .text 00000032 pmksa_candidate_free | |
1886 | +08008d60 g F .text 00000038 TimerEventHandlerSignal | |
1895 | 1887 | 08006da0 g F .text 00000042 _thread_init |
1896 | 1888 | 08006940 w F .text 00000010 Vector50 |
1897 | 1889 | 080045d0 g F .text 000000ec __smakebuf_r |
1898 | -08013040 g F .text 0000000c wpa_supplicant_ap_rx_eapol | |
1899 | -0802a1c0 g F .text 00000032 wpabuf_dup | |
1900 | -08007fd0 g F .text 00000044 libwismart_StartPeriodicScan | |
1901 | -0801c550 g F .text 0000000c RCC_LSICmd | |
1902 | -08014e20 g F .text 00000004 mlme_deauthenticate_indication | |
1890 | +08012e80 g F .text 0000000c wpa_supplicant_ap_rx_eapol | |
1891 | +08029fc0 g F .text 00000032 wpabuf_dup | |
1892 | +08007e50 g F .text 00000044 libwismart_StartPeriodicScan | |
1893 | +0801c350 g F .text 0000000c RCC_LSICmd | |
1894 | +08014c60 g F .text 00000004 mlme_deauthenticate_indication | |
1903 | 1895 | 08001200 g F .text 0000005e strlen |
1904 | -0800e410 g F .text 0000000e HW_RTC_GetTime | |
1905 | -08022a20 g F .text 00000020 eap_peer_get_eap_method | |
1896 | +0800e250 g F .text 0000000e HW_RTC_GetTime | |
1897 | +08022820 g F .text 00000020 eap_peer_get_eap_method | |
1906 | 1898 | 08000ac0 g F .text 00000036 _init_signal_r |
1907 | -0801e020 g F .text 00000064 dns_init | |
1908 | -0801f9c0 g F .text 00000002 udp_init | |
1909 | -08014b10 g F .text 0000002e hostapd_free_stas | |
1910 | -0802c440 g F .text 00000032 wps_build_assoc_state | |
1911 | -08027080 g F .text 00000032 pmksa_cache_get | |
1912 | -08023950 g F .text 00000008 eap_key_available | |
1899 | +0801de20 g F .text 00000064 dns_init | |
1900 | +0801f7c0 g F .text 00000002 udp_init | |
1901 | +08014950 g F .text 0000002e hostapd_free_stas | |
1902 | +0802c240 g F .text 00000032 wps_build_assoc_state | |
1903 | +08026e80 g F .text 00000032 pmksa_cache_get | |
1904 | +08023750 g F .text 00000008 eap_key_available | |
1913 | 1905 | 0800672c g F .text 00000010 __aeabi_cdcmpeq |
1914 | 1906 | 08006690 g F .text 0000008a __gedf2 |
1915 | -0801fcb0 g F .text 0000001c udp_new | |
1916 | -08026f60 g F .text 00000002 wpas_notify_bss_freq_changed | |
1917 | -08014570 g F .text 00000028 ap_get_sta | |
1918 | -0800b170 g F .text 0000006c libwismart_GetAssocReqIEs | |
1919 | -08035710 g O .text 0000000a rcons | |
1920 | -2000299c g O .bss 00000004 enable_fast_roaming | |
1921 | -08024da0 g F .text 0000000e eloop_terminate | |
1922 | -0800f2a0 g F .text 00000030 libwismart_WiFi_IRQHandler | |
1907 | +0801fab0 g F .text 0000001c udp_new | |
1908 | +08026d60 g F .text 00000002 wpas_notify_bss_freq_changed | |
1909 | +080143b0 g F .text 00000028 ap_get_sta | |
1910 | +0800afe0 g F .text 0000006c libwismart_GetAssocReqIEs | |
1911 | +08035480 g O .text 0000000a rcons | |
1912 | +20002994 g O .bss 00000004 enable_fast_roaming | |
1913 | +08024ba0 g F .text 0000000e eloop_terminate | |
1914 | +0800f0e0 g F .text 00000030 libwismart_WiFi_IRQHandler | |
1923 | 1915 | 08000e60 g F .text 000000fe strchr |
1924 | -08013830 g F .text 0000002c hostapd_alloc_bss_data | |
1925 | -080079d0 g F .text 00000018 libwismart_GetDefaultHWIF | |
1926 | -080341f0 g O .text 00000006 ethbroadcast | |
1927 | -08026420 g F .text 00000002 l2_packet_notify_auth_start | |
1916 | +08013670 g F .text 0000002c hostapd_alloc_bss_data | |
1917 | +08007850 g F .text 00000018 libwismart_GetDefaultHWIF | |
1918 | +08033f60 g O .text 00000006 ethbroadcast | |
1919 | +08026220 g F .text 00000002 l2_packet_notify_auth_start | |
1928 | 1920 | 20000000 g .stacks 00000000 __main_stack_base__ |
1929 | -08034180 g O .text 0000000d tcp_backoff | |
1921 | +08033ef0 g O .text 0000000d tcp_backoff | |
1930 | 1922 | 08006940 w F .text 00000010 Vector44 |
1931 | 1923 | 080061b8 g F .text 0000003a __aeabi_f2d |
1932 | 1924 | 08006940 w F .text 00000010 Vector28 |
1933 | 1925 | 08006940 w F .text 00000010 VectorB8 |
1934 | -08016c50 g F .text 0000001c hostapd_free_ap_extra_ies | |
1935 | -0801bb90 g F .text 00000156 DMA_DeInit | |
1936 | -0800fea0 g F .text 00000004 os_get_time | |
1937 | -08023940 g F .text 00000006 eap_set_workaround | |
1938 | -08020170 g F .text 00000194 ip_output_if_opt | |
1939 | -0800b240 g F .text 000000e8 CreateAdHoc | |
1940 | -0800fa30 g F .text 00000020 HW_DebugTrace_SendData | |
1926 | +08016a90 g F .text 0000001c hostapd_free_ap_extra_ies | |
1927 | +0801b9d0 g F .text 00000156 DMA_DeInit | |
1928 | +0800fce0 g F .text 00000004 os_get_time | |
1929 | +08023740 g F .text 00000006 eap_set_workaround | |
1930 | +0801ff70 g F .text 00000194 ip_output_if_opt | |
1931 | +0800b0b0 g F .text 000000e8 CreateAdHoc | |
1932 | +0800f870 g F .text 00000020 HW_DebugTrace_SendData | |
1941 | 1933 | 08006940 w F .text 00000010 VectorFC |
1942 | -08027c00 g F .text 00000010 wpa_supplicant_cancel_scan | |
1934 | +08027a00 g F .text 00000010 wpa_supplicant_cancel_scan | |
1943 | 1935 | 20001104 g O .data 00000004 dlm_mib_table_vaddr |
1944 | -080239e0 g F .text 00000006 eap_set_force_disabled | |
1945 | -080213a0 g F .text 00000050 wpa_bss_get | |
1946 | -08013010 g F .text 00000002 ap_rx_from_unknown_sta | |
1947 | -08014080 g F .text 00000018 hostapd_mac_comp_empty | |
1948 | -0800f660 g F .text 00000030 config_eeprom_read_str | |
1949 | -0801ba80 g F .text 0000001a pmksa_cache_auth_init | |
1950 | -08020ca0 g F .text 0000000a sys_mbox_post | |
1951 | -08018ba0 g F .text 0000000e hostapd_wps_ap_pin_disable | |
1952 | -08026ff0 g F .text 00000002 wpas_notify_sta_authorized | |
1953 | -08020f00 g F .text 00000052 libwismart_PBufQueue_Add | |
1954 | -0800ead0 g F .text 00000096 SD_LowLevel_DMA_RxConfig | |
1936 | +080237e0 g F .text 00000006 eap_set_force_disabled | |
1937 | +080211a0 g F .text 00000050 wpa_bss_get | |
1938 | +08012e50 g F .text 00000002 ap_rx_from_unknown_sta | |
1939 | +08013ec0 g F .text 00000018 hostapd_mac_comp_empty | |
1940 | +0800f4a0 g F .text 00000030 config_eeprom_read_str | |
1941 | +0801b8c0 g F .text 0000001a pmksa_cache_auth_init | |
1942 | +08020aa0 g F .text 0000000a sys_mbox_post | |
1943 | +080189e0 g F .text 0000000e hostapd_wps_ap_pin_disable | |
1944 | +08026df0 g F .text 00000002 wpas_notify_sta_authorized | |
1945 | +08020d00 g F .text 00000052 libwismart_PBufQueue_Add | |
1946 | +0800e910 g F .text 00000096 SD_LowLevel_DMA_RxConfig | |
1955 | 1947 | 08005ef8 g F .text 0000027a __subdf3 |
1956 | -080279c0 g F .text 000000b6 rc4_skip | |
1957 | -0800ce10 g F .text 00000074 wifi_cmds_flow_data_release | |
1958 | -0800cea0 g F .text 00000016 wifi_filter_parse_hic | |
1948 | +080277c0 g F .text 000000b6 rc4_skip | |
1949 | +0800cc80 g F .text 00000074 wifi_cmds_flow_data_release | |
1950 | +0800cd10 g F .text 00000016 wifi_filter_parse_hic | |
1959 | 1951 | 20000c00 g .stacks 00000000 __process_stack_end__ |
1960 | -0800e200 g F .text 00000010 libwismart_TimerStop | |
1961 | -08028420 g F .text 0000005e wpa_scan_get_vendor_ie | |
1962 | -0802bee0 g F .text 00000072 wpa_sm_set_config | |
1952 | +0800e040 g F .text 00000010 libwismart_TimerStop | |
1953 | +08028220 g F .text 0000005e wpa_scan_get_vendor_ie | |
1954 | +0802bce0 g F .text 00000072 wpa_sm_set_config | |
1963 | 1955 | 08004934 g F .text 0000005a __lo0bits |
1964 | 1956 | 08006940 w F .text 00000010 Vector34 |
1965 | -080114b0 g F .text 0000006e wps_build_assoc_resp_ie | |
1966 | -20002968 g O .bss 00000004 rate_gmask | |
1967 | -08016f90 g F .text 00000026 hostapd_set_tx_queue_params | |
1968 | -08019d00 g F .text 00000050 wpa_remove_ptk | |
1969 | -08022a70 g F .text 00000020 eap_peer_get_methods | |
1970 | -20002378 g O .bss 00000004 IPaddress | |
1971 | -20004488 g O .bss 0000003c registryFileMaxRegistryKeyAddressCount | |
1972 | -080238f0 g F .text 00000032 eap_peer_sm_deinit | |
1957 | +080112f0 g F .text 0000006e wps_build_assoc_resp_ie | |
1958 | +20002960 g O .bss 00000004 rate_gmask | |
1959 | +08016dd0 g F .text 00000026 hostapd_set_tx_queue_params | |
1960 | +08019b40 g F .text 00000050 wpa_remove_ptk | |
1961 | +08022870 g F .text 00000020 eap_peer_get_methods | |
1962 | +20002370 g O .bss 00000004 IPaddress | |
1963 | +20004480 g O .bss 0000003c registryFileMaxRegistryKeyAddressCount | |
1964 | +080236f0 g F .text 00000032 eap_peer_sm_deinit | |
1973 | 1965 | 080067f0 w F .text 00000002 __early_init |
1974 | 1966 | 08000c14 g F .text 00000010 __sigtramp |
1975 | -08007d20 g F .text 00000030 libwismart_peripheral_lock | |
1967 | +08007ba0 g F .text 00000030 libwismart_peripheral_lock | |
1976 | 1968 | 080070a0 g F .text 00000020 chSemSignalI |
1977 | -0801bf10 g F .text 0000002a FLASH_GetBank1Status | |
1978 | -08026ed0 g F .text 00000002 wpas_notify_auth_changed | |
1979 | -08014b40 g F .text 000000b8 ap_sta_disconnect | |
1980 | -0801cf20 g F .text 00000014 USART_DMACmd | |
1981 | -0800c6f0 g F .text 0000000c wifi_ps_unlock | |
1982 | -0800fda0 g F .text 00000044 wpa_assoc_event | |
1983 | -0802c480 g F .text 000000a2 wps_ie_encapsulate | |
1984 | -0800dc90 g F .text 0000000c libwismart_set_trace_mask | |
1969 | +0801bd50 g F .text 0000002a FLASH_GetBank1Status | |
1970 | +08026cd0 g F .text 00000002 wpas_notify_auth_changed | |
1971 | +08014980 g F .text 000000b8 ap_sta_disconnect | |
1972 | +0801cd20 g F .text 00000014 USART_DMACmd | |
1973 | +0800c560 g F .text 0000000c wifi_ps_unlock | |
1974 | +0800fbe0 g F .text 00000044 wpa_assoc_event | |
1975 | +0802c280 g F .text 000000a2 wps_ie_encapsulate | |
1976 | +0800db00 g F .text 0000000c libwismart_set_trace_mask | |
1985 | 1977 | 08006940 w F .text 00000010 Vector128 |
1986 | -08021510 g F .text 00000048 wpa_bss_get_ie | |
1987 | -0800dc50 g F .text 00000040 CheckRoamEvent | |
1988 | -08028360 g F .text 00000048 wpa_scan_get_ie | |
1989 | -080166b0 g F .text 00000194 eapol_auth_alloc | |
1978 | +08021310 g F .text 00000048 wpa_bss_get_ie | |
1979 | +0800dac0 g F .text 00000040 CheckRoamEvent | |
1980 | +08028160 g F .text 00000048 wpa_scan_get_ie | |
1981 | +080164f0 g F .text 00000194 eapol_auth_alloc | |
1990 | 1982 | 2000110a g O .data 00000002 trace_mask |
1991 | -08029bf0 g F .text 0000007a sha1_vector | |
1992 | -20002330 g O .bss 00000004 RoamTimer | |
1993 | -20002970 g O .bss 00000004 rate_table_len | |
1983 | +080299f0 g F .text 0000007a sha1_vector | |
1984 | +20002328 g O .bss 00000004 RoamTimer | |
1985 | +20002968 g O .bss 00000004 rate_table_len | |
1994 | 1986 | 08006940 w F .text 00000010 VectorA4 |
1995 | -080128c0 g F .text 0000001e wpas_wps_searching | |
1996 | -08026f90 g F .text 00000002 wpas_notify_bss_mode_changed | |
1997 | -0800feb0 g F .text 00000006 os_gmtime | |
1998 | -0800e1c0 g F .text 00000040 libwismart_TimerReset | |
1999 | -08008d30 g F .text 0000000c libwismart_LwIP_unlock | |
2000 | -08034200 g O .text 00000006 ethzero | |
2001 | -0801e960 g F .text 00000002 stats_init | |
2002 | -0801c300 g F .text 0000000a PWR_PVDCmd | |
1987 | +08012700 g F .text 0000001e wpas_wps_searching | |
1988 | +08026d90 g F .text 00000002 wpas_notify_bss_mode_changed | |
1989 | +0800fcf0 g F .text 00000006 os_gmtime | |
1990 | +0800e000 g F .text 00000040 libwismart_TimerReset | |
1991 | +08008ba0 g F .text 0000000c libwismart_LwIP_unlock | |
1992 | +08033f70 g O .text 00000006 ethzero | |
1993 | +0801e760 g F .text 00000002 stats_init | |
1994 | +0801c100 g F .text 0000000a PWR_PVDCmd | |
2003 | 1995 | 08007600 g F .text 00000050 chHeapMaxMinFraq |
2004 | -0801c4d0 g F .text 00000014 RCC_HCLKConfig | |
2005 | -08008690 g F .text 00000026 Transport_IRQHandler | |
2006 | -0800fc00 g F .text 0000004a hwaddr_aton | |
2007 | -08013e20 g F .text 0000003e hostapd_register_probereq_cb | |
2008 | -080112f0 g F .text 000000a4 wps_is_addr_authorized | |
2009 | -0800d650 g F .text 00000034 wifi_scan_remove_current | |
1996 | +0801c2d0 g F .text 00000014 RCC_HCLKConfig | |
1997 | +08008500 g F .text 00000026 Transport_IRQHandler | |
1998 | +0800fa40 g F .text 0000004a hwaddr_aton | |
1999 | +08013c60 g F .text 0000003e hostapd_register_probereq_cb | |
2000 | +08011130 g F .text 000000a4 wps_is_addr_authorized | |
2001 | +0800d4c0 g F .text 00000034 wifi_scan_remove_current | |
2010 | 2002 | 08006940 w F .text 00000010 Vector20 |
2011 | 2003 | 08000be0 g F .text 00000010 raise |
2012 | -0801b790 g F .text 00000046 pmksa_cache_to_eapol_data | |
2013 | -080169e0 g F .text 0000003c eapol_auth_deinit | |
2014 | -0800e120 g F .text 00000030 libwismart_ElapsedTime | |
2004 | +0801b5d0 g F .text 00000046 pmksa_cache_to_eapol_data | |
2005 | +08016820 g F .text 0000003c eapol_auth_deinit | |
2006 | +0800df60 g F .text 00000030 libwismart_ElapsedTime | |
2015 | 2007 | 08004140 g F .text 00000002 __sinit_lock_acquire |
2016 | 2008 | 080047c4 g F .text 00000096 __multadd |
2017 | 2009 | 08007030 g F .text 0000003c chSemWaitTimeoutS |
2018 | 2010 | 080047b0 g F .text 00000012 _Bfree |
2019 | -08026f50 g F .text 00000002 wpas_notify_bss_removed | |
2020 | -0801cf80 g F .text 00000054 tcpip_callback_with_block | |
2021 | -0801c870 g F .text 00000026 SDIO_DeInit | |
2022 | -0802df70 g F .text 00000004 aes_encrypt | |
2023 | -08012730 g F .text 0000008e wpas_wps_ssid_wildcard_ok | |
2011 | +08026d50 g F .text 00000002 wpas_notify_bss_removed | |
2012 | +0801cd80 g F .text 00000054 tcpip_callback_with_block | |
2013 | +0801c670 g F .text 00000026 SDIO_DeInit | |
2014 | +0802dd70 g F .text 00000004 aes_encrypt | |
2015 | +08012570 g F .text 0000008e wpas_wps_ssid_wildcard_ok | |
2024 | 2016 | |
2025 | 2017 | |
... | ... |
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