#------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #-----------------------------Parser Excel - ISO survey------------------------------------------------ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #-----------------------------Library tests / install-------------------------------------------------- #' Install and load required libraries #' #' This function checks if every required library is installed to be loaded, if not they will be installed and then loaded. #' Libraries installed: #' xlsx to parse excel files like ISO survey source format LoadParserLibraries <- function(){ if (!require("xlsx")) { install.packages("xlsx") if (!require("xlsx")) stop("Error while loading package [xlsx]") } } #-----------------------------Read from file----------------------------------------------------------- #' Get data frame from an excel file #' #' Check if the file exists and then parse it into a data.frame #' @param file path to excel file #' @param sheet index of sheet to parse #' #' @return data.frame ParseExcelFileRaw <- function(file, sheet){ if (!file.exists(file)) { stop(paste("Error, file [", file, "] not found")) } dataset <- read.xlsx2(file, sheet, header = TRUE) dataset } #' Process raw data from ISO survey #' #' ... #' @param dataset.raw raw data from ISO Survey excel file #' #' @return data.frame ProccesISOSurveyRaw <- function(dataset.raw){ #Complete } #ISO_survey_certificates_countries <- read.xlsx2(paste(getwd(), "/Data/ISO/iso_27001_iso_survey2015_preprocessed.xlsx", sep = ""), 1) #ISO_survey_sites_countries <- read.xlsx2(paste(getwd(), "/Data/ISO/iso_27001_iso_survey2015_preprocessed.xlsx", sep = ""), 2) #ISO_survey_certificates_sector <- read.xlsx2(paste(getwd(), "/Data/ISO/iso_27001_iso_survey2015_preprocessed.xlsx", sep = ""), 3)