% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/ISOSurvey_Parser.R \name{ProccesISOSurveyByCountryRaw} \alias{ProccesISOSurveyByCountryRaw} \title{Process raw data from ISO survey} \usage{ ProccesISOSurveyByCountryRaw(dataset.raw, years) } \arguments{ \item{dataset.raw}{raw data from ISO Survey excel file} \item{years}{List of years to return, c("X2006", "X2010", ...)} } \value{ data.frame } \description{ Proccess the raw data from ISO survey to replace NAs, normalizate country names and filter years } \examples{ Cert_PerCountry <- ProccesISOSurveyRaw(Cert_PerCountry, c("X2010", "X2011", "X2012", "X2013", "X2014", "X2015")) Sites_PerCountry <- ProccesISOSurveyRaw(Sites_PerCountry, c("X2010", "X2011", "X2012", "X2013", "X2014", "X2015")) Cert_PerSector <- ProccesISOSurveyRaw(Cert_PerSector, c("X2010", "X2011", "X2012", "X2013", "X2014", "X2015")) }