stm32_usb.h 7.86 KB
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 * @file    stm32_usb.h
 * @brief   STM32 USB registers layout header.
 * @note    This file requires definitions from the ST STM32 header files
 *          stm32f10x.h or stm32l1xx.h.
 * @addtogroup USB
 * @{

#ifndef _STM32_USB_H_
#define _STM32_USB_H_

 * @brief   Number of the available endpoints.
 * @details This value does not include the endpoint 0 which is always present.
#define USB_ENDOPOINTS_NUMBER           7

 * @brief   USB registers block.
typedef struct {
   * @brief   Endpoint registers.
  volatile uint32_t     EPR[USB_ENDOPOINTS_NUMBER + 1];
   * @brief   Reserved space.
  volatile uint32_t     _r20[8];
   * @brief   Control Register.
  volatile uint32_t     CNTR;
   * @brief   Interrupt Status Register.
  volatile uint32_t     ISTR;
   * @brief   Frame Number Register.
  volatile uint32_t     FNR;
   * @brief   Device Address Register.
  volatile uint32_t     DADDR;
   * @brief   Buffer Table Address.
  volatile uint32_t     BTABLE;
} stm32_usb_t;

 * @brief   USB descriptor registers block.
typedef struct {
   * @brief   TX buffer offset register.
  volatile uint32_t     TXADDR0;
   * @brief   TX counter register 0.
  volatile uint16_t     TXCOUNT0;
   * @brief   TX counter register 1.
  volatile uint16_t     TXCOUNT1;
   * @brief   RX buffer offset register.
  volatile uint32_t     RXADDR0;
   * @brief   RX counter register 0.
  volatile uint16_t     RXCOUNT0;
   * @brief   RX counter register 1.
  volatile uint16_t     RXCOUNT1;
} stm32_usb_descriptor_t;

 * @name    Register aliases
 * @{
#define RXADDR1         TXADDR0
#define TXADDR1         RXADDR0
/** @} */

 * @brief USB registers block numeric address.
#define STM32_USB_BASE          (APB1PERIPH_BASE + 0x5C00)

 * @brief USB RAM numeric address.
#define STM32_USBRAM_BASE       (APB1PERIPH_BASE + 0x6000)

 * @brief Pointer to the USB registers block.
#define STM32_USB               ((stm32_usb_t *)STM32_USB_BASE)

 * @brief   Pointer to the USB RAM.
#define STM32_USBRAM            ((uint32_t *)STM32_USBRAM_BASE)

 * @brief   Size of the dedicated packet memory.
#define USB_PMA_SIZE            512

 * @brief   Mask of all the toggling bits in the EPR register.
#define EPR_TOGGLE_MASK         (EPR_STAT_TX_MASK | EPR_DTOG_TX |           \
                                 EPR_STAT_RX_MASK | EPR_DTOG_RX |           \

#define EPR_EA_MASK             0x000F
#define EPR_STAT_TX_MASK        0x0030
#define EPR_STAT_TX_DIS         0x0000
#define EPR_STAT_TX_STALL       0x0010
#define EPR_STAT_TX_NAK         0x0020
#define EPR_STAT_TX_VALID       0x0030
#define EPR_DTOG_TX             0x0040
#define EPR_SWBUF_RX            EPR_DTOG_TX
#define EPR_CTR_TX              0x0080
#define EPR_EP_KIND             0x0100
#define EPR_EP_DBL_BUF          EPR_EP_KIND
#define EPR_EP_TYPE_MASK        0x0600
#define EPR_EP_TYPE_BULK        0x0000
#define EPR_EP_TYPE_CONTROL     0x0200
#define EPR_EP_TYPE_ISO         0x0400
#define EPR_EP_TYPE_INTERRUPT   0x0600
#define EPR_SETUP               0x0800
#define EPR_STAT_RX_MASK        0x3000
#define EPR_STAT_RX_DIS         0x0000
#define EPR_STAT_RX_STALL       0x1000
#define EPR_STAT_RX_NAK         0x2000
#define EPR_STAT_RX_VALID       0x3000
#define EPR_DTOG_RX             0x4000
#define EPR_SWBUF_TX            EPR_DTOG_RX
#define EPR_CTR_RX              0x8000

#define CNTR_FRES               0x0001
#define CNTR_PDWN               0x0002
#define CNTR_LP_MODE            0x0004
#define CNTR_FSUSP              0x0008
#define CNTR_RESUME             0x0010
#define CNTR_ESOFM              0x0100
#define CNTR_SOFM               0x0200
#define CNTR_RESETM             0x0400
#define CNTR_SUSPM              0x0800
#define CNTR_WKUPM              0x1000
#define CNTR_ERRM               0x2000
#define CNTR_PMAOVRM            0x4000
#define CNTR_CTRM               0x8000

#define ISTR_EP_ID_MASK         0x000F
#define ISTR_DIR                0x0010
#define ISTR_ESOF               0x0100
#define ISTR_SOF                0x0200
#define ISTR_RESET              0x0400
#define ISTR_SUSP               0x0800
#define ISTR_WKUP               0x1000
#define ISTR_ERR                0x2000
#define ISTR_PMAOVR             0x4000
#define ISTR_CTR                0x8000

#define FNR_FN_MASK             0x07FF
#define FNR_LSOF                0x1800
#define FNR_LCK                 0x2000
#define FNR_RXDM                0x4000
#define FNR_RXDP                0x8000

#define DADDR_ADD_MASK          0x007F
#define DADDR_EF                0x0080

#define RXCOUNT_COUNT_MASK      0x03FF
#define TXCOUNT_COUNT_MASK      0x03FF

#define EPR_SET(ep, epr)                                                    \
  STM32_USB->EPR[ep] = (epr) & ~EPR_TOGGLE_MASK

#define EPR_TOGGLE(ep, epr)                                                 \
  STM32_USB->EPR[ep] = (STM32_USB->EPR[ep] ^ ((epr) & EPR_TOGGLE_MASK))

#define EPR_SET_STAT_RX(ep, epr)                                            \
  STM32_USB->EPR[ep] = (STM32_USB->EPR[ep] &                                \
                        ~(EPR_TOGGLE_MASK & ~EPR_STAT_RX_MASK)) ^           \

#define EPR_SET_STAT_TX(ep, epr)                                            \
  STM32_USB->EPR[ep] = (STM32_USB->EPR[ep] &                                \
                        ~(EPR_TOGGLE_MASK & ~EPR_STAT_TX_MASK)) ^           \

#define EPR_CLEAR_CTR_RX(ep)                                                \

#define EPR_CLEAR_CTR_TX(ep)                                                \

 * @brief   Returns an endpoint descriptor pointer.
#define USB_GET_DESCRIPTOR(ep)                                              \
  ((stm32_usb_descriptor_t *)((uint32_t)STM32_USBRAM_BASE +                 \
                              (uint32_t)STM32_USB->BTABLE * 2 +             \
                              (uint32_t)(ep) *                              \

 * @brief   Converts from a PMA address to a physical address.
#define USB_ADDR2PTR(addr)                                                  \
  ((uint32_t *)((addr) * 2 + STM32_USBRAM_BASE))

#endif /* _STM32_USB_H_ */

/** @} */