% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/ISOSurvey_Parser.R \name{ParseExcelFileRaw} \alias{ParseExcelFileRaw} \title{Get data frame from an excel file} \usage{ ParseExcelFileRaw(file, sheet) } \arguments{ \item{file}{path to excel file} \item{sheet}{index of sheet to parse} } \value{ data.frame } \description{ Check if the file exists and then parse it into a data.frame } \examples{ Cert_PerCountry <- ParseExcelFileRaw("./data/ISO/iso_27001_iso_survey2015_preprocessed.xlsx", 1) Sites_PerCountry <- ParseExcelFileRaw("./data/ISO/iso_27001_iso_survey2015_preprocessed.xlsx", 2) Cert_PerSector <- ParseExcelFileRaw("./data/ISO/iso_27001_iso_survey2015_preprocessed.xlsx", 3) }