EMConnectionListManager.h 2.7 KB
#import "EMConnectionType.h"
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

 * kEMConnectionManagerDidStartUpdating is the name of a notification that is posted when the list manager begins updating, or scanning, for available devices

extern NSString * const kEMConnectionManagerDidStartUpdating;

 * kEMConnectionManagerDidStopUpdating is the name of a notification that is posted when the list manager stops updating, or scanning, for available devices

extern NSString * const kEMConnectionManagerDidStopUpdating;

 * EMConnectionListManager is a singleton class used for viewing a list of devices available for interaction.
@interface EMConnectionListManager : NSObject <EMConnectionTypeScannerDelegate>

 * @property devices
 * A list of devices that has been discovered as available by the connection list manager
@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSArray *devices;

 * @property filterPredicate
 * A filter that allows only devices conforming to the predicate to be visible
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSPredicate *filterPredicate;

 * @property updating
 * A boolean value indicating whether or not the connection list manager is actively updating the devices list
@property (nonatomic, getter = isUpdating, readonly) BOOL updating;

 * @property updateRate
 * updateRate determines the scan frequency for discovering devices
@property (nonatomic) NSTimeInterval updateRate;

 * @param automaticallyConnectsToLastDevice
 * A boolean value indicating whether or not the connection list manager should automatically connect to the last device it was connected to if it encounters it in a scan.
@property (nonatomic) BOOL automaticallyConnectsToLastDevice;

 * Use the +sharedManager to get the singleton, shared instance of EMConnectionListManager
+(EMConnectionListManager *)sharedManager;

 * Retrieve a device description for a given unique identifier
 * @param name The name of the device

-(EMDeviceBasicDescription *)deviceBasicDescriptionForDeviceNamed:(NSString *)name;

 * Tells the connection list manager to begin actively looking for devices to interact with.

 * Tells the connection list manager to stop looking for devices to interact with.

 * Manually clears out all devices on the connection list manager.

 * Detect if Bluetooth is available

 * Add your own connection type outside of bluetooth low energy

 * Remove your own connection type outside of bluetooth low energy
