platform.dox 3.67 KB
    ChibiOS/RT - Copyright (C) 2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,
                 2011,2012 Giovanni Di Sirio.

    This file is part of ChibiOS/RT.

    ChibiOS/RT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    ChibiOS/RT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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    for full details of how and when the exception can be applied.

 * @defgroup STM8L_DRIVERS STM8L Drivers
 * @details This section describes all the supported drivers on the STM8L
 * and the implementation details of the single drivers.
 * @ingroup platforms

 * @defgroup STM8L_HAL STM8L Initialization Support
 * @details The STM8L HAL support is responsible for system initialization.
 * @section stm8l_hal_1 Supported HW resources
 * - CLK.
 * .
 * @section stm8l_hal_2 STM8L HAL driver implementation features
 * - Board related initializations.
 * - Clock tree initialization.
 * - Clock source selection.
 * .
 * @ingroup STM8L_DRIVERS

 * @defgroup STM8L_PAL STM8L PAL Support
 * @details The STM8L PAL driver uses the GPIO peripherals.
 * @section stm8l_pal_1 Supported HW resources
 * - GPIOA.
 * - GPIOB.
 * - GPIOC.
 * - GPIOD.
 * - GPIOE.
 * - GPIOF.
 * - GPIOG.
 * - GPIOH (where present).
 * - GPIOI (where present).
 * .
 * @section stm8l_pal_2 STM8L PAL driver implementation features
 * The PAL driver implementation fully supports the following hardware
 * capabilities:
 * - 8 bits wide ports.
 * - Atomic set/reset/toggle functions because special STM8L instruction set.
 * - Output latched regardless of the pad setting.
 * - Direct read of input pads regardless of the pad setting.
 * .
 * @section stm8l_pal_3 Supported PAL setup modes
 * The STM8L PAL driver supports the following I/O modes:
 * .
 * Any attempt to setup an invalid mode is ignored.
 * @section stm8l_pal_4 Suboptimal behavior
 * The STM8L GPIO is less than optimal in several areas, the limitations
 * should be taken in account while using the PAL driver:
 * - Bus/group writing is not atomic.
 * - Pad/group mode setup is not atomic.
 * .
 * @ingroup STM8L_DRIVERS

 * @defgroup STM8L_SERIAL STM8L Serial Support
 * @details The STM8L Serial driver uses the USART1 peripheral in a
 *          buffered, interrupt driven, implementation.
 * @section stm8l_serial_1 Supported HW resources
 * The serial driver can support any of the following hardware resources:
 * - USART1.
 * - USART2 (where present).
 * - USART3 (where present).
 * .
 * @section stm8l_serial_2 STM8L Serial driver implementation features
 * - Clock stop for reduced power usage when the driver is in stop state.
 * - Fully interrupt driven.
 * .
 * @ingroup STM8L_DRIVERS